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Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Camped at 11,000’ on West Buttress

May 8, 2016 - 9:05 am PT We are writing from our new home for the next few nights, 11k on Denali's West Buttress. We has splitter weather today and made slow, but efficient progress up the Kahiltna Glacier. Now we're in our sleeping bags after setting up camp, rehydrating, and watching the sunset. Tomorrow, we plan to return down the Kahiltna to retrieve the cache of food and fuel we left there yesterday. Thanks for checking in. RMI Guide Mike Walter and the team

On The Map

Comments (3)

Great to hear of your progress. Keep up the good work all. David, the birds and fish are fed, pond pump is working, plants are watered, lawn is mowed, storm windows are not down…missing you molto!

Posted by: Nancy Hines on

Hi Rogan and rest of the team.

I saw this quote some time ago, and it reminds me how much respect I have for you all.

“I suggest going out to the nearest pub and getting completely, and utterly, wasted. Make sure you smoke at least 1 pack of unfiltered Camel’s. Get the full ashtray, pour a drink in it and then pour the mixture into a water bottle.
When you get home (ideally around 3:30am) stick the vile mixture into your freezer. Put on your best goretex and thermal layer. Climb in. At 5:30am, get out, drink (chew?) the mixture and go run the biggest flight of stairs you can find. Run until your heart threatens to explode.
Your dehydration caused by the alcohol should adequately simulate what you may experience at higher altitudes. Your lung capacity should be sufficiently impaired by the smokes to simulate a oxygen poor environment. The freezer episode should adequately replicate a bivy. Drinking the booze/butt mixture should simulate your lack of appetite…..
Oh — once your finished your workout, go to work (to replicate the long walk out).”
- Greg Hamilton suggesting an altitude training methodology.

To be honest, I am more than a little bit jealous. Enjoy every step and every moment, even when it’s tough.

Pieter and the Nel family from Cape Town, South Africa

Posted by: Pieter Nel on

Well done Rogan and all - seems like you are off to a good start. Enjoy and stay safe. Mark and team.

Posted by: Mark Springett on

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