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Entries By tyler jones

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Move to High Camp

June 12, 2017 Hello from our new camp at 17,000 ft on Denali! The team had an early start pack up camp and departed around 7 am. The winds picked up on the West Buttress as we neared the first break. The team had some amazing dance moves as we waited an hour or so for the morning winds to subside. The team climbed strong all the way to high camp in optimal weather. We worked for a few more hours to build camp. The climbers crawled in to have a rest as the guides worked to melt snow and tidy camp. We are now eating big bowls of Annie's Mac and cheese with bacon and soup. The hydration and eating up here never stops. Tomorrow with high hopes of good weather and light wind the team will shoot to stand on top of North America. Send us good vibes! RMI Guide Tyler Jones

On The Map

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Matt - Hoping to hear news of a summit soon! Stay safe. Sending love and good vibes for fair weather!! Daisy and I are trying to be patient waiting for you to get back. We miss you so much!!

Love, Colleen

Posted by: Colleen on 6/15/2017 at 6:32 pm

@ John Gunn and team,

you got this!!! hope it all goes well getting to the tippy top! stay safe and hopeful!!! you’ll be down here sitting around the table telling all your stories and eating a home cooked meal from momma in no time!

love you!


Posted by: Alyssa Gunn on 6/15/2017 at 3:40 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Prepared to Move to 17K Camp

The team was on standby this morning to potentially move up to 17K camp. But the early morning "now forecast" looking out of the tent wasn't as good as we were hoping for with snow and building clouds that ended up developing all day. We once again got to spend the day at 14K camp preparing the rest of our gear to go up to 17 and stretching our legs. Tomorrow morning we hope to move up and that the forecast holds true for a summit bid in the next few days! Stay tuned! RMI Guide Tyler Jones

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praying for a safe summit tomorrow! can’t wait for you to be home and tell all your stories.

-Alyssa Gunn

Posted by: Alyssa Gunn on 6/13/2017 at 9:48 pm

Tym, Tyler, and Team,

You all get an award for patience and persistence!  My fingers are crossed for you for 48 hours of good weather.  Best wishes, and thinking of all of you. GO TEAM GO!!

I hope you paid your kitty sitter until you return,Tym, or you will have two very hungry felines.

And Tym…Satoshi says, $2779.00

Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 6/13/2017 at 6:57 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team See Sunshine in the Forecast

June 11, 2017 Today has been a good one. We have been treated to some sun here at 14,000' Camp. This has allowed us to prep and dry all our gear. There are sunny days on the horizon, we are just waiting to see how strong the winds will be. We are drinking and eating well in hopes of moving up tomorrow or on Tuesday. Fingers crossed! That's all for now! RMI Guide Tyler Jones

On The Map

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Tym, Tyler, and Team,

Looks like some well-deserved sun will end your wait and hopefully allow you to safely reach your goal. Best wishes as you move ahead for this highly anticipated day.  I think I am as excited as you are!  Anxious for your success and for your return to sea level. Thanks for the great pictures and daily updates.

Warriors took the championship tonight with a win over the Cavs. And Satoshi says, $2664.00. 

Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 6/12/2017 at 9:03 pm


Great news that the sun is out!  Hope that means you will be able to move forward.  Keeping my fingers and my toes crossed for you and the team!!!  Miss you and love you so much!!! 


Posted by: Amanda Gunn on 6/12/2017 at 9:41 am

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Stretch Their Legs and Lungs

June 10, 2017 Hello from 14 Camp. We had a mix of bagels, cheese and Cheerios with a side of bacon for breakfast. Then we suited up for a walk in calmer and warmer weather than what we have be experiencing lately. Our team climbed to the base of the fixed ropes to clear our minds from tent time. We also were glad to stretch the legs and lungs! Our vibe is lifted for the future. The forecast for tomorrow is looking like new strong wind with snow. The weather could turn the corner early next week. The team is doing every well and poised to go higher soon. RMI Guide Tyler Jones & Team
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Hello Tym, Tyler, and Team,

I am ever-hopeful that you get that well-deserved break in the weather, ASAP!!  This delay in your journey has to be difficult. Hang in there!!  Hugs to all.  And…Satoshi says $2998.34.

Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 6/11/2017 at 7:37 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Storm Day at 14K Camp

June 9, 2017 11:40 pm PST The team held at 14 Camp another day while it snowed most of the day. There wasn't much action outside of the tents minus some shoveling around camp and playing some games under shelter in the kitchen or as we call it the "posh." The team is still doing well and spirits are high as the weekend outlook is still calling for more snow and high winds. We've been keeping a close eye on our dwindling food bags but some easy rationing has us feeling that we still have enough time to wait for the next weather window. Thanks for some of the previous blog comments, we've shared them with the team. Send us some calm, sunny weather! RMI Guide Tyler Jones
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Tym, Tyler, and Team,

There must be a break-down because I have been sending you calm, warm weather…it is obviously not arriving.  There must be a large, lost package at the post office. So sorry.  I will continue to try at this end and wish you all the best.  Stay strong and enthusiastic. 

The Cavs beat the Warriors 137-116 last night, so with the Warriors ahead at 3-1, it is back to Oakland for another game on Monday night.

And Tym, Satoshi says, $2921.00!!

Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 6/10/2017 at 8:04 pm

Matt and team,

Hanging in there. Sunny and hot in Michigan this weekend. Will send some your way. Praying weather clears up soon!! Stay safe.

Love, Mom

Posted by: Barb McAllister on 6/10/2017 at 9:18 am

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Relax at 14,000’ Camp

June 8, 2017 Today was another relaxed day! The crew played more corn hole and we learned a new old game from Amir and Nima. The winds were cooking this morning. The signs of uphill progress were not looking hot. The team is bonding and has high spirits for sticking out the unsettled and likely stormy weather the next few days. Brent's RMI team descended to 14,000' to skip the bad weather up high. The guides put some strong work into helping them set up camp and make water for them. Tomorrow will likely bring more laughter and good times maybe some laps around camp, we'll see. The weather has to break at some point! RMI Guide Tyler Jones

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I hope you’re well up there and that you’re getting some good use out of my favorite down slippers. Enjoy the rest of your time on the mountain and take lots of pictures. It looks amazing and I can’t wait to hear your stories.

If by chance you start to miss me… Just remember every time you look up at the moon, I too will be looking at a moon. Not the same moon, obviously, that’s impossible.

Love, Colleen

Posted by: Colleen on 6/9/2017 at 4:24 pm

Hope weather breaks real soon!  We want you to come home soon!  Stay safe!

Posted by: Kathy Healy on 6/9/2017 at 3:09 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Remain at 14,000’ Camp

June 7, 2017 The team is still here at 14,000 ft Camp on Denali. Our snow walls we built yesterday proved to be worthy today as the winds were gusty and we had some light snowfall this afternoon. Today provided some more tent time than the last few days, discussions around dinner have evolved to what books people are reading and if anyone is ready to trade finished books. We also got crafty with building a camp game, with a sled filled with snow and some sandwich bags packed with snow we improvised the game cornhole. It became an instant hit and we might have some more time here to start a tournament! Otherwise, all is well as we wait out the windy and snowy conditions on the upper mountain. RMI Guide Tyler Jones

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Hi to Dear Amir and Nima and all team guide and team members,

Hoping this message finds you well. I can understand how tough it is to wait in the camp for final approach. You need to be too patient, that you are!! and keep yourself fit and safe. I don ‘t want to disappoint you but it may happen if your supplies are running rock bottom down or weather conditions are tough, your guides may decide bringing you down without going to top summing. But that’s it; at times it is the route that matters not the mere fact of reaching the goal. Stay tough, patient and safe,
Last Friday 9th of June, I climbed to Claun Bastak (CB) in Dizin area of Central Alborz, north of Tehran. CB has a height of 4300 m (we started from Dizin at 2000 m ) and when we reached summit we had the amazing view of Damavand summit, Touchal, and Alam Kuh. As it was too cold, we spent half an hour there. In the way down we had a difficult time as the route was too sharp and slippery. I have put pictures on our family account. !!
I keep my fingers crossed and pray you prevail it. But if you didn’t, don’t worry you are on the right path and on the good hands; you would be able to do it next time. Please don’t forget that it is not the goals that are important, the path towards goals are much mor fundamental and meaningful. You will accomplish it, keep your spirits and stay safe and well,
Hadi, Mitra’s father,

Posted by: Hadi on 6/10/2017 at 11:08 pm

Tym, Tyler, and Team,

Hang in there and be patient.  Your time has to be coming.  Keep up your spirits and know I am thinking of you here in the 90 degree lowlands of Charlotte, NC.  And…Satoshi says, $2,822.00.


Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 6/9/2017 at 3:56 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Building Walls at 14,000’ Camp

June 6, 2017 Today we woke up to the expected winds on the upper mountain. The temperatures are creeping up slowly but the winds are keeping us low for a day, or a few. This means we acclimate by doing light activity and a bit of lifting. We started with a hot drink and traveled back to the edge of the world to outstanding views. Afterwords, the team all piled into the cook tent for a round of blueberry pancakes. Building walls around our camp, creating a mountain castle, filled the next few hours as we fortified our outpost. We now have the best walls and the best views in camp! A fellow RMI team lead by Jake, Steve, and Megan arrived at 14 today, and our group was happy to lend them a hand setting up camp. We are now surrounded by friends in a beautiful camp. Everything is in its place, and we are ready to move uphill when the mountain allows it. RMI Guide Tyler Jones

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Fingers crossed for clear weather and being able to push ahead at the soonest opportunity. 

Go John and the rest of the team!

Posted by: SoCal Gunns on 6/8/2017 at 9:56 am

Hi Dear Amir and Hi to all team members,
Hope all is OK with you and you have a pleasant and safe climbing. You are just at it!! You are on a hard journey. Years ahead you look back and you enjoy remembering an unforgettable, amazing and exciting experience in fighting physically and spirituallly against hard rock stones in your way up. Your ascent is symbolising how you need to move forward and pass the barriers patiently and humbly but resolutely. Tomorrow morning I will be climbing Claun Bastami at 4300 meter height, beginning at 4 am and coming down in the afternoon.
Please take good care of yourself, preserve your skin from the intensity of sun and stay well!
Hadi, Mitra’s dad

Posted by: Hadi on 6/8/2017 at 6:51 am

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Take Well Deserved Rest Day

June 5, 2017 After our cache to 17,200' Camp yesterday, our team had earned a well deserved rest day. We cooked up some breakfast burritos this morning for brunch which included eggs, bacon and hash browns. After digesting our breakfast, we stretched out our legs by walking to the Edge of the World. Each team member was belayed out to the edge which drops some 5,000 ft to the Northeast Fork and provides some great photos to bring home. The weather outlook is calling for some windy and cold days ahead so the team may be sticking it out here at 14k camp but when our time comes we will be rested and ready to climb! RMI Guide Tyler Jones
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Tym, Tyler, and Team,

Hope that the weather subsides to a manageable level for you to proceed safely.  Stay strong on this incredible adventure. Thinking of you daily. And Tym…Satoshi says $2850.00.

Love, Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 6/7/2017 at 5:08 am

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Carry Supplies to 17,200’ Camp

June 4, 2017 Today was our hardest day yet! The team did another outstanding job on our climb up to High Camp at 17,200 ft. The crew also managed to return the favor to Brent's climb by bumping the last of their equipment and food from 16,600' as well as prep their arrival to high camp un-burying their caches from a few days ago. We had perfect weather and amazing views of the whole south side of the Alaska range. The descent was a bit of a traffic jam but all went well and the snow has begun as we arrived back to our tents in 14,000' Camp. Our plan for now is to rest and recover tomorrow. Then we will just wait for our summit opportunity! Fingers crossed for nice weather Tuesday and beyond! RMI Guide Tyler Jones

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Great progress John (and team). We can’t wait to hear your first hand account. Truly the adventure of a lifetime. We’re all so proud.

Posted by: SoCal Gunns on 6/6/2017 at 7:30 am

Amir: René told me about this latest adventure. Wow, this must be such an amazing experience (but, reading about the mountain a bit, I’m glad it’s you on the mountain and not me)! You never cease to amaze me with the goals you set and your tenacity in pursuing them. I wish you and the team a successful completion of the expedition and look forward to hearing all about it when you return! You make us proud! All the best! Martin

Posted by: Martin Fischer on 6/6/2017 at 1:04 am

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