Robert Whyte

Robert Whyte grew up in Bronxville, New York and connected with his passion for the outdoors skiing around Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. After high school Robert moved to Salt Lake City, Utah for the access to the Wasatch Range; here he ski patrolled by day and completed his degree by night. As a seasonal worker the previous six years, Robert has taken advantage of shoulder seasons and lead a myriad of trips running, climbing, skiing, and canyoneering throughout the Western United States.
Climbing Resumé
- Mt. Rainier, Washington (14,410')
- Multiple Ski Descents in Utah, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Vermont, and Montana.
- Rock Climbing and Canyoneering in Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, and New York.
- Favorite climbs include: Mt. Timpanogas, UT, Mt Olympus, UT, Mt Adams, WA, Denali, AK, and Grand Teton, WA.
- Emergency Medicine Technician
- American Avalanche Institution Level 1
- Outdoor Emergency Care Program
- Leave No Trace Level 2 Instructor