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Aconcagua: King & Team Enjoy Another Rest Day At Basecamp

We got a nice wake up call from the park helicopter flying in cool and calm air. Sun hits the tents around 7:30. Our team was anxiously awaiting coffee & breakfast, which is a good sign that they are acclimating well, good appetites are what the guides want to see. 

Some took naps, showers and did crosswords. The Grajales team here at Plaza Argentina has been incredibly helpful and supportive. The blue skies with scattered clouds continue to dominate the horizon, new snow from earlier in the week is melting and the warm tents make for some excellent downtime. 

We will head out for a walk towards the base of Ibanez in the broad and flat drainage that once held a massive glacier. Tomorrow we’ll move to Camp 1 and begin our 8-10 days up high. Fingers crossed for clear skie when we want to move and snow when we have rest days. High camp has been dry so the possibility of carrying water to 19,600’ for 13 people weighs heavy on the guides….especially their lumbago, pun intended.

Thanks for following along.

RMI Guide Mike King

Comments (7)

So excited to have this blog to follow your journey Alex! Uncle and I read it every morning. Lifting you all up in prayer. Can’t wait to hear all about your adventure in February! Much Love!

Posted by: Kim Peltier on

It sounds amazing and it must be incredibly beautiful.  Take it all in for the rest of us….
Thanks again for updates….

Posted by: Dee on

Once a glacier, you say, scraped out the nearly level ground of the valley you’re camping in. Will weather allow you to look around for long scratch marks left by its ice and stone loaded weight? 
  Do take me a picture of them if slanting sunlight permits shadow marking millenials of time and weight passing through (as your so brief footprints cannot!)
  So pleased, am I, with Expeditions daily reports. Thank you.

Posted by: Renate Fernandez on

“Poley-poley” and stay positive….don’t worry about the weather and take it day by day and enjoy the journey….Stone Sentinel is a real beauty and so much better than the climb from the other side…“scree the scree” and hurdle the penitentes!!!! Keep the water warm up high!

Posted by: John Dahlem on

The girls and I send our love and support. (By the way -  Allison’s mom - I love reading your posts please keep them coming. :) )

Emily, Charlotte, Chloe and Moxie (and Tim and Caryl)

Posted by: Emily on

Loving all the updates!  Missing my son and always good to hear they are doing well and enjoying themselves

Posted by: Jenni on

Thanks for your updates! They are great for keeping us current from afar!

Alison brags about the accommodations and food, wishing I went on hiking trips like this!

XOXOXO Momma & Dad

Posted by: Momma & Dad on

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Aconcagua: King & Team Move to Camp 1

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