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Aconcagua: King & Team Carry Gear to Camp 1

Today was our first real day of climbing and the first real test for the group. We carried loads from Basecamp up to Camp 1 at 16,400', an altitude record for some of the group. This day was used to help the group acclimatize and help split up the weight we carry up to our first camp. The weather was ideal, with beautiful clear skies and a light breeze. We made good time uphill and even more efficient on the downhill. We’ll spend the rest of the afternoon rehydrating and replenishing calories. 

Tomorrow is a rest day for the team and we are anticipating some unsettled weather over the next few days.

Thanks for following along.

RMI Guides Dom, Jack & Mike

Comments (3)

We’re excited to hear about your upcoming weather pattern and what that will mean with your schedule. Weather here is off, all we have is ice right now, can’t walk, snowshoe, or ski.

Good thing you’re remote right now, Alison, everyone is dropping like flies here. Matt caught some crud. A few days later Caleb came down with it (they overnighted with Dad at Grampie’s camp), and now Willa has it.

Pups are holding down your office like champs.

Grandad is being awarded on March 4th at the annual Welsh Society in Philadelphia for all of his work on their history and for the association, over the years!

Stay safe and well! Love, Momma & Dad XOXOXO

Posted by: Momma & Dad on

anticipating next camp: How do llamas and their cousins ford glacial streams?  Or do mules do it for you?
    As ro “downhill”, explain please. Up and down each one of you, more than once?

Posted by: Renate Lellep Fernandez on

Fantastic. Keep up the good work team!

Posted by: Emily on

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