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Women’s Expeditions

Women’s Expeditions

RMI's Women's Expeditions are climbs to some of our favorite climbing destinations that bring women together who share a sense of adventure and passion for the outdoors. These women's climbing trips, led by RMI’s accomplished female guides, teach the ropes of mountaineering and allow climber's to hone in their climbing skills. They create a supportive learning environment and give our climbers a chance to hear the stories and mountaineering techniques from a woman's perspective.

Our women's climbing expeditions follow the same routes and itineraries as our standard climbs. Take a look at our upcoming Women's Expeditions below and learn more about the climbs on the trip pages. Give us a call to reserve your spot on the team!

Mt. Rainier - Four Day Climb

Women's Expedition

The classic climb of Mt. Rainier: after learning the foundational mountaineering skills on the mountain's lower slopes, tackle Mt. Rainier on a two day climb to the summit on the mountain's most popular route.


$ 2400


4 days


Level 2
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