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Peru Seminar: de Andres Martos and Team Summit Navado Urus

Friday, July 4, 2014 - 9:43 AM PT Hello from the summit of Nevado Urus at 5,497 meters! This is Elias and the crew, we are on top and enjoying the views of the Cordillera Blanca. We had a nice day and are enjoying our time up here. Everybody's doing well and we will be checking in tomorrow on our rest day. We are blown away by the lakes and the glaciers and the summit we are seeing. Are we guys? (team cheering). I don't know if you heard them but they were cheering. That's all for now, we'll be checking in later. Bye. RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos

RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos checks in from the summit of Nevado Urus.

Comments (6)

Hi Aunt Kim!!! Way to go on your first summit- yay!!!! I had the best time in Nashville while mommy and daddy were away… I am so independent now-  pretty soon I can start climbing mountains with you !!!!!
Lots of Love
Sophia & Crew
PS I taught daddy how to catch fireflies

Posted by: Sophia Rose on

Congrats on one of the summits.  Can’t wait to see photo of the view that is described.  Sasha and I are spending our days at the beach and jungle trail and thinking of you all in your fleece.  Hope the food on this Peru journey is as good as in September.

Posted by: Kathryn LeBey on

Hey Mom - I miss you so much.  Loving the veggies Dad is feeding me.  1st of 3 summits -awesome job!!  Can’t wait until you are back home.  Beat Walker and Dad in glow in the dark beach bocce ball tonight,  Survived the hurricane, but Chloe was a little unhappy and panted all night long.  Happy 4th of July!  Go ‘merica!!!

Posted by: Chris on

Fantástico!! We - Felipe, Cristiano and Grande Thurston - all send our congratulations and love. We are at Fishing Bay watching World Cup and thinking of you. Happy Fourth of July!

Posted by: Thurston on

Awesome! And way to go, team!!! So excited for you all!

I tried to post the following just a while ago, but not sure it “took”, so will retry here—forgive me if it is redundantly posted..

Corell and Lucy!!
SO glad I can finally read these dispatches—- for some reason I have not been able to view them on any of my electronic devices until this am. I was beginning to wonder if you all were climbing incognito!!

And yes, I heartily second KTL’s comment on Lucy’s hair—it truly is a gift from (or perhaps FOR?) the mountain “gods”... The rest of us plebes just have to suffer, scrape back our hair into ponytails and braids, and remain in awe. That, and to not be so blinded by the Glory of the Hair that we overlook/ under-appreciate the incredible strength, stamina, and smiles you two possess in abundance!!

I am sure that you are missing Sasha’s candle—- you will just have to visualize and invoke it’s fragrance… Especially in that tent by the end of the week. Just sayin’.

It will be great fun to follow you through this next week! You will certainly learn a lot, and rack up a few mountain highs in the process!!! Just remember, Lucy, NO fractured ribs are permitted whilst ice climbing!!!

Take care of yourselves, enjoy the Fellowship of the Rope and the splendor and majesty of the Cordillera Blanca.
Take lots of photos, have fun, and know you are well-loved!

Dana Marie

Posted by: Dana Marie on

Hey Kim, Congrats to you & the entire RMI team on the summit…..Wow what a great way to celebrate the 4th of July! We took Sophia Rose to Cheekwood so she could see the amazing “bug” exhibit. She loved this adventure. Stay well & travel safe!  Love,  Dad

Posted by: shel on

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