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Denali Expedition: Haugen and Team Move to 17k Camp

Saturday, June 29, 2019 - 9:29 PM PT We woke up to a beautiful morning with a tiny breeze and a clear sky. We spoke with RMI Guide Mike Walter's team over the radio and they let us know that the weather was also nice at 17k. We rallied the troops and made quick work of breakfast and tearing down our camp at 14k. Although 14k is a nice camp, we want to be in position when our summit opportunity arises. We made our way back up the fixed lines and climbed the beautiful ridge up to 17k Camp. This camp definitely does not have all of the charm that 14k does. In fact, it is quite a bit more harsh up here. Nevertheless, the group is all happy and healthy tucked into our safe little tents. The forecast does not look great for a summit for tomorrow, but we will wake up and get the "now cast" and see what our day will bring. We brought plenty of food and fuel in case we have to do some camping for a couple of days to get our perfect weather! RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Team Siete

On The Map

Comments (5)

Meghan and team,  wishing you all good vibes for a safe and memorable summit. Keep your spirits high and your wine glasses even higher! Cheers, love and hugs!!!! Love you!!!!!

Posted by: Kathy Pearson on

This one’s for you meg…

One day a blonde is hiking in the woods. She follows the trail until she comes upon a river. As she is thinking how she can get across the river; another blonde appears on the opposite side.
The blonde yells to the other blonde “How do I get to the other side?”
The other blonde looks up and then down the river and yells back:
“You are on the other side!”

Posted by: Shannon Henn on

At least you were well-rested for the push to 17,000. Use perspective…think how much lower you are than Camp Four on Everest. I admire each and every one of you on this quest, and hope for clear, wind-free weather in the next few days.


Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on

Sorry you had to leave the 14k Lounge.  But I hear Elsa and Olaf are staying at the 17k Ice Castle.  Please give them a warm hug for me! :)  OMG, Meghan - you crack me up with your charcuterie party.  You’re adorable.  We are all rooting for a safe summit soon.  No doubt those gummi bears gave you the fuel to hang in there.  You’ll be coming home to 80F weather. :)  Love you, my little Ice Unicorn!

Posted by: Victoria on

Glad you are doing well and making progress.  Go team!

Posted by: Brigitte on

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