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Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Reach Base Camp

Slowly camp came alive. Like little forest creatures coming out of their den, people crawled out of their tents. Before you knew it camp was packed up and we were on our way uphill. We continued to follow the river. After an hour or so of walking we emerged from the jungle and got a view of Saipal Peak. It looks beautiful. The southwest face is impressive. There is an American team attempting it as we speak. Fingers crossed for them, for if they succeed it will be a first ascent. For us, however, we are settling into our Base Camp. We will hangout here for a couple days waiting for the rest of our duffels and begin making a plan on what exactly our objective should be. It feels good being at our Base Camp. Snow lightly falls from the sky as people nestle into their sleeping bags before we gather for dinner. It will be a chilly night. Tomorrow should be a nice relaxing day with ample time to charge our devices. Till tomorrow, RMI Guide Hannah Smith

Comments (2)

Oh yea! Kodiak is very entertained by your stories! I love hearing the daily report!

Posted by: michelle the mom on

Sounds like you are enjoying yourself.  People at work liked your goat sacrifice and marijuana camp story!

Posted by: Shannon Smith on

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