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Entries By jenny konway

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Continue to Wait

Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - 8:26 PM PT Another early morning peek out of the tent provided all we needed to know about how today was going to go...not very far. With terrible visibility and the sound of high winds above, we knew that we would add another tally mark on our tent wall! Although all of us are more than ready to head to the summit and then get out of here, we are not exactly suffering. In fact, it turned out to be a relatively nice day in camp even though the summit was still angry. We had some Mountain Pho (ramen) on our rock terrace at the edge of camp that looks 3,000 feet down to 14,000' Camp. It was good to have the whole team eating together instead of holed up in tents because of weather. It feels like the weather is changing in our favor. Of course, we have felt that way for days! We are in negotiations with Denali for a summit tomorrow. Although we never have the upper hand in weather negotiations with big mountains, I think this team has put in enough hard work and patience to use as a bargaining chip. Put in a good word for us! RMI Guide Mike Haugen & Team Siete

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Hi Megan, thinking of you and so proud of your accomplishments!! Glad u missed the earthquake. I hope Vicky is ok. Xo Gayle

Posted by: Gayle C on 7/5/2019 at 1:18 pm

Welllllllllllll. Lying in my comfy bed reading this and not wishing I was you guys, but then again you are all my hero’s so I guess I totally am wishing I was one of you. That’s exactly who you all are….the people the rest of us imagine to be or aspire to be. So for us….go get that mountain for all of us! You got time, tenacity and tons of people cheering you on….Mother Nature will give you her window soon. You got this, side salad!

Posted by: Shannon Henn on 7/4/2019 at 11:32 pm

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Not Yet!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019 - 7:49 PM PT We thought today would be our day... Until it wasn't. We woke up to blowing snow and zero visibility. It made our call easy once again. We thought that it would clear up later in the morning and give us a late try, but it has not cleared up all day. Oh well, we will wait! The team is doing well with all of the waiting at high camp, in spite of being in tents most of the day. The weather has not been terrible at high camp, just not good enough to climb. So, more waiting, sport eating, and good weather finger crossing for us! RMI Guide Mike Haugen & Team Siete

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Press button…get summit!

Posted by: Joe Horiskey on 7/3/2019 at 3:28 pm

Don’t let the weather get you down! If you get cold, just think about me and I’m sure that will heat things up ;)!

- XOXO <3

Posted by: Mackinzie on 7/3/2019 at 12:42 pm

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Waiting on Weather

Monday, July 1, 2019 - 9:24 PM PT Denali is a mountain that definitely tests a group's patience. We woke up around 6 to look at the weather and Denali was still a bit too testy up high for us to make our move. This is to be expected when climbing big mountains and our team has accepted this challenge of waiting like a cobra to strike at our good weather window.... which will hopefully be tomorrow. The team is in great spirits and spent the day resting up and sport eating so we have the energy to get to the summit. Although not as nice as 14k camp, 17k is treating us well. Keep your fingers crossed for us for tomorrow! RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Team Siete

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Well let’s just say, “Buzzard Butthairs” to another day at 17,200, and good for you for patience and persistence. No Denali Demons allowed, and may you soon reach your goal. Keep up that strong spirit.


Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 7/2/2019 at 9:59 am

Wayne, Zach and Ian-how are those snacks tasting?  Hope you can summit today. Best wishes to the entire team. The summit awaits you!!!

Posted by: Aunt Kathy on 7/2/2019 at 8:49 am

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Hanging at High Camp

Sunday, June 30, 2019 - 8:44 PM PT We woke up to a sunny and relatively calm high camp. When we stuck our heads out to see what it looked like above, it was apparent that Denali wasn't a happy mountain. As guides, it is sometimes nice when the mountain makes the decisions for us and doesn't lead us on thinking we might climb. We spent the day eating and resting up for when the mountain decides that it is our time. The forecast is trending for better winds up high, so right now we will do some high altitude camping. We are so glad to have such a strong team of climbers with great attitudes. Let's hope Denali appreciates it as well! RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Team Siete

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I miss us baby! Please come back in one piece!

Posted by: Mackinzie on 7/2/2019 at 12:45 pm

I’m sending you all wishes for a safe and comfortable ascent ....go team go!!

Ask Meghan if she brought a celebratory bottle of red wine in her camelback!!

xoxo Lisa

Posted by: Lisa Miller on 7/1/2019 at 3:59 pm

Denali Expedition: Haugen and Team Move to 17k Camp

Saturday, June 29, 2019 - 9:29 PM PT We woke up to a beautiful morning with a tiny breeze and a clear sky. We spoke with RMI Guide Mike Walter's team over the radio and they let us know that the weather was also nice at 17k. We rallied the troops and made quick work of breakfast and tearing down our camp at 14k. Although 14k is a nice camp, we want to be in position when our summit opportunity arises. We made our way back up the fixed lines and climbed the beautiful ridge up to 17k Camp. This camp definitely does not have all of the charm that 14k does. In fact, it is quite a bit more harsh up here. Nevertheless, the group is all happy and healthy tucked into our safe little tents. The forecast does not look great for a summit for tomorrow, but we will wake up and get the "now cast" and see what our day will bring. We brought plenty of food and fuel in case we have to do some camping for a couple of days to get our perfect weather! RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Team Siete

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Meghan and team,  wishing you all good vibes for a safe and memorable summit. Keep your spirits high and your wine glasses even higher! Cheers, love and hugs!!!! Love you!!!!!

Posted by: Kathy Pearson on 7/2/2019 at 7:15 pm

This one’s for you meg…

One day a blonde is hiking in the woods. She follows the trail until she comes upon a river. As she is thinking how she can get across the river; another blonde appears on the opposite side.
The blonde yells to the other blonde “How do I get to the other side?”
The other blonde looks up and then down the river and yells back:
“You are on the other side!”

Posted by: Shannon Henn on 6/30/2019 at 10:41 pm

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Rester Day

Friday, June 28, 2019 - 8:01 PM PT The 2nd rest/weather/waiting day was even restier than the first. The team is hanging in there and we really hope to head uphill tomorrow. Here are the individual team members best ways to spend their rest days: Ian - eat, sleep, and be merry Wayne - napping! Zach - reading Kerry - texting colleagues about weather forecast and thinking of family! Meghan - Hosting a 14k ft charcuterie and Gummi bear party outside my tent (eat it now or have to carry it down later). Was a hit! Ann - building a snowman, checking return dates of caches around the camp, thinking if I have enough probiotics to handle the spicy dinners

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Side salad and her meat platters. When is she sharing the wine!?!? Go guys, go!

Posted by: Shannon Henn on 6/30/2019 at 12:32 am

Rest while you can. Cool tent photo! Step safe

Posted by: Susan Moore on 6/29/2019 at 9:54 pm

Denali Expedition: Haugen and Team Visit the Edge of the World

Thursday, June 27, 2019 - 9:45 PM PT Not much to report from 14k. We woke up late, ate breakfast burritos for brunch, and relaxed. We did stretch out our legs and walk out to an area called the Edge of the World. As suggested, the Edge of the World is a huge drop of that overlooks the Northeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier. We all got our hero shots from this spectacular viewpoint. We are going to spend at least one more day at 14k to see if we can let some wind clear out before we return up high to 17k. It has been so nice at 14k that we feel a bit spoiled! RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Team Siete
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Joan. A tope. Aqui desde las azores marta y yo te damos animos como si estuvieramos juntos en Islandia last year. GO FOR IT and come back save with your family…

Piensa que en barcelona estan a 40 grados celsius!!!!! .

Love you Ana

Posted by: Ana prats on 6/28/2019 at 10:21 am

Wind, wind, go away,
so we can get underway,
any day would be OK,
this isn’t exactly a holiday!

Thinking of you and wishing you calm days. Go Tym!  Go Team!!

Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 6/28/2019 at 10:03 am

Denali Expedition: Haugen and Team Cache Supplies at High Camp

Wednesday, June 27, 2019 - 9:55 PM PT Mission successful! We cached gear up at 17k high camp. The morning started out pretty warm (for 14,000 ft in AK). We made our way up to the fixed lines. For our first time up the fixed lines, the group did exceptionally well. We made our way up to the ridge at 16,000 ft and caught some wind. We decided to keep going up since everyone was staying warm and relatively comfortable. Although we never lost the wind, we made our way all the way up to high camp. I think our climbers were too distracted by the incredible climbing along the ridge to care about a bit of a breeze. We said hi to Mike Walter's team at 17k, cached our stuff, and then headed back down to our camp. After a 10 hour day, our climbers (and maybe guides) have earned a well deserved rest day tomorrow. We have been saving a breakfast burrito meal for such an occasion. Goodnight! RMI Team Siete
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Great job team!  Proud of you Meghan, ever the motivator in your words and actions!

Posted by: Jerry O'Quinn on 6/28/2019 at 12:04 am

You’re all a bunch of badasses!!

Posted by: Shannon Henn on 6/27/2019 at 10:33 pm

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Enjoy Rest Day at 14,000’ Camp

Tuesday, June 25, 2019 - 10:00 PM PT We didn't get out of the tent this morning until the direct sunlight at 9:30. We enjoyed a relaxing breakfast of toasted bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon. We are really roughing it here at 14,000' Camp. After our late breakfast, we did some fixed line practice for our trip up high tomorrow. Our plan is to carry some supplies up high so that when the weather is good we can move to high camp and go for the summit soon after. The crew is all doing very well and we are excited to keep climbing up! RMI Guide Mike Haugen & Team Siete

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To Kerry:

Still raining in Oklahoma!

Posted by: Patrick Admire on 6/26/2019 at 2:28 pm

Hey, Meghan… you’re finally doing it and with the best outfit with which to climb. Wishing you all the best and will follow the daily dispatches. If you come back through Seattle and time allows and, let me know and I will buy you a celebratory drink!

Posted by: Everett Moran on 6/26/2019 at 12:16 pm

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Move to 14,000’ Camp

Monday, June 24, 2019 - 10:53 PM PT We have a group of happy campers here at 14,000' Camp on Denali. Although we had to delay our start time a bit due to snow this morning, we were eventually able to tear down camp and head up hill. The weather was very nice to us until we got to about 13,600'. This terrain is a convex area in the glacier that reflects all the sun off the snow and rock and becomes an easy-bake oven. Luckily we left early enough where our brains did not fully melt even though it felt like they might. We set up a great camp and had a birthday dinner of mac and cheese and no bake cheese cake for Zach and Ian. The group has earned their rest day tomorrow and we won't wake up until the sun hits our tents. Goodnight! RMI Guide Mike Haugen & Siete

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Sounds like a great trip.  Continuing to pray for good weather and safety!!!  Have fun

Posted by: Vicki Brown on 6/26/2019 at 2:58 pm

This is to family and friends of Meghan B.  I received a text from her today by accident…just sent to the wrong number I’m sure.  I didn’t want to post it without your permission…but would be happy to forward it or post here if you would like.  My husband is in her group.

Posted by: Julie Jones on 6/25/2019 at 5:42 pm

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