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Entries from Aconcagua

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Descend to Basecamp

Hello everyone this is the Aconcagua team coming at ya safe and sound at base camp! This will officially be our last blog. So instead of blabbing on about the same old same old...I'm going to pass the electronics around so our team members can give their own shout outs. JJ Justman Hi Mom and Sam and Giulia. We both are alive and recovering from a successful summit with beers. Love you, Dad and Jenny Hey Morgan, Mom and Dad. Had a great time summiting ! Miss you guys a lot. Love Adam! Hi Vera Kim likely Cary. I got to 21,000ft so no summit but am now at base camp very difficult so 31 miles to walk out then back to Mendoza. In 2 days very burnt out, but ok. Bye -David P Jenny and I give a shout out to all the Hines' and Gazzolas. We conquered Aconcagua 22,841 feet. I didn't quite make it to the summit but sure am enjoying the experience! Hi to Mom and Dad, and thanks to Linda for holding the fort down...Sue

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Good to hear you’re down safe and sound Susan.  The altitudes are incredible and the views awesome.  I look forward to some photos and stories.



Posted by: Danny on 1/24/2015 at 5:02 pm


We are ALL proud of you for what you’ve accomplished.  Now get down safely and enjoy some Malbec!

Posted by: Linda on 1/22/2015 at 6:31 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Back Safely to High Camp

Our Aconcagua team is safe and sound back in high camp. It was a 13-hour day and I am so proud of the entire team! I'd like to go on and on but we have some tired little cookies in desperate need of a good meal and some hot drinks. We will send a great last dispatch from base camp tomorrow! RMI Guide JJ Justman

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Congrats to all!  Love to David and Jenny!

Posted by: Ann Hines on 1/20/2015 at 6:09 pm

Hi Sue, Jo & Robert and all,
Congrats and can’t wait to hear the story and see the pics of your achievements on the trip.
Well done all!

Posted by: Russ Frederickson on 1/20/2015 at 6:42 am

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Rest Day After Carry to Camp 1

Hi all, Not much new to report from our basecamp here at Plaza Argentina. The physical output and exertion on yesterday's carry is hopefully triggering our bodies to take advantage of today's rest and accelerate our acclimation process. We're spending the day eating good food (egg & prosciutto scramble! cucumber, tomato, and melon salad!), napping, and tying up loose ends in preparation for tomorrow's move up to Camp 1. We've been listening to the hippies over at the freelance porter tent jam away on their drums and recorder. While not exactly relaxing it's at least a bit comical. Anyway, hoping for a good night's sleep, provided the porters have jammed themselves out, and don't play another night into the wee hours of the morn... We'll check in again tomorrow evening and let you know how it all went. RMI Guide Billy Nugent

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Glad to know you are all moving up the mountain safely.  The picture of those little yellow tents is making me homesick for the mountains!  Have fun and rest up. 

Xoxo. Renee

Posted by: Renee on 1/20/2015 at 11:59 am

Grab me a couple breaths of that good old mountain air.  Soak up the awesomeness.  Climb strong, girl.  Wish I could be there.  Poppy

Posted by: Les on 1/20/2015 at 6:53 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Summit!

Hey everyone out there. Hopefully you can hear me, my voice is a little raspy. This is Team 4. We are on the summit. Feel free you guys to give a hoot-and-holler... We are on the summit of Aconcagua! It is a beautiful day up here. The weather man was way wrong with the winds. Maybe a little breeze, but really nice day on the summit of South America's highest peak. Everyone give a shout out... Everyone says hello to friends and family. We still have some work to do to get downhill, but everyone's doing real well. They say hi and we''ll touch base when we get down to Basecamp tomorrow. We got a lot of work here to get down and recover and refuel, but everyone's doing fantastic. Take care everyone. This is Team 4 out on the summit of Aconcagua. RMI Guide JJ Justman

RMI Guide JJ Justman calls from the Aconcagua summit!

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Are you for real?!
JU did her homework today with me and even read for 20 min!!! I’d say that is about equal to your Summit day.

Posted by: G on 1/20/2015 at 7:57 pm

CONGRATULATIONS TO SUE AND THE WHOLE TEAM!!!!! The highest peak in the world outside
of the Himalayas! Wow! So Sue, Cactus to Clouds and Whitney in a day this year should be easy by comparison. Be safe on the way down and looking forward to happy trails this year in our SoCal mountains.

Posted by: Norm Symonds on 1/19/2015 at 11:00 am

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Carry to Camp 1

Howdy all... Checking in after a busy, busy day up here on Aconcagua. There was a bit of commotion buzzing around Plaza Argentina this morning with a bunch of helicopter flights coming in and out of basecamp requiring logistical assistance on our part that stalled us from getting out of the gate on our planned carry up to Camp 1. Luckily, what could have been a logistical nightmare was averted and despite the late start, our team made a great effort and put in a big cache of personal gear, food, fuel, and other group gear up at ~16,400' right in the heart of Camp 1. We're back down here at Plaza Argentina, tired after a long day on our first foray onto the upper mountain but psyched that the team performed so well despite the heavy loads. Spirits are high after a job well done and we hope to keep the good times rolling through another rest/acclimatization day at basecamp tomorrow. Signing off... RMI Guide Billy Nugent
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Hey Glen, wow quite a bit of excitement!  Kudos to you and the team to for getting the carry up to Camp 1 in spite of all the commotion and the late start.  Love, Katalina

Posted by: Katalina on 1/19/2015 at 6:14 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team In Position for Summit Bid

Sorry folks this is gonna be short. Our Aconcagua team is great and we are settling into high camp at 19,600 feet. There's a lot of work for the guides so we gotta run. Tomorrow is looking good for a summit attempt so wish us luck!! RMI Guide JJ Justman

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Robert, Jo and the group,
May the winds be calm, the view magnificent and your goal reached!  Can’t wait to share the adventure.  Pat

Posted by: pat ward on 1/19/2015 at 8:28 am

Ok Sue,Jo & Robert and all,
Time to finish that big lump of rock, snow and ice off!  Looking to soon view well produced summit photos and video…..

Posted by: Russ Frederickson on 1/19/2015 at 7:51 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Resting at Camp 2

Hello RMI blog groupies! Guess what?! Team 4 is resting at Camp Two at 18,000 feet on Aconcagua! Exciting huh! After a casual morning the team talked about preparations for summit day on the 19th. We talked about what color long johns were in fashion for 2015...lime green and how to use the buff headwear in various ways...Steve's favorite...tube top! Jenny on our team took on Adam in a new game created called Rockcci ball...don't ask, simple things confuse me. We went for a casual walk to stretch the legs and get the blood flowing. We are ready to move to high camp and the team is ready! Let's Get it On!!! RMI Guide JJ Justman

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Hi Glenn, Frank and I are keeping posted on your climb….stay well!  Looking forward to hearing all about adventure.

Posted by: Margie Grillo on 1/18/2015 at 8:12 pm

Safe and happy travels tomorrow and always!

Posted by: Dan Griswold on 1/18/2015 at 8:07 am

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Rest Day at Plaza Argentina

Resting today... We are all enjoying a pleasant afternoon up here at Plaza Argentina. Our two principal goals for today are letting our bodies rest up from the work we've done over the past three days and continue that acclimatization process, and to prep and pack our gear, food, and fuel for tomorrow's planned carry up to Camp 1. The team is again in good spirits and enjoying the day. We'll check in again tomorrow and let you know how our first true push up the mountain went... RMI Guide Billy Nugent

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Lucy - Great going.  Enjoy your day off.  We hope you have great weather for the rest of the climb.  We miss you.  Love, Carter, Walker and Christopher

Posted by: Carter on 1/18/2015 at 9:17 am

Glen, we are with you - in thought anyway.  It is good to see photos, so we can see, too. Now, your training is paying off!

Posted by: Jerry y Rhonda on 1/18/2015 at 8:11 am

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Reach Basecamp!

We've made it to Basecamp! After three long days on the trail our team rolled on in to Plaza Argentina this afternoon in good style and in good spirits. And while we are all feeling the altitude a little bit we are no worse for the wear. We enjoyed some refreshments upon arrival from the great Grajales staff and proceeded to set up camp and get settled in after a little breather. We just finished a great meal of of soup, homemade lasagna (!!!), and flan for dessert and are getting ready to tuck ourselves in for the evening. Up at nearly 14K, it's a fair bit colder here than it was on our trek in, especially at night so we're finally putting some of our warm clothes to good use. Typically, the first night at a higher elevation can be a little uncomfortable so we'll see how everybody fares tonight. I'm sure there may be a few headaches in the group, but that's totally normal... Anyway, we're all still having fun and looking forward to a good rest day tomorrow. All for now, RMI Guide Billy Nugent
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Corell - your Arkansas boys are on the way home, tired but very content and thrilled to hear that you are successfully at base camp.. Love you!

Posted by: Thurston on 1/19/2015 at 12:34 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Move to Camp 2

Occupation Camp Two is in full effect ladies and gents. Our Aconcagua team is thriving and jiving at 18,000 feet. It's the same old same old...eating, drinking soup, drinking mate, eating chocolate peanut butter cups and listening to opera. Yes! We have some class! Our plan is to rest up here tomorrow before we move to high camp and the hope is to summit on the 19th. Keep your fingers crossed for continued good weather. RMI Guide JJ Justman

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Hey Sue, Jo & Robert & all,
Opera at 18K…..well….anything but Rap works I guess?
Now get up that hill!

Posted by: Russ Frederickson on 1/17/2015 at 7:53 am

Congrats all on making it to Camp 2.  We will definitely be thinking of you on the 19th and hope that all have a successful summit.  Giulia and I went to a great puppet show tonight called Exaltation of Larks.  The puppets were amazingly lifelike…five elderly nursing home patients scaled to the size of three year olds, sitting in wheelchairs made out of crutches and stroller pieces.  Maybe you had to be there, but it was amazing.  Wishing you all good hiking weather. M/N

Posted by: Nancy G Hines on 1/16/2015 at 8:34 pm

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