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Entries By mike walter

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Move Gear to High Camp

Sunday, June 23, 2019 - 6:53 PM PT We woke early again this morning and the weather did not disappoint. Clear skies with a beautiful early morning alpenglow on Foraker and Hunter greeted us as we fired the stoves. We woke the team at 5am and we were on the move by 7am. Our goal: to get a cache of food and fuel up high on the West Buttress Ridge, ideally to high camp at 17,200'. The sun was still behind the West Rib of Denali and we climbed the approach slopes and most of the fixed ropes in the shade. The sun found us at around 16,000' and was a welcome companion for the rest of the day as the team climbed the aesthetic ridge from 16,200' to 17,200'. We made it to high camp in good form and dug a hole in the snow in which to leave our cache. After an hour and a half breathing the rare air of 17,200', we descended back to camp, the climb took us almost 5 1/2 hours and we descended in 2 1/2 hours. We'll enjoy a good night's rest tonight and then take a rest day tomorrow. That should put us in perfect position to take advantage of the next good weather window for a summit bid. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Thank you for the updates, glad to see you’re alive. Can’t wait to hear all about your trip, stay safe. Love you

Posted by: Courtney Urban on 6/24/2019 at 8:29 am

Go CK! You are an inspiration! Stay strong and be safe! Sending you good vibes! Can’t wait to hear all about it, so make sure you come back in one piece!

Posted by: Dove on 6/24/2019 at 6:33 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Take a Rest Day to Prepare for the Upper Mountain

Saturday, June 22, 2019 2:34 PM PT We're taking a planned rest day today to better acclimate and get strong for our forays on the upper mountain. The day began clear and we enjoyed a leisurely brunch as the sun warmed our cook tent. Now, in the afternoon, clouds have risen and there are a few snow flakes falling. Everyone has retreated to their tents for some rest, reading, and relaxation. We will review and practice the technical skills needed to ascend the fixed ropes, which run from ~15,200' - 16,000'. We plan to head up there tomorrow to take a cache of supplies up high before returning to our comfortable 14k Camp. We'll let you know how it goes. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Keep it up C-Bass.  The photos are keeping me cool since it’s 94 here in Florida

Posted by: Andrew Klock on 6/23/2019 at 11:41 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Back Carry to Gather Their Cache

Friday, June 21, 2019 3:09 PM PT After a relatively warm first night at our new 14K Camp, we leisurely got our gear together and descended back to retrieve our cache at Windy Corner. We had beautiful weather and returned back to camp with all of our supplies by 12:30. We took advantage of the good weather and headed out to The Edge of the World, a point outside of the 14K Camp with dramatic views thousands of feet down to the Kahiltna Glacier. The rest of the afternoon we are resting and buffing out our camp for a comfortable stay here. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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So proud of all of you! Keep up the great effort. Paul

Posted by: Paul Fields on 6/23/2019 at 12:04 am

Casey and team….very impressive. Keep safe!

Posted by: Paula on 6/22/2019 at 11:13 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Move to 14,200’ Camp

Thursday, June 20, 2019 - 6:54 PM PT We rose early again today with another beautiful morning to greet us. In the cold we packed up camp and headed up Motorcycle and Squirrel Hills, traversed the Polo Fields and climbed around Windy Corner. After 4 1/2 hours we arrived at our current camp at 14,200' in Genet Basin. It's been a warm and sunny afternoon here as we look down over the clouds and out to Mount Hunter and Foraker to the south. The afternoon was spent excavating and erecting camp. Tomorrow we will go back downhill to Windy Corner (13,600') to retrieve our cache. That will be a short mission, so we'll get the rest of the day to rest and home our skills for the upper mountain. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Good Luck, be safe!

Posted by: B Wright on 6/23/2019 at 4:50 pm

I just treed a squirrel dad and I’m being a good girl. Can’t wait for a good tummy rub!

Posted by: Lily klock on 6/21/2019 at 5:06 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Carry Supplies to Windy Corner

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 - 4:56 PM PT We got an early start today, leaving camp at 8:15 am headed up loaded with food and fuel to cache around Windy Corner. The weather was beautifully clear and calm and the temps were perfect for climbing. By 11:15 we were at our cache sight at ~13,600'. After digging a deep cache hole to protect our food from hungry ravens, we started off back downhill at 12:25. By 1:15 we were back at camp with plenty of time to rest and relax. The plan is to hit the sack pretty early tonight with the intention of moving our camp up to 14,200', colloquially known as Camp 4. We'll check back to let you know how it goes. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Way to go Casey and team.  So proud of all of you.

Posted by: Brian and janet on 6/20/2019 at 6:17 pm

Wow Casey…  we find it very interesting how you move your sleep equipment and your cache supplies on different days and move from site to site,

Posted by: Cheri Kenney on 6/20/2019 at 2:20 pm

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Rest Day at 11,200’

Tuesday, June 18, 2019 - 9:21 PM PT Our team enjoyed a rest day today, sleeping in and indulging in a cheesy breakfast scramble brunch. The day started out sunny and we were able to dry gear and charge electronics, but by the afternoon it was snowing lightly. Tomorrow we plan to carry a cache of food and fuel to ~13,600' around Windy Corner and then return to our current camp. That's the plan at least. Stay tuned. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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On vacation and did the flight around Denali on this day and saw you guys as tiny dots below. So inspiring and breathtaking! Godspeed to you all and will be watching your progress now back in Texas!

Posted by: Rebecca on 6/20/2019 at 5:06 pm

Thank you for the daily updates.  It’s really neat to read about your progress…I feel part of the journey! :)  Hi to Casey.  Enjoy your experience!

Posted by: Amanda Day on 6/19/2019 at 6:50 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Set up at 11,200’ Camp

Monday, June 17, 2019 - 10:15 PM PT Today was very productive for our team. We woke at 1am, packed up camp, and hit the trail at 3am. By 8:30 am we had made it to the 11,200' Camp, colloquially known as Camp Three. We set our tents up, had breakfast and coffee, and a few hours of rest, and by 1 pm we were back on the trail headed back down to pick up our cache at 10,000'. By 3:30 pm we were back at camp with all of our supplies. But there was still work to do flattening tent platforms, building a kitchen, and fine tuning camp. Dinner by 6 pm and bed by 7:30 seemed appropriate for today. And tomorrow we earned a rest day. Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow, so we won't be missing anything. We'll touch base again tomorrow. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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GO Brendan and Min Wo!

Posted by: Arie Rowaan, Marlene Rowaan on 6/19/2019 at 1:17 pm

We’re all excited Casey and enjoying the blogs.  Go team Walter!

Posted by: Cheri Kenney on 6/19/2019 at 12:58 pm

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Carry Gear, Ready to Move Up

Sunday, June 16, 2019 - 10:13 AM PT We let the snow surface freeze up a bit after dinner and left camp at 9pm, headed up the Kahiltna Glacier with our backpacks and sleds loaded with food and supplies we'll need a we move higher. The traveling was efficient and the views were stunning as out team enjoyed beautiful pink alpenglow on Kahiltna Dome and Foraker, two neighboring giants that are dwarfed by Denali. In three hours time we made it up to around 10,000' where we cache our gear in a hole dug deep into the snow. By 2 am, five hours after we started, we were back at our camp at the Base of Ski Hill and ready for bed. This morning we slept in and will enjoy an extended egg and bacon brunch. Then we'll have some more resting in store as we will wait for the glacier to freeze up again in order move our camp to 11,200'. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Happy (belated) Father’s Day to all the Dads on the climb! Hope everyone is staying warm and having a blast—views sound amazing! Since you’re having all the brunch without the mimosas, we’ll be sure to have some ready for when you return. Wishing everyone a wonderful time! :) - Savannah

Posted by: Savannah on 6/17/2019 at 2:42 pm

Glad to hear the weather cooperated for you last night. Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads up there especially Eric. We love and miss you and are having fun watching your progress. Stay safe and have fun. Love, Jack Jack, Maya, Luke, and Jill

Posted by: Jill on 6/16/2019 at 3:47 pm

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Wait Out the Weather

Saturday, June 15, 2019 - 1:51 PM PT When we hit the sack after dinner last night the weather was beautiful and we expected much of the same today. But the weather threw us a curve ball and at 3 AM we woke to snow and wind. We felt like we were inside of a Ping Pong ball, and the cloud cover prevented the snow from freezing last night. So, all in all, not an ideal morning. We pumped the brakes a little and decided to postpone this morning's climb for tonight. Instead, we had a great breakfast of bagels, cream cheese, and smoked salmon to pass the morning. We're currently still in the Ping Pong ball and wet snow is still falling. Hopefully tonight's weather will treat us better and we can get a cache of supplies up to around 10,000'. We'll keep you posted. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Denali Expedition: Walter & Team’s Expedition is Underway

Friday, June 14, 2019 - 3:35 PM PT RMI's June 11th Denali expedition is officially under way. After an orientation with the National Park Service that focused on safety and environmental stewardship, as well as information about the West Buttress climbing route, we spent the rest of the day packing supplies for this three week expedition. We flew into Basecamp on the Kahiltna Glacier yesterday and promptly hid from the scorching sun as we crawled into our tents. We waited until the snow surface to freeze before we went anywhere which entailed an alpine start at 3 am. The glacier was in great shape and we traveled smoothly without the need of snowshoes for flotation. Here, at Camp 1, at the Base o Ski Hill (7800') we repeated the process of hiding from the sun. Tomorrow we will again take advantage of colder temps and firmer snow and get an alpine start to shuttle supplies up to somewhere around 10,000'. We'll keep you posted as to how it goes. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Sounds like our Minnesota weather.  Hope it clears tomorrow.

Posted by: Kim on 6/15/2019 at 4:39 pm

Remind Brendan not to put his thumb over the camera! Love you bro.

Posted by: Alex Rowaan on 6/15/2019 at 8:18 am

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