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Entries By robby young

Peru Seminar: Elias & Team At the Trailhead

The team is back at the trailhead in the village of Pashpa. The bus is waiting to shuttle us back to Huaraz as soon as the donkeys make it down from the Ishinca Valley Base Camp. Tomorrow I will send a final dispatch and some photos. RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos
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Way to go Lucy! We think you are amazing!  We are all so proud of you. We love you and cannot wait to hear all about your trip.

Posted by: Erle, Mom, Donald & John on 7/16/2014 at 1:22 pm

Yea, Kim!  hope it was a great experience - can’t wait to hear from you!  love, momma

Posted by: Jane lubow on 7/11/2014 at 4:14 pm

Peru Seminar: Elias & Team Summit Tocllaraju!

Hello this is the Peru climbing team. Elias speaking, Robby next to me, and the climbers are taking a break at 5,000 meters. We were supposed to have called from the summit, but heavy winds and trying to get down delayed the phone call. But we have finished our last rappel. It was a pretty interesting one- a free-hanging rappel over bergschrund. We are taking a break just to anticipate the remaining ground, which is a pretty easy travel to Camp 1, from where we will be picking up our gear and heading out to base camp. We are pretty excited about that, but we still have a couple hours to go on the glacier. We just wanted to let you know everything went well with the last of our climbs, the most challenging one, Tocllaraju, 6,023 meters. We rocked it; we are pretty tired but psyched. The route has been as challenging as any of the two guys that are here who have climbed it, have ever seen it. We are happy with the work done. We will let you know more when we can post tomorrow when we arrive in Huaraz, where we can post some pictures. Thank you for all of the support to all of you who have been following our blog. The next post will be from Huaraz tomorrow. That's it for now, 2 pm on Thursday. Tocllaraju! The Peru Seminar will be over soon. RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos

RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos calling in after Tocllaraju summit.

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WOW!!  Must have been a glorious feeling…
both at the top and coming down.
Stay safe, MOM(B)

Posted by: MOM-B on 7/11/2014 at 7:19 pm

Way to go, Underbiktor!

Posted by: The Franktown Blochers on 7/11/2014 at 6:29 pm

Peru Seminar: Elias & Team at Tocllaraju’s High Camp

Good afternoon, this is the climbing team in Peru. Elias calling here. We have made it to high camp on Tocllaraju and we are perched at 5,100m right on the edge of the glacier. A sense of accomplishment that everybody has right now. It's indescribable as we are in one of the most beautiful places that we have seen so far on this trip. We are surrounded by a huge cirque of 5,000 and 6,000-meter peaks. Tonight we are going to get ready to climb Tocllaraju, the last and most challenging objective of our seminar. Everybody is doing really well and we are having right now really good weather. Everything is on schedule and we will keep you posted tomorrow hopefully from the summit, sometime in the early morning. Right now it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon local time in Peru. We are brewing some water and cooking some dinner. That's pretty much it for now. We will hope to, like I said, call tomorrow from the summit and wrap up this amazing expedition. That's all for now. Good evening. RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos

Elias de Andres Martos calling from Tocllaraju's High Camp.

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Corell - it sounds beautiful ( and you are too - that should embarrass you if Elias reads these out loud!)

Thurston the Younger loved his first day at lacrosse camp.

Christian is still glowing over Germany’s win - and we are off to UVA today for orientation.

Good luck on the summit. And come home quickly - I am going through withdrawal and need a fix!

Posted by: Thurston on 7/10/2014 at 5:06 am

Peru Seminar: Elias & Team Summit Ishinca!

Hello, good morning. This is the Peru climbing team calling from the summit of Ishinca, 5,530 meters. It's 9:45 a.m. local time. I'm going to let you know how the crew is doing... [Team's happy cheers!] I hope that was a good enough sign. We had a heck of a climb this morning. The team crushed it. We are having a really good day. We've had some easy weather the last couple of days but this morning from sunrise to right now, nothing but blue skies. The views from up here are astonishing, and we'll let you know when you see the pictures. We will keep you posted of our schedule. Tomorrow we are going to take a rest day and we'll see what the next couple days bring us as we wrap up the program. We call you back and I hope everybody is doing well at home. That's it for now. RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos

Elias de Andres Martos calls in from the Inshinca summit!

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Awesome, Lucy and Corell!!! So excited for you and the rest of the team!!!
One more to go!
Can’t wait to hear about it all, and to see photos!

Corell- the boys are home from Philmont—Colman is filled with stories—not the least of which is waking up to a lightning-induced forest fire ~100 yds away across the creek. A nascent forest fire that their group actually alerted the nearby staff/ranger camp about, and the same fire that made the papers back here… YIKES! we are fortunate the group leader got up earlier than the others to make coffee—noticed the flames filling the trees just across the creek, then went to the tents with the sleeping boys and said, “Boys, we might have a bit of an emergency here…”  Colman said they had never packed up so fast!!!!

Thurston’s group was not on same trail, but apparently saw the flames…think both groups were diverted a bit. I think the fire was finally contained a week later…
But oh my!

Hoping your adventures are challenging—- but not so dangerous!!

Posted by: Dana Marie on 7/8/2014 at 8:53 pm

Great job, Lucy.  So good to hear everyone is climbing well and the weather is cooperating.  All is well in VA.  Love from all 5 of us.  C

Posted by: Carter on 7/8/2014 at 6:39 pm

Peru Seminar: Elias & Team Ready to Climb Ishinca

Hello everyone, this is Elias, Robby and the team in the Ishinca Valley. We are getting ready to go to bed as we are going to climb Ishinca tonight. It is 7:30 in the evening here. Today we spent the day doing some training at the glacier of the Ishinca Peak. We cached some gear up there and then tomorrow we should be having another awesome climbing day on this astonishing peak called Ishinca. Hopefully, we will get a signal from the summit and we will call from there in about half a day or so. Hope all is well back home and we'll keep you posted. RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos

RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos calls in from Ishinca Basecamp.

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Hey Victor…..Arnie says be safe and use protective eye wear and have your o2 ready.  Are they serving sautéed veal cheeks at your camps?

Gary, Linda and Arnie

Posted by: Gary Rostron on 7/8/2014 at 4:34 pm

Hey Kim!!! It’s just amazing what beauty you & the team get to view from your adventures climbing up there!!! Awesome strength, courage & a tremendous spirit!!  Us sea level-lovers have to make-do with pictures (which, of course, we can’t wait to see).  Summit on! Have fun!  Hugs & cheers, Trish

Posted by: Trish on 7/7/2014 at 2:56 pm

Peru Seminar: de Andres Martos and Team Summit Navado Urus

Friday, July 4, 2014 - 9:43 AM PT Hello from the summit of Nevado Urus at 5,497 meters! This is Elias and the crew, we are on top and enjoying the views of the Cordillera Blanca. We had a nice day and are enjoying our time up here. Everybody's doing well and we will be checking in tomorrow on our rest day. We are blown away by the lakes and the glaciers and the summit we are seeing. Are we guys? (team cheering). I don't know if you heard them but they were cheering. That's all for now, we'll be checking in later. Bye. RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos

RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos checks in from the summit of Nevado Urus.

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Hi Aunt Kim!!! Way to go on your first summit- yay!!!! I had the best time in Nashville while mommy and daddy were away… I am so independent now-  pretty soon I can start climbing mountains with you !!!!!
Lots of Love
Sophia & Crew
PS I taught daddy how to catch fireflies

Posted by: Sophia Rose on 7/5/2014 at 7:00 pm

Congrats on one of the summits.  Can’t wait to see photo of the view that is described.  Sasha and I are spending our days at the beach and jungle trail and thinking of you all in your fleece.  Hope the food on this Peru journey is as good as in September.

Posted by: Kathryn LeBey on 7/5/2014 at 10:09 am

Peru Seminar: de Andres Martos & Team arrive at Base Camp

Hello this is Elias, Robby & The Ishinca Valley team for the Peru Seminar, We are established at our Base Camp here in the Ishinca Valley at 14,400’. Everybody made it OK here to Base Camp. We had a nice day hiking through beautiful landscape that allowed us to see some our future objectives. Right now we are retiring to bed after great day of hard work. We will check in again soon!

Elias and The Peru Seminar Team checking in from the Ishinca Valley

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Hi Kim, Have a great 4th of July!!!...I just hiked the 2 ridges at Radnor Lake & missed having you,Lora & Michael with me. Sophia Rose loves seeing the deer in the yard. I am sending you a big hug! The updates & photos are excellent on the RMI web site. The mountains of Peru look amazing! Stay well & travel safe!!  Love,  Dad

Posted by: shel on 7/4/2014 at 8:05 am

Hey Kim!  Have a great 4th of July!  We are thinking of you - Sophia loves catching fireflies!  Love, momma

Posted by: Jane lubow on 7/4/2014 at 5:00 am

Peru Seminar: Team Heads for the Mountains

Good morning from Club Andino Hotel in Huaraz! Well, here we are, loading the bus and onto the trailhead. A 1 1/2 hour drive and a 4 to 5 hour hike await for us today. In our minds, the Ishinca Valley Base Camp. Everybody is doing well, the minor headaches from arriving to Huaraz (10,000ft) are gone, and excietment is palpable in everyone. We'll be checking again from our tents the next time. Best regards from Huaraz. RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos
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Peru Seminar - Elias & Team Enjoy Acclimating Hike and are Ready for Basecamp

Buenas tardes from Huaraz! What a day we had! We were greeted by a sunny morning in Huaraz, with excellent views of the Huascaran and Copa mountains right from our hotel. After breakfast, we headed without hesitation to the "Laguna Churup" trailhead for a morning stroll (which by the way, felt really good after two days of flying and riding a bus.) It was the perfect acclimatization hike, since we were taken from 0' to 10,000' by a bus, so exercising a bit at this elevation we found very beneficial. From the trailhead at 13,000' we hiked a good 2 1/2 hours towards this glacial lake at around 14,400' (oddly enough, similar height of Mount Rainier) and we all got a better chance to start getting to know each other a bit better. Governed by "Nevado Churup", a small but steep peak on the southern end of the Cordillera Blanca, the turquoise of its waters, inspired the better picture moments of the day. After a short snack, we began our descent to the trailhead. Once back in town, we run the logistics of buying some extra snack food, a couple gear items and final arrangements with our outfitter to hit the trail towards Ishinca Valley tomorrow at 8am sharp. Our next dispatch will be from Base Camp and from our satphone. Best regards to everyone back home! RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos
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82 degrees and 100% humidity at 5:45am today in Richmond.  Enjoy the cooler weather!!!!

Posted by: Carter on 7/3/2014 at 4:46 am

Looks like the start of a great adventure.  Super photos and a very fit and intrepid looking group.

Everyone here is anxiously awaiting word of your progress.

Posted by: Carter on 7/2/2014 at 7:14 pm

Peru Seminar: Team Arrives in Lima

Hola desde Huaraz! Greetings from the Peruvian Switzerland, where the team has just arrived!!! After everyone's flights made it timely around midnight yesterday in Lima, we all met for breakfast this morning. Shortly after a formal meeting and introductions of team members and the program, we all, filled with excitement, loaded the bus with climbing duffle bags and got on the road. We made it to our hotel "Club Andino" right on time for dinner and to meet our outfiter Peter and local guide Carlos, who will accompany us in our Ishinca Valley adventure. We're moving to a well deserved night of sleep as we speak... lots of miles in the last 48h for everyone! Tomorrow we have a short hike planned to "Laguna Churup" in the morning to start acclimatization and some logistic arrangements in the afternoon. We will be checking in again at the end of the day. Best regards from Peru, RMI Guides Elias de Andres Martos, Robby Young & Team
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