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Ben Luedtke

Born and raised in Freedom, WI, Ben grew up in the outdoors fishing, hunting, camping, kayaking, hiking, and backpacking.  After completing college at UW-Madison with a BS in Landscape Architecture and a BS in Soils Science, he travelled and worked in California, Arizona, South Dakota, and Texas.  Before long, he discovered that climbing and mountaineering was his true calling.  Ben now travels and guides throughout the west coast, in Alaska, and internationally, setting up home wherever he decides to park his travel trailer for the season. Ben continues to develop and hone his skills with the goal to one day complete his full IFMGA certification.  Always seeking adventure, Ben strives to be the best mountain guide he can be by making new connections, helping people obtain their goals, teaching others the skills he has learned, and sharing his love for the mountains. 
Ben can always be found climbing new routes, trail running, rock climbing, ice climbing, snowboarding, or hiking and backpacking with friends. Whenever he is not climbing, his dog Echo is his companion.  Echo likes long adventures out in the snow and string cheese (if you have any).  Outside of spending time in the mountains, Ben enjoys playing the drums, going golfing, dancing, going on road trips, and meeting new people.  

Climbing Resumé


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June 9,2025

Mt. McKinley - West Buttress Expedition

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