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RMI’s Guide Staff

RMI’s Guide Staff

The Mountain Guides at Rainier Mountaineering, Inc. are among the best in the United States. Years of expedition guiding around the world, including some of America's first ventures into the far reaches of the Himalayas, have built a guide core that is unsurpassed. Mount Rainier has long been considered the premier training ground for Alaskan and Himalayan expeditions, and the guides who have built their reputation here, as well as the reputation of RMI, reflect that history.

Renowned for their leadership and character, our guides are celebrated teachers and trainers. They possess a rare blend of compassion, enthusiasm, and the capacity to empower others to obtain new heights. These are qualities that can only be found in those at the pinnacle of their profession.

RMI Guides remember their own humble beginnings in the mountains and take immense satisfaction in assisting other climbers to reach their goals.

Each guide is held to the highest mountain guide training standards, including:

The Guides

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