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Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Hold Puja Ceremony

Today was a special day. We had our Puja ceremony. For some of us it was our first, others it was one of many. A stone structure was made with a tree branch standing tall on top. Prayer flags fluttered in the breeze from the branch in five directions with our tents attached to the other end. A Llama sat in front of the structure reciting prayers as bells rang. Smoke swirled in the air. Everyone placed a piece of climbing gear next to the structure to be blessed. Food and drink offerings were also blessed. We all splashed blessed tea water on our heads, faces and body. Then we ate some fried bread and drank some tea. It was an experience we will not forget. The rest of the day has been full of relaxing tent time and snacking. As the evening approaches, the clouds roll in like clock work and snow flurries dance from the sky. It's time for tea and dinner. Enjoy your day! Namaste, RMI Guide Hannah Smith

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