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Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Check in from 11,000 ft Camp

May 11, 2016 - 1:25 pm PT Well, the forecast was correct and we had snow and wind overnight. So we decided to stay at 11,000' camp and enjoy a rest day after our carry to 13,700' yesterday. Most of today is being spent lounging around in our tents. Hopefully the forecast will continue to be correct and the rest of the week will see improving weather so that we can move up to 14,000'. Spirits are good, and are embracing these rest/weather days as we know they are making us stronger and more acclimated to the altitude. We'll check in again tomorrow, hopefully from 14k on Denali. RMI Guide Mike Walter

Comments (11)

Davis, don’t fret about that maintenance free pond, you just focus on that dern summit. We’ll worry about the pond. All the best young man.

Posted by: Patrick Gillis on

Dave G. Awesome! Great stuff ahead. Fun following your journey.
Good luck to you and the team.

Posted by: Al on

Hi Thom
Thinking of you every day with pride and lots of love.
Hi to Todd, too. Hope the weather will be great for the summit.
Love, mom

Posted by: Judy Heinchon on

Dear : DADDY (Rogan)

It’s Jen Jen,  I miss you lots and lots I am so so so sad that you could not say hello to me -  I really wanted to hear your vocie, I so so so want you to come back home, its been too long now -  I really miss you I am crying that I could not say hello to you, but I want you to know how much you must not give up.  I hope I will chat to you over the weekend.  Keep going…..

I miss you and love you….

Love Jen Jen can’t wait to see you again !!!!!!!

Posted by: Jenna Davies on

Good luck Dr. Dave!! So glad to see your progress so far, Sue Mamer

Posted by: Sue Mamer on

Hi Rob, Thanks for the Mother’s Day wishes! We hope your rest goes well so your climb will be good! Unbelievable how much snow and sunlight! Showed Nana the photos of the blog and she was glad you were climbing thru snow rather rocky cliffs! You all take care, stay warm and stay well. Love Mom and Dad

Posted by: Robert & Toni Caldwell on

High Walter guess ur the captain of this team this is for our dear friend Lisa who has worked very hard to achieve her goal on this exciting climb, the pictures r awesome man that’s a lot of snow!!!! The weather back home has finally warmed up trees etc r finally popping. Well you all enjoy and be safe

Posted by: Joseph Bolomey on

Hi Rogan, look at it this way: you are getting more for your money having these extra rest days. At least you are really getting to know Denali!
Hope the weather gets better each day. I trust you are taking loads of photos? Love mom.

Posted by: Daphne Carew on

Not sure Rogz if you are receiving our messages - it was great to hear your voice yesterday - although it was hard to hear what you were saying - wow you are doing so well and so is the team.  Thinking of you.  The children and absolutely fine and missing you very much - they cannot wait to hear about this climb and to see all the pics.  Don’t give up - GO LARGE - you have worked so hard for this - so enjoy and be careful.

Love you lots xxx Bella is missing you too xxxx

Posted by: melanie on

Rob!!!! We miss you, looks like you are having quite an adventure and glad to hear it’s going well! Be safe safe and have fun! (We’re “mom-ing” you in this post). Xoxoxo

Posted by: Amy and Sarah on

Happy soon to be at 14 Dr. Dave!!

Jokes for you:
How do you know you’re a Denali Climber?
A K2 pilot has opened his window because of the way you smell..
(And wanted to jump out)
You have more summit pics than wedding pics..
You’ve had icicles hanging off any part of your face.
You rest step up stairs and rappel down them!!
You’ve used your ice axe to chop weeds and, in the winter clean ice off your steps.

Things you’ll see Guides from other companies do that will make you grateful for Mike..
They look for a Starbucks at each break
Starts their team off each morning prepping them by making snow angels
Keeps repeating.. “Is it me, or is it cold up here?”
Turns around every so often and yells.. “Stop following me!!”

Have a great next bit!  You’re getting to the good stuff..

Posted by: RK on

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