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Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Building Walls at 14,000’ Camp

June 6, 2017 Today we woke up to the expected winds on the upper mountain. The temperatures are creeping up slowly but the winds are keeping us low for a day, or a few. This means we acclimate by doing light activity and a bit of lifting. We started with a hot drink and traveled back to the edge of the world to outstanding views. Afterwords, the team all piled into the cook tent for a round of blueberry pancakes. Building walls around our camp, creating a mountain castle, filled the next few hours as we fortified our outpost. We now have the best walls and the best views in camp! A fellow RMI team lead by Jake, Steve, and Megan arrived at 14 today, and our group was happy to lend them a hand setting up camp. We are now surrounded by friends in a beautiful camp. Everything is in its place, and we are ready to move uphill when the mountain allows it. RMI Guide Tyler Jones

On The Map

Comments (5)

Fingers crossed for clear weather and being able to push ahead at the soonest opportunity. 

Go John and the rest of the team!

Posted by: SoCal Gunns on

Hi Dear Amir and Hi to all team members,
Hope all is OK with you and you have a pleasant and safe climbing. You are just at it!! You are on a hard journey. Years ahead you look back and you enjoy remembering an unforgettable, amazing and exciting experience in fighting physically and spirituallly against hard rock stones in your way up. Your ascent is symbolising how you need to move forward and pass the barriers patiently and humbly but resolutely. Tomorrow morning I will be climbing Claun Bastami at 4300 meter height, beginning at 4 am and coming down in the afternoon.
Please take good care of yourself, preserve your skin from the intensity of sun and stay well!
Hadi, Mitra’s dad

Posted by: Hadi on

Amir and team, bummed to hear the weather is slowing you down. Enjoy the down time and rest. And take lots of pictures! You’ve got this!!! You’re almost to the summit!!!!
Love, Mitra

Posted by: Mitra Mah on

Praying for a safe journey and an even better experience .
We are holding down the fort !

Joyce,Louise & Eileen

Posted by: Eileen Kilbride on

John Gunn and Team,

wish I could be up there building snow castles, seeing amazing views, and freezing your booty off with you! keep safe. sending good thoughts and love!

Alyssa & the Family

Posted by: Alyssa Gunn on

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