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Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Rest And Train

Resting and training were the theme of today. We took time to practice using the ascenders and different techniques for descending the fixed line with the Nepali girls. They did a great job and are getting more excited for the climb ahead, as are the rest of the team. Rest days can seem long but the team is pretty creative in keeping busy. Some made jewelry, while others went to the big boulder, that we call our Nepali gym to work on abs and pull-ups. We ended the day with a delicious cherry cake for dessert. The cook has done an amazing job making us delicious breakfast, lunch, and dinners. Tomorrow we will find out from our team members at our high camp whether we move up or take another test day. Buenos noches, RMI Guide Hannah Smith
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We are checking the blogs everyday to keep up with this great adventure you are on.  Dana says if he was your age that’s where he would want to be!  He caught a salmon in your honor today.  Good luck with everything.  Hope you summit.  We love you!!!!!! 

Posted by: Susan Reid on 10/30/2018 at 5:57 pm

Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Carry to High Camp

The team made a carry to our high camp at 15,400'. We will attempt to climb Edurne Peak in a few days. Tomorrow or perhaps the next day, three climbing Sherpa and two other team members will head back up to our high camp and begin putting up fixed line on the route. The entire route will be fixed from high camp. If they decide there is not enough rope or it is not possible, we will not climb. The team as a whole does not have enough experience to climb without the fixed line. The rest of the team will rest and do some training at basecamp tomorrow. Fingers crossed the weather remains good and the route can safely go. Namaste, RMI Guide Hannah Smith
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Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Plan for Summit Attempt

Today was a day of strategy. Team members went on a scouting mission to see what our options are for climbing. We got good beta from a friend of ours Tyler, who also works for RMI. It was great catching up with him and hearing about their attempt at the South West face of Saipal. He gave us good information, that we might be putting into play. His team left Base Camp this afternoon, after spending almost a month here. For now our plan is to attempt an unclimbed peak, that has been named after our team member by the chairman of the region. Edurne peak will be a challenge for the team, with the Nepali girls being so new to climbing. A Sherpa team is going ahead of the group to try and put in fixed lines. We will see in the coming days if this route will be possible. RMI Guide Hannah Smith
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Awesome Hannah! Following you every step of your journey!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 10/29/2018 at 3:12 am

Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Acclimatize at Base Camp

Good morning, afternoon or evening! The team went on an acclimatization hike today. We hiked up the drainage then gained a ridge to get a better view of the surrounding peaks. Saipal peak is more and more impressive the closer you get. There is a peak to the right of Saipal that we are considering pursuing. It too looks beautiful. The team will discuss this evening and tomorrow on what we should do. Everyone's duffles should arrive tomorrow, which the team is psyched for. Basecamp is cozy with dining tents, bathroom tent, and even a shower tent. We are living a pretty good life up here. Talk to you all tomorrow, RMI Guide Hannah Smith
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Making progress. Keep on trekking!

Posted by: Michelle the mom on 10/28/2018 at 8:48 pm

Keep on ascending. Great to hear of your progress toward a beautiful summit.

Posted by: Richard Schletty on 10/27/2018 at 5:44 pm

Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Hold Puja Ceremony

Today was a special day. We had our Puja ceremony. For some of us it was our first, others it was one of many. A stone structure was made with a tree branch standing tall on top. Prayer flags fluttered in the breeze from the branch in five directions with our tents attached to the other end. A Llama sat in front of the structure reciting prayers as bells rang. Smoke swirled in the air. Everyone placed a piece of climbing gear next to the structure to be blessed. Food and drink offerings were also blessed. We all splashed blessed tea water on our heads, faces and body. Then we ate some fried bread and drank some tea. It was an experience we will not forget. The rest of the day has been full of relaxing tent time and snacking. As the evening approaches, the clouds roll in like clock work and snow flurries dance from the sky. It's time for tea and dinner. Enjoy your day! Namaste, RMI Guide Hannah Smith
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Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Reach Base Camp

Slowly camp came alive. Like little forest creatures coming out of their den, people crawled out of their tents. Before you knew it camp was packed up and we were on our way uphill. We continued to follow the river. After an hour or so of walking we emerged from the jungle and got a view of Saipal Peak. It looks beautiful. The southwest face is impressive. There is an American team attempting it as we speak. Fingers crossed for them, for if they succeed it will be a first ascent. For us, however, we are settling into our Base Camp. We will hangout here for a couple days waiting for the rest of our duffels and begin making a plan on what exactly our objective should be. It feels good being at our Base Camp. Snow lightly falls from the sky as people nestle into their sleeping bags before we gather for dinner. It will be a chilly night. Tomorrow should be a nice relaxing day with ample time to charge our devices. Till tomorrow, RMI Guide Hannah Smith
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Oh yea! Kodiak is very entertained by your stories! I love hearing the daily report!

Posted by: michelle the mom on 10/25/2018 at 10:38 pm

Sounds like you are enjoying yourself.  People at work liked your goat sacrifice and marijuana camp story!

Posted by: Shannon Smith on 10/25/2018 at 2:34 pm

Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith Checks in as the team gets closer to Base Camp

We woke today to a frosty morning. Items left outside were damp and crispy. As we packed up camp you could see your breath. We are getting closer to the snow, which makes all of us happy. The trail weaved through the jungle along side the Seti River. You have to be careful for the stinging nettle like plant as you walk. If it pokes you it stings for hours. I've been poked many times. The scenery reminds us of a magical place. A place like the shire from the Lord of the Rings. Little shanty homes pop up here and there. The trail we are on is a trail to people's homes. Once again after a handful of hours walking we have arrived to our next home for the night, our own little shantytown. A bonfire has been made, which adds comfort to the chilly evening air. Tomorrow we may arrive to Base Camp, but as stated, we are on Nepali time, so who knows what tomorrow will bring. Goodnight, RMI Guide Hannah Smith
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So happy to be included in your daily treks! So awesome!

Posted by: Michelle the mom on 10/24/2018 at 8:47 pm

What your doing Hannah is so very cool!  Thanks for sharing your journey!

Posted by: Diane Chesness on 10/24/2018 at 7:54 pm

Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Attend Sacrifice & Reach Jungle Camp

You just can't make this stuff up folks. It started as a normal morning. We woke and ate rice portage, followed by some confusion on when we were leaving and how far we would go. This relaxed sense of time and a schedule is called Nepali time. Everything takes longer then you think and no one has a direct answer. We sat around a bit then we were informed there was going to be a goat sacrifice. Bells, chanting and smoke filled the air as a momma goat and and baby goat were taken into the temple and killed. Then the goats were decapitated by the teeth of a priest. Shortly afterwards we ate some bread and piece of goat and were on our way to the next camp. After walking roughly four hours we arrived to our jungle camp, a forest of marijuana. The porters took machetes to the marijuana, stumped it down, then we set up our tents. With so many people it is a sea of yellow tents, with no room to walk between them. As I write this it has began to sprinkle a little, so we are settling into our home for the night and having tea time. Tomorrow we will hit the trail again, getting closer to our Base Camp. Talk to you later, RMI Guide Hannah Smith
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Geez Louise!  Like I said, what you are experiencing is like a movie!  Small town minnesota girl!  Who would ever dream that you would be doing what you are!

Posted by: Shannon Smith on 10/23/2018 at 4:36 pm

Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith Reunite with Team & Gear

Snug as a bug under a rug, 10 of us slept in a small room. Last night having arrived to the village in the dark with no gear, a tea house took us in. They fed us Dhal Bhat and tea, and gave us their extra room with blankets for us all to sleep. It was a fun little slumber party. We woke casually this morning and fired up the one stove I had to make our coffee. We then ate our breakfast, a bowl of ramen, and did some laundry. After wandering the village for an hour, we could see the rest of our team, and porters arriving with all the gear. We told our story about our night and settled in. The rest of the day we are taking time to ourselves to read and write. Jorge one of the team members, is a doctor is Spain and is setting up a medical tent. He will see the villagers and give them needed medicine, such as vitamins, antibiotics, and pain killers. This will be the first time many of these people have seen a doctor. As for now, We enjoy the last few hours of sun and will get ready for more walking tomorrow. Adios, RMI Guide Hannah Smith
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So awesome! Go ladies!
Uncle Mike

Posted by: MIKE SMITH on 10/23/2018 at 5:40 am

You guys are troopers! How kind and wonderful are the Nepalese people.

Posted by: Michelle the mom on 10/22/2018 at 9:04 pm

Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Hit the Trail

We finally hit the trail! It felt real good to get the legs going and get some miles behind us. The trail was mathi tala, up down, up down. We walked uphill to just walk back down, then wind around a jungle peak to walk back up another. After many miles and nine hours of walking we arrived at a village. We aren't sure we are in the right village and we don't know where our mules are, but we are in good spirits eating cookies and crushing orange soda. Its gonna be a cold night of sleep without our duffels, but it's all apart of the adventure. Tomorrow we will find the rest of our team and start a new day. Good night, RMI Guide Hannah Smith
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