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Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Rester Day

Friday, June 28, 2019 - 8:01 PM PT The 2nd rest/weather/waiting day was even restier than the first. The team is hanging in there and we really hope to head uphill tomorrow. Here are the individual team members best ways to spend their rest days: Ian - eat, sleep, and be merry Wayne - napping! Zach - reading Kerry - texting colleagues about weather forecast and thinking of family! Meghan - Hosting a 14k ft charcuterie and Gummi bear party outside my tent (eat it now or have to carry it down later). Was a hit! Ann - building a snowman, checking return dates of caches around the camp, thinking if I have enough probiotics to handle the spicy dinners

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Comments (3)

Side salad and her meat platters. When is she sharing the wine!?!? Go guys, go!

Posted by: Shannon Henn on

Rest while you can. Cool tent photo! Step safe

Posted by: Susan Moore on

Thinking of all of you!  The rest days are nice but I am sure you are anxious to move upward.  Crossing my fingers for the weather you need to move closer to that summit. Lots of heat waves here in the midwest, south, and east coast. Go Tym, go TEAM!

Love, Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on

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