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Dustin Wittmier

Dustin grew up in the Cascade foothills, just north of Mount Rainier in Issaquah, Washington. As a child he was always attracted to the outdoors. Many favorite childhood memories revolved around playing in the dark forests of Western Washington. Nature was always important to Dustin, but in 2012 he found a passion for mountain climbing, ruining any remaining chance he had at a well-rounded life. During the summer of 2015 he left his desk job in order to spend more time skiing and climbing. Since making that change, Dustin has lived in various cities throughout the United States, pursuing life as a full-time climber. Working for RMI has allowed him to travel the world guiding high mountains and provides the flexibility to spend the shoulder seasons chasing dry rocks to climb. While he loves spending winters in the desert, he yearns for the smell of the damp forest floor and is glad to return to the long summer nights back home in the Pacific Northwest.

Climbing Resumé


Upcoming Climbs for Dustin

May 29,2025

Mt. McKinley - West Buttress Expedition

July 8,2025

North Cascades Private Climb

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