Aconcagua: Justman & Team Carry to Camp 2
Posted by: Christina Dale, JJ Justman
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Aconcagua
Elevation: 16,200'

Team Aconcagua is getting down to business! This morning we awoke to windy but clear skies. After we loaded up on coffee and waffles we threw the backpacks on and climbed uphill. The team did a fantastic job reaching Camp 2 at 18,000 feet. We emptied our packs into a duffle bag and zipped it shut. Our second cache of gear is done and the team is now even more acclimatized.
We are now back at Camp 1 and we just finished a round of hot soup. The guides are busy melting snow for water. Needless to say, the team is tired. Tonight is pizza night so I need to start making the dough.
RMI Guides JJ Justman and Christina von Mertens
Comments (7)
Christina wish I would be there with you on your climbing squad! Have a great time!
Posted by: Meredith on
Good job and good luck to the whole team! Way to go, John McFarlane! Keeping the drinks in your cup?
Posted by: Chris Colleran on
Way to get it done! Chris, the whole FP team is behind you - well, below you is I guess a better description. And we are rooting for the success of the whole team. Good news on the clear weather. Make JJ do his special dance for a good summit day!
Posted by: Peter Rogers on
That mountain photo looks gnarly. I’m so proud of you guys for getting thus far.
Thank you JJ and Christina for being amazing guides, keeping family and friends updated, and being chefs as well.
Ava sends nose kisses to her “Daddy” Apa Tibor. Love you honey. Just a few more days to the top. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Tam on
Wow I’m so impressed with you guys! Take care and stay well in those high altitudes! Thanks JJ and Christina for keeping us updated I love that I get to hear what your days are like.
(Sending Ongun my hugs!!)
Posted by: Karina on
Good job! Glad that everyone is doing well, tired but well.
Thanks to JJ for leading the team so carefully, up above the clouds. Special hug to my son Tibor! ( I want to see your beard, I am sure that you have one)
Posted by: Katie Kelemen on
You are a cyborg, Steph!!! In awe back here.
I got a message from Anita asking me to pass on her support and well wishes.
Left Shark is keeping your place for you, until you get back. Don’t rush, savour every minute of your amazing adventure.
Good job, teammates!!!
Posted by: Fred on