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Entries from Aconcagua

Aconcagua: King & Team Take Rest Day at Camp 2

Today our Aconcagua Team is taking a rest day at Camp 2, 18,000'. We had a cold night with light winds that blew the weather pattern of the last five days out of the area. Dark clouds and high winds plague the summit. We'll focus on eating, rest and hydration. Our plan will be to move up to High Camp up the 12th, and make our summit attempt on the 13th. We are hoping the snow firms up and we get clear weather.

RMI Guide Mike King

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Hi Team:  I’m with you in spirit if not in body.  My very best for your summit attempt.  I’m willing those winds to lay down and the snow to sublimate away.  I’m toasting you and the mountain which I can see from the vineyards here in The Valle de Lujàn de Cuyo, raising glasses of Torontés, Malbec and Cabernet Franc to you all and your climb.  Salud!

Posted by: Lisa Fernandez on 1/11/2023 at 7:53 am

Hey Mike! Wishing you and your team all the best on your summit!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/11/2023 at 5:03 am

Aconcagua: King and Team Have Snowy Carry to High Camp

We made our carry to high camp at 19,600' today. The mornings continue to be clear, calm and provide spectacular views of the Central Andes. The afternoon blizzards with scorching heat and thunder snow continue as if set by a Swiss watchmaker.

We will rest tomorrow and see what the winds do. The consensus of longtime local guides is this amount of snow, lack of wind and heat is unique when compared to the last 15-20 years.

RMI Guide Mike King and Team

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Get some rest tomorrow. Hope the weather cooperates. Chloe says “Tell Daddy I love him”.

Posted by: Emily on 1/9/2023 at 1:38 pm

That is the strangest combination of weather that we’ve ever heard! Thunder snow?! Praying this isn’t met with lightening as well.

You picked the best time to be gone, weather is dreary (of course everything is dreary compared with what you are reporting!) and not enough snow to do much. Having to resort to trail walks and indoor track for exercise.

Alison, you’ll be happy to know we took the Christmas tree down yesterday. Never as exciting as decorating, but Dad was a champ on the first round of tree needles throughout the living room - he even got one jammed under a fingernail!

Continue to have a great trip! Sending our love! Momma & Dad XOXOXO

Posted by: Momma & Dad on 1/9/2023 at 11:47 am

Aconcagua: Team Smith - Introductions and Gear Sorting Begins!

And we are off! RMI's second team of the Aconcagua season has officially begun.

Everyone has arrived in Mendoza feeling well. It's been a busy couple days sorting gear, grocery shopping and locating duffels. We are ready to hit the dusty trail, but first we needed to do some introductions and toast a glass of wine to celebrate being a team with the same goal of having fun, learning something new, and hopefully standing on top of this tall, tall mountain.

No good night ends without something sweet, so the team enjoyed some yummy Gelato before sinking into their beds. Only one more night in a bed before we take to the sleeping pads and sleeping bags. Tomorrow, we hit the road to Uspallata where we will do more gear sorting for the mules and our journey to basecamp. A 3-day hike up the Vacas and the Relinchos valleys will bring us to basecamp where we will gear up for the upper mountain. For now, we rest our heads on our comfy bed enjoying the simple comforts.

Buenos Noches,

RMI Guides Hannah Smith, Ben Luedtke, Dan May, and Team 

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Aconcagua: King & Team Build Camp at 18,000ft

Today we moved camp to 18,000'. The clear mornings and snowstorms in the afternoon trend continues. We got a heat wave of calm air and lots of sun on new snow reflecting off the hillsides. Once through the Col we got some respite but it was not to last as the subtle breeze died as we built camp and the frying of skin began again. We are in tents with snow falling. Thanks for following along.

RMI Guide Mike King

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Keep up the good work and slather on that sunscreen. We all miss you and we love you.

Posted by: Emily on 1/8/2023 at 12:01 pm

Sounds like you’re making great progress! We’re so pleased for you!

The whole gang was here this am to walk the trails, not enough fresh snow to need snowshoes but still a good base.

All the dogs loved the trek thru the woods trails! Wander misses you, Alison, she can’t stick close enough to us, as I write she’s on my lap and in my face!

We’ve got sunshine for the first time in 10 days, hallelujah!

Keep up the great work, thanks for your updates! Love Momma and Dad XOXOXO

Posted by: Momma and Dad on 1/8/2023 at 11:33 am

Aconcagua: King & Team Take Rest Day at Camp 1

The team has been battling some weather on the Aconcagua as of late, but this morning we awoke to crisp, dry air and snowcapped views on our horizon. Today is a rest day after our hearty carry up to Camp 2 yesterday.  We will enjoy our coffee, well deserved naps, and lots of tent time to rest our bodies and minds for the move to Camp 2 tomorrow.

Wish us luck! 

RMI Guide Dominic Cifelli

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Enjoy the good weather, hope it stays that way.  Wishing everyone a safe and successful summit!  Can’t wait to hear all about the trip! Go Frogs!

The Broderick Family

Posted by: Nancy Broderick on 1/8/2023 at 5:36 am

Wonderful news about the weather break! We’re hoping it holds for you.

We finally had some snow and will be snowshoeing our home trails this morning. Going early so that Willa can have her nap on time, haha!

Ginger & Caleb spent the night and e we played Mexican Train. Had to make up a few rules, the directions were limited, haha!

Sending our love and prayers for the whole team’s good health and success! XOXOXO Momma and Dad

Posted by: Momma and Dad on 1/8/2023 at 2:28 am

Aconcagua: King & Team Carry to Camp 2 at 18,000ft

Today we carried food, fuel & a few personal items to Camp 2 at 18,000'.  Pardon the typo of elevation yesterday (we had it 17,000'). We had a clear morning to begin the day. Heavy snow began to fall with a light breeze while we were putting together our cache. The team got back to camp and is waiting for a break in the snow. This weather pattern is forecasted until the 9th when strong winds are expected for the 10th & 11th. We rest tomorrow and hope the storm abates.

RMI Guide Mike King

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Weather prayer

Posted by: Waltero on 1/7/2023 at 3:50 am

I bet goggles are adjusted the moment you open that tent flat. Remember Enos Mills’ story “Snow Blind”.

Posted by: Renate Fernandez on 1/6/2023 at 3:36 pm

Aconcagua: King & Team Move to Camp 1

We made good time to Camp 1 at 16,300'. There were some clouds that kept the temps comfortable. Heavy snowfall began as we setup camp. The team got their cached items and ducked into the tents for a little rest before dinner. Tomorrow we will continue our ascent of Aconcagua with a carry of food & fuel to Camp 2 at 17,000'.

Fingers crossed that the snow stops tonight and winds do not get too high. We'll check in tomorrow after our carry.

Thanks for following along.

RMI Guide Mike King

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The “carry” operation. And the tents: do the hikers set them up on arriving at camp? Are tents up there for the snowy summer season?  How are they warmed?
  What was served for dinner?
  At 17,000 altitude when do the first rays of sun reach the tents? Do other peaks block the rays?  Nobody gets ‘sunburnt in their beds’ as counselors warn campers in the Rockies (ask Lisa about that adage)

Posted by: Renate Fernandez on 1/5/2023 at 6:50 pm

Climbing on up the big hill. Go team, stay warm!

Posted by: Dee on 1/5/2023 at 2:49 pm

Aconcagua: King & Team Enjoy Another Rest Day At Basecamp

We got a nice wake up call from the park helicopter flying in cool and calm air. Sun hits the tents around 7:30. Our team was anxiously awaiting coffee & breakfast, which is a good sign that they are acclimating well, good appetites are what the guides want to see. 

Some took naps, showers and did crosswords. The Grajales team here at Plaza Argentina has been incredibly helpful and supportive. The blue skies with scattered clouds continue to dominate the horizon, new snow from earlier in the week is melting and the warm tents make for some excellent downtime. 

We will head out for a walk towards the base of Ibanez in the broad and flat drainage that once held a massive glacier. Tomorrow we’ll move to Camp 1 and begin our 8-10 days up high. Fingers crossed for clear skie when we want to move and snow when we have rest days. High camp has been dry so the possibility of carrying water to 19,600’ for 13 people weighs heavy on the guides….especially their lumbago, pun intended.

Thanks for following along.

RMI Guide Mike King

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So excited to have this blog to follow your journey Alex! Uncle and I read it every morning. Lifting you all up in prayer. Can’t wait to hear all about your adventure in February! Much Love!

Posted by: Kim Peltier on 1/5/2023 at 9:13 am

It sounds amazing and it must be incredibly beautiful.  Take it all in for the rest of us….
Thanks again for updates….

Posted by: Dee on 1/4/2023 at 3:39 pm

Aconcagua: King & Team Carry Gear to Camp 1

Today was our first real day of climbing and the first real test for the group. We carried loads from Basecamp up to Camp 1 at 16,400', an altitude record for some of the group. This day was used to help the group acclimatize and help split up the weight we carry up to our first camp. The weather was ideal, with beautiful clear skies and a light breeze. We made good time uphill and even more efficient on the downhill. We’ll spend the rest of the afternoon rehydrating and replenishing calories. 

Tomorrow is a rest day for the team and we are anticipating some unsettled weather over the next few days.

Thanks for following along.

RMI Guides Dom, Jack & Mike

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We’re excited to hear about your upcoming weather pattern and what that will mean with your schedule. Weather here is off, all we have is ice right now, can’t walk, snowshoe, or ski.

Good thing you’re remote right now, Alison, everyone is dropping like flies here. Matt caught some crud. A few days later Caleb came down with it (they overnighted with Dad at Grampie’s camp), and now Willa has it.

Pups are holding down your office like champs.

Grandad is being awarded on March 4th at the annual Welsh Society in Philadelphia for all of his work on their history and for the association, over the years!

Stay safe and well! Love, Momma & Dad XOXOXO

Posted by: Momma & Dad on 1/4/2023 at 5:49 am

anticipating next camp: How do llamas and their cousins ford glacial streams?  Or do mules do it for you?
    As ro “downhill”, explain please. Up and down each one of you, more than once?

Posted by: Renate Lellep Fernandez on 1/3/2023 at 8:30 pm

Aconcagua: King & Team Enjoy Rest Day at Plaza Argentina

Monday, January 2, 2023

Aside from the to be expected issues from sleepy at 14,000' feet for the first night of the trip we are all enjoying a rest day at Plaza Argentina

Lots of packing and sorting on the guides end and the climbers too. 

The meals continue to impress here at Grajales’ basecamp. The remainder of the day will have to team taking a short hike and enjoying the hours of sun on camp. Apologies for some of the delays in these, had a mistyped email address for yesterday’s post. Thanks for following along. 

RMI Guide Mike King

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Michael & Steven Roy…safe climbing!!

Posted by: Gerald Roy on 1/4/2023 at 5:22 am

Hi Ali! Great to see you in person, wow technology is amazing! Nearly better reception than at our home in Woodland!
Sounds like you’re really get up high into elevation, so glad the weather has been holding pretty well. I’m sure a bit of snow won’t bother you, you’ve got the gear.
Wander & Gracie play every day, well Wander plays, Gracie lies on the floor and lets her!
We still have the tree up. I’m going to try to hold out taking it down until you are home, it’ll be good to have help, but that’s a long way out and we may have nothing but branches without needles if I stick to this plan, haha.
Sending our love and cheers to everyone in your camp! XOXOXO Momma & Dad

Posted by: Momma & Dad on 1/3/2023 at 12:10 pm

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