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Entries By billy haas

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Resting at 11,000 ft Camp

May 13, 2016 - 3:11 pm PT We're here at 11,000' resting and acclimating for our move to 14,000', which will hopefully happen tomorrow. The weather is great right now, and we expect that to persist through at least tomorrow. Hopefully our next correspondence will come from 14,000'. Conditions and weather are good, and we are well rested, acclimated, and eager. We're ready to make the move! RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Hi Rogan, you must be well acclimatised by now so hopefully you can start your climbing tomorrow once again. That’s what you trained for isn’t it?  I wish you good luck with the weather and the climb.
We are having late drizzly rain today, we are gratefull for this rain as I think it will be our last till next summer, temps have dropped to 18 but will rise again when the wet front moves on.
I hope you are well and enjoying your snacks, thinking of you every day, am so proud of you,  always have been. Love you stukkend, mom xx

Posted by: Daphne Carew on 5/14/2016 at 2:34 am

Hi there kid Adelle..still resting i see. Move the butt and get up the mountain. Onwards and upwards i always said when i last climbed Everest..                  Kids are fine and chubby.  Dean is playing guitar like a dream.  There is a lot of talent in that little soul.  Kaela is studying a lot and has tests coming up so we shall see.  Very much like her mamma in that you cant tell her anything.  And i have so much to tell!!!          Anyways we look forward to the blog everyday.  Please thank the bloggers for the families left on Mother Earth.  Enjoy your time and bring me a Yeti back.  There should be one around the next corner.  Bring Jaco a Unicorn….you just never know.  Actually just bring yourself back. Love you SOOO much!  ME.

Posted by: Maureen on 5/14/2016 at 2:03 am

Denali Expedition: Weather Keeps Walter & Team at 11,000 ft Camp

May 12, 2016 - 5:35 pm PT We woke early to blue skies and light wind at our 11,000' camp. But soon cloud cover increased and the winds picked up as well. Currently it is snowing with gusty winds as we enjoy another rest day at 11,000'. We are poised to make the move to 14,000' Camp, but it wasn't in the cards for today. Instead, we took advantage of down time to practice cutting snow blocks and building snow walls to fortify camp. The main accomplishment of the day was the creation of the Ig-loo, our snowblock enclosed bathroom. We are in good spirits and are resting and acclimating for our forays up higher on the mountain. All is well and we'll touch base again tomorrow. RMI Guide Mike Walter

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hey my love - Rogan - its your better half - all is good at home and rather cold.  Hosting a boy from Westville and his name is Dean he is double the size of Robin and Andrew - big boy and yet he is U14C like Andrew - had a good supper and all relaxed and ready for bed - early start to the morning as the boys have to be at Pretoria before 8h00 - only going to get home around 16h30 Saturday…  I have made arrangments for Jenna to say with Daphne for the day tomorrow as I do not see her wanting to stay at the rugby all day.  Will hopefully get a call from you sometime Saturday - Robin will be with Shan so you will only be able to chat to Andrew and Jenna - I hope you guys are all doing well and heading up that mountain.  Hopefully the weather is good for your guys—Keep going and be strong.  Love you xxxx

Posted by: melanie on 5/13/2016 at 10:53 am

Hey Rogz, all is well at home and rather cool this side of the world but nothing compares to what you are all experiencing.  Going to fetch the boys this afternoon - Friday and then we have rugby the whole day Saturday - yippee for me and you know how I love RUGBY xxx Off to hospital Monday morning before 6 - wish me luck - all will be fine and I have sorted everything out for lifts too school and home again.  Maybe I will get a chance to actually do some reading whilst I rest and get my knee sorted…  Thinking of you. Love you and miss you lots - Take it easy and be careful please xxxx Wishing for blue skies for the rest of the trip so you guys can keep climbing xxx

Posted by: melanie on 5/13/2016 at 2:31 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Check in from 11,000 ft Camp

May 11, 2016 - 1:25 pm PT Well, the forecast was correct and we had snow and wind overnight. So we decided to stay at 11,000' camp and enjoy a rest day after our carry to 13,700' yesterday. Most of today is being spent lounging around in our tents. Hopefully the forecast will continue to be correct and the rest of the week will see improving weather so that we can move up to 14,000'. Spirits are good, and are embracing these rest/weather days as we know they are making us stronger and more acclimated to the altitude. We'll check in again tomorrow, hopefully from 14k on Denali. RMI Guide Mike Walter
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Davis, don’t fret about that maintenance free pond, you just focus on that dern summit. We’ll worry about the pond. All the best young man.

Posted by: Patrick Gillis on 5/12/2016 at 8:51 pm

Dave G. Awesome! Great stuff ahead. Fun following your journey.
Good luck to you and the team.

Posted by: Al on 5/12/2016 at 7:51 pm

Denali: Walter and Team Carry to 13,700’

Tuesday, May 10, 2016 - 10:00 p.m. PDT Our team had another productive day today, climbing up to 13,700 feet with a cache of supplies. It was great to be engaging some steeper terrain with crampons and ice axe. The constant 15 - 25 mile an hour wind (in our face as we ascended) increased the challenge. With a six hour round trip, we were back in camp in time to re-hydrate and rest before dinner. We are entertaining the notion of moving camp to 14,200 feet if we have good weather tomorrow. But, likely, we'll remain here at 11,000' as there is a high wind warning and near-blizzard conditions expected tonight and tomorrow. We'll keep you posted. RMI Guide Mike Walter and team

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Looks like you are doing well. Hope the wind and snow didn’t hinder the climb. Alls well here. Stay warm.

Love from all your family.

Posted by: Lori pesta on 5/11/2016 at 1:39 pm

Great to hear everyone is doing well. Hoping the wind doesn’t effect your carries and you keep on schedule.

Stay safe, hydrate lots and eat plenty.

Good luck everyone especially the Saffers a long way from home, Adelle and Rogan.

Posted by: Mark on 5/11/2016 at 1:01 pm

Denali: Walter & Team Complete First Back Carry

Monday, May 9, 2016 - 11:35 p.m. PDT Hello from 11,000' on Denali! Our team had a great day today, as we were able to travel back down glacier to retrieve our cache. Now we're back at 11,000' and after a fulfilling dinner of quesadillas we are all set to make another carry up around Windy Corner (13,600') tomorrow, weather permitting. The weather forecast looks good for the next few days, and we're psyched to take advantage of it. It will be nice to trade in our sleds and snowshoes for ice axes and crampons. The approach is over and the climb is beginning. RMI Guide Mike Walter and team

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Thinking of you and can’t wait to hear all the stories when you return!!!

Posted by: Dada Bredell on 5/11/2016 at 2:47 am

Hi Adelle!!
Hope you are well and keeping strong.
Thinking of you and cheering for you all the way.
Lots of love

Posted by: Anelise on 5/11/2016 at 2:05 am

Denali: Walter & Team Opt for a Rest Day

Sunday, May 8, 2016 - 10:49 p.m. PDT Hey guys! Not much news to report today. We rose early and had breakfast with the intent of going back down the Kahiltna to retrieve our cache of supplies that we buried two days ago. But, winds and visibility on the Kahiltna, coupled with the fact that we could use a rest day, made us change our minds. Instead we got some much deserved rest at camp today. All in all it was a good day. Now we are eager and with rested legs to get our cache tomorrow so that we can continue working our way up this mountain. On another note, Happy Mother's Day! To all mothers, but especially to these great mothers: Jeanne, Lizard, Kelly, Mimi, Judy, Lynn, Kelly, Melanie, Daphne, Michele, Hao, Nancy Kay, Ann Irwin, Maureen, Toni, Nana, Mama, Maria, and Buffy. Goodnight and we'll check back in again tomorrow. RMI Guide Mike Walter and team

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Thanks for the Mothers Day wishes. Good luck with the weather and collecting your cache, I hope you can find it! Well done on the progress you have made so far dearest Rogan and the rest of the team. Wonderful photo posted on this blog. Lots of love, Mom xx

Posted by: Daphne Carew on 5/10/2016 at 2:01 pm

Hey congratulations on your climbing so far.  Keep up the good work and I look forward to climbing this mountain my self sometime in the future.

Posted by: Kevin on 5/10/2016 at 7:56 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Camped at 11,000’ on West Buttress

May 8, 2016 - 9:05 am PT We are writing from our new home for the next few nights, 11k on Denali's West Buttress. We has splitter weather today and made slow, but efficient progress up the Kahiltna Glacier. Now we're in our sleeping bags after setting up camp, rehydrating, and watching the sunset. Tomorrow, we plan to return down the Kahiltna to retrieve the cache of food and fuel we left there yesterday. Thanks for checking in. RMI Guide Mike Walter and the team

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Great to hear of your progress. Keep up the good work all. David, the birds and fish are fed, pond pump is working, plants are watered, lawn is mowed, storm windows are not down…missing you molto!

Posted by: Nancy Hines on 5/9/2016 at 7:23 pm

Hi Rogan and rest of the team.

I saw this quote some time ago, and it reminds me how much respect I have for you all.

“I suggest going out to the nearest pub and getting completely, and utterly, wasted. Make sure you smoke at least 1 pack of unfiltered Camel’s. Get the full ashtray, pour a drink in it and then pour the mixture into a water bottle.
When you get home (ideally around 3:30am) stick the vile mixture into your freezer. Put on your best goretex and thermal layer. Climb in. At 5:30am, get out, drink (chew?) the mixture and go run the biggest flight of stairs you can find. Run until your heart threatens to explode.
Your dehydration caused by the alcohol should adequately simulate what you may experience at higher altitudes. Your lung capacity should be sufficiently impaired by the smokes to simulate a oxygen poor environment. The freezer episode should adequately replicate a bivy. Drinking the booze/butt mixture should simulate your lack of appetite…..
Oh — once your finished your workout, go to work (to replicate the long walk out).”
- Greg Hamilton suggesting an altitude training methodology.

To be honest, I am more than a little bit jealous. Enjoy every step and every moment, even when it’s tough.

Pieter and the Nel family from Cape Town, South Africa

Posted by: Pieter Nel on 5/9/2016 at 2:42 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Hit the Ground Running

Friday, May 6, 2016 - 11:19 p.m. PDT Our Denali expedition has hit the ground running. After flying on to the Kahiltna Glacier yesterday, we took advantage of good weather and traveled up glacier for 6.5 hours to our first camp at the base of Ski Hill at 7800'. Light snow started after we had camp set up, and continued through most of the night. When we woke up, there was only an inch of snow and temps were warm. After a delicious breakfast of smoked salmon and cream cheese on bagels, we loaded up our packs and sleds and headed up to 9400' to cache a load of fuel and food before returning to camp. All is going well, and we're hoping to move camp to 11,200' tomorrow. We'll keep you up to date. Thanks for checking in! RMI Guide Mike Walter and the team

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Well done so far, Rogan and team, I wish I was eating bagels and salmon, enjoy! Keep warm and hope the weather just gets better every day! Love you lots, mom xx

Posted by: Daphne Carew on 5/9/2016 at 1:54 pm

David W hines -
having a wonderful mothers day, full of great barbecue ribs chicken sausage mess you and tim stay SAFE


Posted by: ann hines on 5/8/2016 at 11:55 am

Denali: Walter & Team Flying Onto Kahiltna Glacier

Thursday, May 5, 2016 - 10:17 a.m. PDT The RMI Office received word that RMI Guide Mike Walter and the May 3rd Denali Expedition has departed Talkeetna enroute to base camp on the Kahiltna Glacier. The team boarded K2 Aviation's Otter planes round 9 a.m. local time for their 45 minute flight into the Alaska Range. The RMI Denali climbing season is officially underway!

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Mike Walter & Team Kick Off the RMI Denali Expedition Season

Wednesday, May 4, 2016 - 9:01 p.m. Here we go! Everyone's travel arrangements worked out brilliantly the past couple of days and we all met in Anchorage yesterday afternoon and drove north to Talkeetna, a quaint little climbing village and the gateway to the Alaska Range. This morning we had an early orientation meeting with the National Park Service in Talkeetna where we discussed the route, leave no trace practices, and some of the history of Denali climbing. Then, after brunch at the historic Talkeetna Roadhouse, we spent the rest of the day at K2 Aviation's hangar checking our equipment and packing for our expedition. After a long day of sorting gear and weighing packs, we are confident that we are ready for out expedition on the West Buttress of Denali. The plan is to fly in to Base Camp on the Kahiltna Glacier tomorrow morning, weather permitting. From there, we'll be busy climbing for the next few weeks towards the apex of North America. We will be sending dispatches via satellite interface, and will try to make that technological magic work on a daily basis. Thanks for following along! RMI Guides Mike Walter, Billy Haas, Blake Votilla and the Team
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It was so wonderful to hear from you this morning, Tuesday 10th.  You sound good and in high spirits.  We are all so very proud of you and we are thinking of you everyday.  Dont give up.  Remeber - “Go Large”

chat again soon, lots of love, hugs and kisses from all of us xxx

Posted by: melanie on 5/9/2016 at 9:55 pm

To Dave:
Go Guy !!!! Be Safe!!!!!
Love Jon and Grammy.

Posted by: jon hines and grammy hines on 5/7/2016 at 9:46 am

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