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Entries from Aconcagua

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Carry to High Camp

For some, it's a hard thing to understand, that which we do not have control over. Today our team did a carry/acclimatization day in relatively calm, however, freezing temperatures to High Camp at 19,600 feet. Everyone did well despite me not knowing who anyone was all bundled up. All I could see of Stephanie was her nose. The team is now safely back at Camp 2 and we just made an afternoon snack, which warmed everyone up! The weather is changing again as the clouds build and the winds are slowly picking up. Tomorrow is a rest day here at 18,000 feet. Regardless of the weather we are having fun and enjoying the alpine views at Camp 2 on Aconcagua. RMI Guides JJ and Christina

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Juane, Feliz Cumpleanos! Que mejor manera para celebrar que haciendo lo que te apasiona. Espero que las condiciones mejoren! Disfruta, espero verte pronto! Un beso.

Posted by: Maria Ester on 12/20/2015 at 4:12 pm

Hi All- tough call!  But it sounds like the right one for sure. Hope you had a great time tagging 19,600’ and a smooth downclimb to base camp. Pizza & beer… Yeah, things could be worse :-). Have a great hike out over the next couple of days and hope you get to enjoy some time in Mendoza. Best, Chris. PS. Juan- happy birthday!

Posted by: Chris Villar on 12/20/2015 at 11:10 am

Aconcagua:  Justman & Team Settling into Camp 2

First, congrats to Casey Grom and his team for making the summit of Chimborazo! As for our Aconcagua team, we made our move to Camp 2 at 18,000 feet. It was a tough day but the team did great! Tents are up, sleeping bags are laid out and the guides are busy making water. The wind was a little more kind to us today and we sure hope it will continue to get better. The forecast is calling for stronger winds and all we can do is hope for calm seas and continue to enjoy this beautiful mountain. Tomorrow we are hoping to do a carry day and an acclimatization day to Camp 3 at 19,600 feet...weather cooperating of course. Stay tuned! RMI Guides JJ Justman and Christina von Mertens

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Happy birthday to Juan. Hope you have better weather. Wish you and your team are enjoying your adventure. God Bless you all.


Posted by: Ana Maria Suris on 12/20/2015 at 5:29 am

A great big birthday shoutout to my big brother Juan. Keep having fun, we will toast to you with a little chateau Serralles.

Jorge, Noreen, and kids

Posted by: Jorge suris on 12/19/2015 at 4:22 pm

Aconcagua:  Justman & Team Experience a Blustery Night at Camp 1

We are all ready to head uphill but Aconcagua has other plans for us. Last night freight trains of wind rolled down the mountain rattling our world. This morning there was no sign of the winds letting up so we decided to take another rest day here. This has proved to be a wise decision because moving to a higher camp with these cold temperatures and high winds would not be a safe and productive plan. We are all hunkering down with hot tea and good books for today with hopes of a good move tomorrow. Spending time here is making us all stronger and more acclimatized for our summit bid in a few days. The team is doing well with the variables here on the side of the mountain. Everyone is healthy and happy and sends hellos to all back home. RMI Guides Christina von Mertens and JJ Justman

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Steady as she goes, team! Being well rested and acclimatized will, I feel sure, add to the strength of your summit bid when the time comes. Larry and I are following along, and sending all of you our best. We lived near the ice fall here for a few days, with tons of ice-blocky snow stuck on our metal roof. It warmed up yesterday and crash boom bah, it all came down with no damage. (the dogs were tired of being kept inside out of harm’s way!)

Blythe n Larry

Posted by: Blythe Lasley on 12/18/2015 at 11:41 am

Hey Doug - enjoying following your adventure.  I’ve made a sacrifice to the weather gods for you and the group, hopefully it will pay off.  Enjoy and best of luck.  Push on - very jealous!
Kevin from Nova Scotia.

Posted by: Kevin Walsh on 12/18/2015 at 4:41 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Rest at Camp 1

Hello from 16,400 feet on blustery Aconcagua. After a successful carry to Camp 2 yesterday we all took a well deserved rest day today. We slept in, which proved difficult to do because of the winds trying to huff and puff and blow down our houses. Then after hot drinks we took a small walk to a beautiful spot overlooking the valley. There we got the blood flowing by doing some high altitude yoga. Now we're back to the tents for an afternoon nap to prepare for a big move day tomorrow. Everyone says hi and is doing well. RMI Guides Christina von Mertens and JJ Justman

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Yoga! Awesome :-) keep up the good work team, special hugs to Juan.

Juan, we miss you very much and as always, we are so proud of you! Enjoy this wonderful adventure!

Lilly & the Suris clan

Posted by: Lilly Suris on 12/16/2015 at 8:50 pm

I totally support the yoga practice on the mountain!!! Hopefully you’re all giving some love and gratitude to the bodies that got you 16,400 ft up a mountain! Take care and rest well!
Namaste :)

Posted by: Karina on 12/16/2015 at 4:23 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Carry to Camp 2

Team Aconcagua is getting down to business! This morning we awoke to windy but clear skies. After we loaded up on coffee and waffles we threw the backpacks on and climbed uphill. The team did a fantastic job reaching Camp 2 at 18,000 feet. We emptied our packs into a duffle bag and zipped it shut. Our second cache of gear is done and the team is now even more acclimatized. We are now back at Camp 1 and we just finished a round of hot soup. The guides are busy melting snow for water. Needless to say, the team is tired. Tonight is pizza night so I need to start making the dough. RMI Guides JJ Justman and Christina von Mertens

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Christina wish I would be there with you on your climbing squad!  Have a great time!

Posted by: Meredith on 12/15/2015 at 9:27 pm

Good job and good luck to the whole team!  Way to go, John McFarlane!  Keeping the drinks in your cup?

Posted by: Chris Colleran on 12/15/2015 at 7:20 pm

Aconcagua:  Justman & Team Move to Camp 1

Hey everyone. This is JJ and Christina with team one on Aconcagua. We are up at Camp One. We settled into camp at 16,400 feet. It was a windy day. We're putting on the wind burn cream as we speak. The team did a phenomenal job. It was a tough day to get up here, probably had about 30 mile-per-hour winds, but we did a great job getting tents up. Right now we have the stoves going. We're melting snow because there's no running water here, which there usually is. So we are melting snow for water and getting some hot drinks going and recovery at 16,400 feet. Everyone says hi to family and friends. We're doing great, but we're going to go for now and get busy on hots and dinner. Thanks for following along. Stay tuned. Tomorrow if the weather is decent, we are hoping to do a carry to 18,000 feet, Camp Two. Take care. Ciao from Aconcagua. RMI Guide JJ Justman

RMI Guide JJ Justman calls from Camp 1 Aconcagua.

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Yeah! Wishing you all continued success. This is a wonderful way to end 2015 and be ready for new challenges in 2016. A special good wish and high-five to our nephew Chris. We are sooo proud of you! Prayers for you and the team…and a bit of the Christmas Cheer to warm you up.  Say “Hi” to Santa! Love, Aunt Cindi and Uncle Roy

Posted by: Cindi Burrell on 12/15/2015 at 5:30 am

Great job on the move, in those conditions. The views only get better from here on. This is JJ’s mountain, and sounds as if you have a very strong team. Special shout out to Chris and John, and wishing only the best for all of you!

Posted by: Peter rogers on 12/15/2015 at 2:37 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Beat the Precip on Carry to Camp 1

A tough day today and our group truly shone. We woke up early and had a quick breakfast of oatmeal and cold cereal then threw on some heavy packs and headed to Camp 1. Our goal today was to bring up food and fuel to Camp 1 then descend back to basecamp for the last night in luxury. Our carry today took us up to 16,400 feet in quite strong winds that made the climb very challenging. Everyone performed well and we walked into Camp 1 as a strong cohesive team walking together. As soon as we left our cache of gear we flew down the mountain as light as if we were on the moon. Timing was perfect because behind us rolled in some light precip and clouds. Back at basecamp we all celebrated our well-timed carry with snacks and tea. Tomorrow our plan is to move up to Camp 1 and be in great position to learn lots from Aconcagua. The team says hi to everyone back home and keep the words of support coming. We've been reading them aloud in the evenings! RMI Guides Christina von Mertens and JJ Justman
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Your good timing on that carry is something to be thankful for! Here in the Cascade Mountains, at 4500 feet we have 2 full feet of fresh snow. So beautiful. Dogs diving and surfacing like dolphins to get through the powder. Back to you, intrepid team that you are, we wish you a smooth “moving house” day up to Camp 1. Onward!!

Blythe and Larry

Posted by: Blythe Lasley on 12/14/2015 at 2:37 pm

Sending you Love from Colorado! GO TEAM!!!

Posted by: Megan O'Meara on 12/13/2015 at 9:48 pm

Aconcagua: Justman and Team Acclimate at Base Camp

Hello from base camp! It's Team Aconcagua reporting for blogging! Last night the winds were howling here at base. We woke up and the winds were still gusting and we had several snow squalls blowing through camp. It was a fairly easy decision for the team. We decided not to do our carry to camp one at 16200 feet. Sure, you betcha, the team could have grit their teeth and made it to camp one. However, we are not in a hurry. We were planning on a second rest day at base camp anyways. Instead of sitting around though, we donned light packs and did an acclimatization hike to just above 15000 feet. The entire team is doing great! And despite the adversity we are all in good spirits. It's now noon so Christina and I are cooking up some fresh veggies to go into our Plaza Argentina Potato Surprise. Thanks for checking in with us and keep you fingers crossed for nicer weather. We are hoping to carry food and gear to camp one tomorrow and then return for a last night in base camp. Go Packers!!! RMI Guides JJ Justman and Christina Von Mertens
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Wishing you all a safe climb. Love hearing how it is going.
Chris, looking forward to seeing your great photos!

Posted by: Sally Schuler on 12/14/2015 at 12:23 pm

Glad to hear you’re all doing well!  Sounds really cold up there, but I know you guys all dig that!  Sending a shout out of “hello” to my pal Chris Villar.  And hoping that you guys are all having a blast!

Posted by: Aaron Shumaker on 12/13/2015 at 12:15 pm

Aconcagua:  Justman & Team Prepare for Carry to Camp 1

Showers, movies, pate, and packing for the upper mountain. Today we are resting and organizing at Plaza de Argentina, the basecamp for Aconcagua. Everyone is feeling great indicated by full nights of sleep and healthy appetites. The basecamp amenities have surprised us all in excellent food and comfortable accessories. The mules headed back to the barn yesterday leaving us with much heavier loads of food, fuel, and warm layers to heave up this mountain. Everyone agrees that on this beautiful warm sunny day at 14,000 feet the best part is the company. We have a tremendous group of climbers who are all acclimatizing well and ready for a carry of gear tomorrow to Camp 1. Hello to all! RMI Guide Christina von Mertens
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Here in Oregon snow is falling and we are thinking of you! Climb well and high.

Blythe n Larry

Posted by: Blythe Lasley on 12/12/2015 at 11:49 am

So glad everyone is feeling and doing well.  Good luck to Camp 1…..

Posted by: Dudley Macfarlane on 12/11/2015 at 8:08 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Arrive Base Camp

Hello - Our team has officially arrived at Aconcagua Base Camp, Plaza Argentina at 14,000 feet. It was a beautiful day trekking today. Actually, it was our nicest day so far as we lathered up in sunscreen. Everyone is doing well. Base Camp is quiet. It almost feels like we are the only ones here. Gotta love that! We have set up personal tents and we are now being spoiled with delicious snacks from our Base Camp staff. Everyone deserves a break so stay tuned to find out what we are up to tomorrow here at Plaza Argentina! RMI Guides JJ Justman and Christina von Mertens

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Good news - rest and recover for the big work ahead. Glad to hear the group is doing well.

Posted by: Peter Rogers on 12/10/2015 at 8:30 pm

Thanks for info from the Base Camp.Happy to know that you had a great day.
Wish you all the best!
Huge hug to our son,Tibor!

Katie Kelemen from California

Posted by: Katie Kelemen on 12/10/2015 at 3:15 pm

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