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Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Move to 14,000’ Camp

Monday, June 24, 2019 - 10:53 PM PT We have a group of happy campers here at 14,000' Camp on Denali. Although we had to delay our start time a bit due to snow this morning, we were eventually able to tear down camp and head up hill. The weather was very nice to us until we got to about 13,600'. This terrain is a convex area in the glacier that reflects all the sun off the snow and rock and becomes an easy-bake oven. Luckily we left early enough where our brains did not fully melt even though it felt like they might. We set up a great camp and had a birthday dinner of mac and cheese and no bake cheese cake for Zach and Ian. The group has earned their rest day tomorrow and we won't wake up until the sun hits our tents. Goodnight! RMI Guide Mike Haugen & Siete

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Comments (5)

Sounds like a great trip.  Continuing to pray for good weather and safety!!!  Have fun

Posted by: Vicki Brown on

This is to family and friends of Meghan B.  I received a text from her today by accident…just sent to the wrong number I’m sure.  I didn’t want to post it without your permission…but would be happy to forward it or post here if you would like.  My husband is in her group.

Posted by: Julie Jones on

Hard to imagine you can get too warm, but I am sure the sun can have beyond brilliant reflection on that snow. Is it true that climbers rope together to prevent the sensible ones from escape?  NAH!  Best wishes as you mover ever upward.  Go Tym!  Go TEAM!!

Love Mom and Zepp

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on

I hope the entire team enjoyed the rest day and HELLO to Andrew - keep it up!!!

Wishing all of the team well, and here is a vote for haiku 5

Posted by: Deborah Flinn on

Good luck to the entire team and especially my high speed, low drag girl Meghan!!!

Posted by: Mike on

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