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Entries from Aconcagua

Aconcagua: Smith and Team Enjoy a Rest Day at Basecamp

Good evening readers,

After a high effort day of carrying to Camp One, the team enjoyed our last rest day at Basecamp. cups of coffee were enjoyed as the sun warmed up camp. Today was a leisure day. Time was spent watching TV shows, reading books, chatting with teammates, and showers. We also sorted gear for the move to Camp One. We don't want to be too heavy when we head back downhill, so luxury items like sweatpants, jeans, sweatshirts, need to stay behind.

A highlight of the day was welcoming the other RMI team back to Basecamp. We got useful information about the route and conditions and now feel ready to have our go at the upper mountain. Tomorrow, we say bye to the wonderful basecamp staff that have been taking good care of us and move to Camp One.

We are ready and excited to progress up this mountain.

RMI Guides Hannah, Ben, Dan, and Team

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We love seeing your photos and updates. As you approach 22,000+ ft, all of us in Ann Arbor (861 ft at our house) are cheering for you and wishing the team our best. Have fun!

Posted by: Janice Lieberman on 1/16/2023 at 11:26 am

Aconcagua: King and Team Return to Plaza Argentina

We had a windy and cold morning to break camp down and descend to Basecamp. The team rallied and now we are enjoying some snacks, drinks and packing for mules. Tomorrow we’ll walk to Pampa las Lenas for an asado and night under the stars if the weather cooperates. The end of a great expedition to Aconcagua.

This is our last dispatch, thanks for following along.

RMI Guides Mike King, Dominic Cifelli, Jack Delaney & Team

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Aconcagua: Smith and Team Carry To Camp One

We woke to another brisk morning. The sun slowly creeps down the mountain. Once it hits the dome tent, everything/everyone warms up.

Today we made progress up the mountain. We sorted our gear to carry all the group food, fuel, kitchen items, our mountain snacks, and upper mountain equipment. Without doing carries, our packs would be far too heavy. Carries also help with acclimatization. With our heavy packs ready and the sun shining, we made our way to 16,400'. The team did great maneuvering through the moon scape like terrain. A final steep hill brought us into Camp One. We unloaded our packs and pile everything against a rock. We will be reunited with this gear on Monday when we leave the comforts of basecamp. After hanging at Camp One for 30 minutes letting our bodies exist at this altitude, we made quick work getting back to Basecamp where we were greeted with pizza and treats.

One final day resting at basecamp tomorrow and getting ready for our move up to Camp One tomorrow. RMI's First Aconcagua team comes down from 19k camp after a successful summit yesterday. It will be nice to see familiar faces and hear about their trip. The sun has disappeared so it’s time for the sleeping bag and tent.

Goodnight all,

RMI Guides Hannah, Ben, Dan, and team

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Say hello to Rob French and his brother as well.  Cheers.  I really enjoy the updates.

Posted by: Terry Reilly on 1/17/2023 at 10:16 am

Sounds incredible - cheering you all on from London!❤️

Posted by: Kiki French on 1/15/2023 at 10:21 am


Saturday, January 14, 2023 1:07 PM PT

We awoke early in the morning to chilly temps and moderate winds. Our summit bid had begun! It took several hours of slogging uphill before the sun finally blessed us with its presence. The rest of the climb was warm and the summit itself was windless!

The descent was smooth and exhausting. Everyone is back in camp safe and sound. Tomorrow we begin to descend into thicker air.

RMI Guides Mike King, Dominic Cifelli, Jack Delaney and Team

Saturday, January 14, 2023 9:30 AM PT

The Team stood on the summit of Aconcagua at 22,841' today!  All is well, and we will share more details of our climb when we get back to camp!

RMI Guide Mike King

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Good Job A! We’re so happy for you and Mike and the whole crew! I new you could do it! Love You! Uncle.

Posted by: Kim Peltier on 1/15/2023 at 9:11 am

Way to go team!  Feeling proud and nostalgic as we watch this blog from Vermont.  #LLLL. Hope you felt those vibes all the way to the top.
With love and admiration - the Wilhelms

Posted by: T and B from Vermont on 1/15/2023 at 6:40 am

Aconcagua: King & Team Move to Camp 3 and Prepare for Summit Bid

Our Aconcagua team moved to High Camp. The winds stopped as if a switch had been flipped around 9:30 last night. The eerily calm night led to another calm and hot day. The summit winds were still high with snow blowing 1,000 feet into the sky but have begun to calm down, or all the snow has vacated the summit. We will get some rest, eat and hydrate before turning in for the evening. Sleep is hard to come by at 19,600'. Hoping for a successful summit day tomorrow. We'll keep you posted!

--RMI Guide Mike King and team

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Love reading the updates. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers for a safe and successful summit. Brother Mitch, we love and can’t wait to hear all about your adventures.

Posted by: Marianne Harvey on 1/14/2023 at 10:05 am

Good luck team - Pez and Mike make it happen!

Posted by: Scott on 1/14/2023 at 6:17 am

Aconcagua: Smith & Team Reach the Comforts of BaseCamp

Howdy all,

After a somewhat fitful nights sleep accompanied by the barking of our new dog friend and the whineying of mules, the team awoke to some slightly threatening skies. Luckily we had the reprieve of our dome tent to allow for an easy morning breakfast and coffee. As if the coffee wasn't enough to wake us up we began the morning crossing the Vacas River to enter into the Relinchos Valley. The mules were hot on our tail as we began our gradual ascent to Plaza de Argentina Basecamp. Once gaining a high platuea we received our second view of Ameghino and Aconcagua. The stoke rose with the elevation. We were greeted warmly to Plaza de Argentina with some tasty and warm lentil soup, juice, dulce de leche and fresh fruit. The afternoon was spent taking in the panoramic views and lots of relaxing. After another delicious meal and some fine Mendoza malbec, the team, full, happy and tired, retreated to their tents. That's it for now, tune in next time!

RMI Guides Hannah, Ben, Dan and the team

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Hey Hannah! Wishing you and your team great rest at basecamp and all the best ahead and above!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/14/2023 at 3:28 am

Aconcagua: King & Team Remain at Camp 2, Waiting Out the Weater

Our team will take another weather day at Camp 2. Strong winds and lots of snow will keep us from moving up hill today. Tomorrow is our last chance to move to High Camp. We will hope to have a summit bid on the 14th. The team is hunkered down in their tents as 40 mph wind gusts roar through camp.

RMI Guide Mike King

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Thinking of you and wishing for good weather for you all. Love Vonne.

Posted by: Vonne on 1/14/2023 at 7:08 pm

Thinking of the group and wishing you luck! 40mph winds, yikes! We got about 14in of snow yesterday, then some rain. Hopefully it keeps coming so we can start snowmobiling!
Missing you - Lydia, Matt & Wilhelmina

Posted by: Lydia on 1/14/2023 at 5:53 am

Aconcagua: Smith and Team Trek Through the Vacas Valley


Another day down. We woke to clear skies and a brisk temperature, after some coffee and breakfast we hit the trail.

At Lenas we made friends with a cute dog, and she has decided to continue along with us. A short way into our day we crossed a bridge over the Vacas River. She began winning and refused to cross, choosing the river instead! The river swept her away until she clung to a rock! One of our brave climbers leapt into action and went to the rock and plucked her out by her scruff. Hopefully that is the most excitement of our trip!!

The team cruised up valley making easy work of the day. Our new four legged friend stayed with us the whole time. The winds picked up towards the end, as per usual, for this camp. When we arrived, we enjoyed some down time waiting for our duffels in an empty dome tent. There we cooked dinner and chatted before bedtime.

Tomorrow, we take a hard left into the Relinchos Valley which will take us to basecamp. We are all excited for the amenities that come with basecamp, including some Wi-Fi to share some photos. It's early to bed for us so we can rest up for tomorrow’s trek.

Talk to tomorrow,

RMI Guides Hannah, Ben, Dan and Team

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Aconcagua: King & Team Wait Out the Weather at Camp 2

Our Camp 2 staycation continues with a weather day. The winds are blowing above with lots of snow transport. We went for a walk and are enjoying warm tents with some Pink Floyd playing in the background. The appetites are still strong and team is getting restless. The 14th looks like the best summit day when considering wind speed and trail breaking.

Thanks for following along. 

RMI Guide Mike King

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We’re sorry to hear about the summit delay, but are very happy you are with guides that care so much about safety!

Hoping you packed in enough food so that you aren’t sizing up your teammates for BBQ options, haha!

Bitter cold here this am, folks had -4. We’re expecting 10 inches of snow, followed by rain, so I guess the weather people don’t know.

You’ll love this:  ALL of the US airlines were shut down for hours this morning because the centralized air traffic control program went haywire!

Yesterday I saw two owls! They were huge, one on the way home from work and the other at the peak of our lone Maple tree on the road in front of our yard.

Sending you all hugs. Keep your spirits up, this is a once in a lifetime climb! XOXOXO Momma & Dad

Posted by: Momma & Dad on 1/11/2023 at 11:56 am

I can only imagine how hard it is to wait. Sending all of our positive vibes and love.

Posted by: Emily on 1/11/2023 at 11:09 am

Aconcagua: Smith & Team Arrive at Trek Camp 1, Roughing it!

We woke in our beds ready to start the day. We ate breakfast, grabbed our duffels, and loaded the van. A quick 45 minute drive (there was air breaking being done by all) brought us to Penitentes. We weighed our duffels for the mules and reloaded the van to bring to the trailhead. The team made quick work of today's hike. Lulls of no breeze made for a hot walk but when the wind did hit it it was the best feeling. A couple rest breaks and some frogger with another team got us to camp. To say we are roughing it would be a lie. We enjoyed melon and nuts for a snack at a picnic table waiting for our mule team to arrive. For dinner was Carne Asada, chorizo, potatoes, cabbage salad, bread and wine.  No complaints over here. Things will get tougher, but not just yet. Tomorrow is another day hiking along the Vacas River. Weather was good today and hopefully good tomorrow.

Good night all,

RMI Guides Hannah, Ben, Dan and team

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