Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Move to 14,200’ Camp

Thursday, June 20, 2019 - 6:54 PM PT
We rose early again today with another beautiful morning to greet us. In the cold we packed up camp and headed up Motorcycle and Squirrel Hills, traversed the Polo Fields and climbed around Windy Corner. After 4 1/2 hours we arrived at our current camp at 14,200' in Genet Basin. It's been a warm and sunny afternoon here as we look down over the clouds and out to Mount Hunter and Foraker to the south. The afternoon was spent excavating and erecting camp. Tomorrow we will go back downhill to Windy Corner (13,600') to retrieve our cache. That will be a short mission, so we'll get the rest of the day to rest and home our skills for the upper mountain.
RMI Guide Mike Walter
Comments (2)
Good Luck, be safe!
Posted by: B Wright on
I just treed a squirrel dad and I’m being a good girl. Can’t wait for a good tummy rub!
Posted by: Lily klock on