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Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Move to High Camp

June 12, 2017 Hello from our new camp at 17,000 ft on Denali! The team had an early start pack up camp and departed around 7 am. The winds picked up on the West Buttress as we neared the first break. The team had some amazing dance moves as we waited an hour or so for the morning winds to subside. The team climbed strong all the way to high camp in optimal weather. We worked for a few more hours to build camp. The climbers crawled in to have a rest as the guides worked to melt snow and tidy camp. We are now eating big bowls of Annie's Mac and cheese with bacon and soup. The hydration and eating up here never stops. Tomorrow with high hopes of good weather and light wind the team will shoot to stand on top of North America. Send us good vibes! RMI Guide Tyler Jones

On The Map

Comments (10)

Matt - Hoping to hear news of a summit soon! Stay safe. Sending love and good vibes for fair weather!! Daisy and I are trying to be patient waiting for you to get back. We miss you so much!!

Love, Colleen

Posted by: Colleen on

@ John Gunn and team,

you got this!!! hope it all goes well getting to the tippy top! stay safe and hopeful!!! you’ll be down here sitting around the table telling all your stories and eating a home cooked meal from momma in no time!

love you!


Posted by: Alyssa Gunn on

John, Looking forward to hearing about this amazing trip. Wishing you much luck and success. Your friends (Chuck, Eric, Matt) at SiriusDecisions.

Posted by: Chuck Householder on

John “With an h” Gunn,

Your fan club at VASCO is sending good vibes that the summit will be yours soon!  Hope you are enjoying every moment and we look forward to hearing all about your adventure when you’re back at sea level with us flatlanders. 

Mark & crew

Posted by: Mark Hoyt on

So happy for you all!!!!  Can’t wait to hear how it is on top of the world and see some pics!!  Sending lots of good vibes, hugs, kisses, anything and everything to get you to the top! 
xoxo love you Babe!

Posted by: Amanda Gunn on

Good Luck to the team from the Toledo JL Engineers! Hello to Matt McAllister. Take some cool pictures for us.

Posted by: Dave Reed on

Dear Amir,

Congratulations!! to all of you for your success to make the 17000 camp. Hoping that weather would help so you can make the final approach. We are looking and reading the news on the website early morning everyday and waiting for good news. Please give us good news soon!!!!
Stay safe, happy, and patient,

Hadi, Mitra’s father

Posted by: Hadi on

Tym, Tyler, and Team,

Three cheers and then some, for you!!  Best wishes for continued good weather and your bid for the summit.  You all deserve to make it.  It has been a looooong wait…for you, and those of us way down here cheering you on. Fight the fatigue and hang in there. And….Satoshi says, $2487.00.

Be safe!!

Love, Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on

Yessss!!!!! Glad you make to 17,000 camp! Hoping and praying for a fantastic weather so that you are able to summit!  Will be anxiously awaiting the blog!  Good luck and stay safe Matt and team(s).j

Love, Mom

Posted by: Barb McAllister on

HOOOOOORAY!!!! This is wonderful news!!! Glad that you guys are on the move and can’t wait to see your pic and your message from the top of north america!! Stay strong and warm. Amir we are sending you and the team lots of energy and good vibes!
Love, Mitra

Posted by: Mitra Mah on

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