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Aconcagua: Justman & Team Move to Camp 2

Occupation Camp Two is in full effect ladies and gents. Our Aconcagua team is thriving and jiving at 18,000 feet. It's the same old same old...eating, drinking soup, drinking mate, eating chocolate peanut butter cups and listening to opera. Yes! We have some class! Our plan is to rest up here tomorrow before we move to high camp and the hope is to summit on the 19th. Keep your fingers crossed for continued good weather. RMI Guide JJ Justman

On The Map

Comments (2)

Hey Sue, Jo & Robert & all,
Opera at 18K…..well….anything but Rap works I guess?
Now get up that hill!

Posted by: Russ Frederickson on

Congrats all on making it to Camp 2.  We will definitely be thinking of you on the 19th and hope that all have a successful summit.  Giulia and I went to a great puppet show tonight called Exaltation of Larks.  The puppets were amazingly lifelike…five elderly nursing home patients scaled to the size of three year olds, sitting in wheelchairs made out of crutches and stroller pieces.  Maybe you had to be there, but it was amazing.  Wishing you all good hiking weather. M/N

Posted by: Nancy G Hines on

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