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Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith Reunite with Team & Gear

Snug as a bug under a rug, 10 of us slept in a small room. Last night having arrived to the village in the dark with no gear, a tea house took us in. They fed us Dhal Bhat and tea, and gave us their extra room with blankets for us all to sleep. It was a fun little slumber party. We woke casually this morning and fired up the one stove I had to make our coffee. We then ate our breakfast, a bowl of ramen, and did some laundry. After wandering the village for an hour, we could see the rest of our team, and porters arriving with all the gear. We told our story about our night and settled in. The rest of the day we are taking time to ourselves to read and write. Jorge one of the team members, is a doctor is Spain and is setting up a medical tent. He will see the villagers and give them needed medicine, such as vitamins, antibiotics, and pain killers. This will be the first time many of these people have seen a doctor. As for now, We enjoy the last few hours of sun and will get ready for more walking tomorrow. Adios, RMI Guide Hannah Smith

Comments (2)

So awesome! Go ladies!
Uncle Mike

Posted by: MIKE SMITH on

You guys are troopers! How kind and wonderful are the Nepalese people.

Posted by: Michelle the mom on

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