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Aconcagua:  Justman & Team Move to Camp 1

Hey everyone. This is JJ and Christina with team one on Aconcagua. We are up at Camp One. We settled into camp at 16,400 feet. It was a windy day. We're putting on the wind burn cream as we speak. The team did a phenomenal job. It was a tough day to get up here, probably had about 30 mile-per-hour winds, but we did a great job getting tents up. Right now we have the stoves going. We're melting snow because there's no running water here, which there usually is. So we are melting snow for water and getting some hot drinks going and recovery at 16,400 feet. Everyone says hi to family and friends. We're doing great, but we're going to go for now and get busy on hots and dinner. Thanks for following along. Stay tuned. Tomorrow if the weather is decent, we are hoping to do a carry to 18,000 feet, Camp Two. Take care. Ciao from Aconcagua. RMI Guide JJ Justman

RMI Guide JJ Justman calls from Camp 1 Aconcagua.

On The Map

Comments (12)

Yeah! Wishing you all continued success. This is a wonderful way to end 2015 and be ready for new challenges in 2016. A special good wish and high-five to our nephew Chris. We are sooo proud of you! Prayers for you and the team…and a bit of the Christmas Cheer to warm you up.  Say “Hi” to Santa! Love, Aunt Cindi and Uncle Roy

Posted by: Cindi Burrell on

Great job on the move, in those conditions. The views only get better from here on. This is JJ’s mountain, and sounds as if you have a very strong team. Special shout out to Chris and John, and wishing only the best for all of you!

Posted by: Peter rogers on

Sending love and good vibes from Whistler, BC!
Good luck on the climb to camp 2.
Fingers crossed for some better weather…

Posted by: Brian Macfarlane on

Dear Chris—We are so proud of you and the entire team…whatever you summit…you have all put your hearts into the endeavor…we are in awe of your spirits. Thinking of you….can’t wait to see you upon your return.—Love, Leslie, Dennis & Max

Posted by: Dennis Brush on

Wishing you all continued success on your climb. Special hugs to our nephew Chris. We are thinking of you and sending our love. Having some beers to cheer you on.  Climb on!

Posted by: nanci on

Hi everyone,
Sounds like you are doing well.  Good luck moving up to camp 2. Hope you are getting used to the altitude & the food. Just remember, there are great steaks & wine waiting for you when you get down.  May the weather cooperate keeping the summit in reach.  The best to everyone. Have fun!


Posted by: Bud Villar on

Sending my good thoughts for the teams ascent next to Camp 2.  Please send my warmest regards to my friend Chris Villar, and to you too, JJ.  Bet you will have some exceptional photographs. Xoxo

Posted by: Bonny Rogers on

Yeah! High-fives to the team. Hopefully everyone is still in great spirit and finding a way to stay warm.

PS. Tibor, I can’t believe you locked the Tesla on me!

Posted by: Tam on

so proud and inspired by you all.  Keep it going, Johnny Mac - WAHOOWA!

Posted by: VDH on

Hi guys!

Congrats I’m glad to hear you made it to Camp one! It sounds like the weather is pretty rough over there. I hope tonight you can take it easy, warm up and rest after what sounds like a tiring day. I’m so proud of you guys, just stay safe please :)

(Sending a really big hug to Ongun up there!!)
From Karina

Posted by: karina on

Way to go guys. Sounds like you are doing great. Big shout out to my man Johnny Mac! we are pulling for you guys!

Dean from North Carolina, USA

Posted by: Dean Norman on

Yeeee! What a good team! I knew that you can do it.
It makes me smile that you are melting snow for water.When Tibor was child, i never let him and brother to eat snow/ice…..but they always did it.
Stay warm and thanks for posting

Katie Kelemen

Posted by: Katie Kelemen on

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