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Entries By robby young

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Waiting at 14,200 ft Camp

May 24, 2015 - 9:32 am PT Winter has come to Denali. We spent the night listening to snowflakes pelt the tent walls, interspersed with frequent tent shaking blasts of wind. As we stretched breakfast into a long brunch, the story didn't change, so we decided to focus our energy on building up our walls a bit more and solidifying camp rather than going to get our cache. The evening brought stronger snow, and a fresh forecast of more snow tomorrow and wind, so we'll see how the plan for tomorrow shakes out. From the wintry white north, RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Robby Young, Josh Maggard, and team

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Hey all you Elves in winter wonderland. Looks like Santa Claus back yard.  Looks like few teams set up their camp there too.
Hope to hear you can get to your cache tomorrow and settle.
Hope you nice and warm and well Renee.
Soldier on.
Thanks for the pic team PRJ.
All the best.
Love you lots Renee. Mama xx

Posted by: Lori on 5/24/2015 at 4:42 pm

Glad Team Pete made it in time before the weather turn wintry good idea to stay put. Sorry to hear weather has not been cooperating hopefully it will be better soon less wind would be awesome. We are all pulling for team Pete.
Matt stay warm and use sunscreen once a mom always a mom lol. Dad and I finally put new plants and flowers across from the mailbox it looks really nice Michael finished with the sprinkler. Everyone in Cali prays for your safety, good health and cooperative weather.
Have a goodnight sleep till the next update be safe and warm
love mom ox

Posted by: Terri on 5/24/2015 at 4:41 pm

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer and Team Set Up Camp at 14,200’

Friday, May 22nd 5:52 pm PDT The day dawned (that is, the sun rose since it's always some shade of dawn or dusk but never night) with blue skies and calm air in camp, so we hit the rally button, gobbled breakfast and set about breaking camp to head to 14,200 ft. As we climbed, clouds started to appear and stream over our heads and we knew that winds were building. Windy Corner lived up to its name, but it was really only unpleasant for a short while, with wind whipping snow and ice pellets into our face. As soon as we passed the Windy Corner, the winds died and the oven turned on. It's a long move to 14k Camp, and once we arrived the work wasn't over. We set about building walls, a new kitchen, and getting everything bomb proofed. Now we're settled into our new digs, happy, warm, and content. 14k Camp really is the cat's meow. Tomorrow we'll retrieve our cache, and it will be great to be fully settled. Until then, RMI Guides Pete, Robby, Josh, and team

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Keep up the good work, Matt! Here’s a terrible pun for your trouble: ‘I have kleptomania, so when it gets really bad, I take something for it.’ Stay warm and safe, and enjoy the view!

Posted by: Scott on 5/24/2015 at 9:52 am

Jon and Team,
Congratulations on hiking up to 14,200 base camp!  In spite of the snow and ice pellets you all persevered and succeeded.  Thank you guides for your wisdom.
We continue to pray for your safety, cooperative weather and good health.
With caring thoughts to all,
Mom and Aunty Karen


Posted by: Kemai on 5/23/2015 at 10:52 pm

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Take A Weather Day at 11,200’

May 21, 2015 - 11:31 pm PT Mt. McKinley made it abundantly clear today that we were welcome to stay in the tents, but were not welcome to move higher. Big snow plumes above us and swirling clouds, snow, and wind in camp made the decision to rest for the day easy. We passed the time with a long brunch, some tent time, and another long dinner session hanging out in the posh. This evening our visibility improved, the sun shone through, and the winds diminished, so we're hopeful that we'll take a take two tomorrow and head up to 14,000'. Keep your finger crossed for us. RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Robby Young, Josh Maggard and team

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Thinking of you all up there.  McKinley is showing both her sides to you, will definately cross fingers she will start behaving tomorrow and let you guys through.
Love and miss you Renee as always.  So very proud of you.  Please keep safe and warm.  Jordy leaving Oz soon - how exciting hey.  All doggies well as far as i know - Mama xxx

Posted by: lori on 5/22/2015 at 4:17 pm

Team Pete that sounds like the best decision.  Keep spirits up we are all praying for better weather and safety for all for the rest of your journey. Thanks for the update !
Matt everyone here @ home miss you bunches,  stay healthy and strong!!
I go by your house every other day get mail it lets people see someone is there its all fine,  pool does not seem to be open sure wish it was :>(  Stay safe and warm.
Till next update
Love you mom xox


Posted by: Terri on 5/22/2015 at 1:14 pm

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer and Team Carry to Windy Corner

Wednesday, May 20th 6:11 pm PDT Our day was productive, if not easy. This morning the winds had abated, though not gone, and we seized our opportunity to make some headway. We swapped snowshoes for crampons, packed loads of food and fuel, and roped up for the climb to Windy Corner. The winds, not nearly as strong as yesterday, were nonetheless a bit blustery as we climbed and added a bit of extra challenge to the day, and everyone rose to that challenge. We made it to Windy Corner and cached our loads as the wind seemed to pick up a bit. We scooted back downhill to the comfort of our tents, and tucked in. By mid-afternoon, the winds returned to 11k Camp and brought snow with them. We'll see how the current pattern progresses, and in the morning we'll find out if the weather will allow us to move up, or whether we'll extend out stay at 11,200' for another day. For now we're snug in our beds. RMI Guides Pete, Robby, Josh, and Team

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Hi Jon!
As I looked at the picture of the team climbing with heavy packs I thought of our Mt. Fuji climb.  Fuji must have been a piece of cake compared to what you and the team are experiencing.  Hope that the weather will permit the team to advance to the 14,000’ base camp.
With warm thoughts and prayers for everyone!

Posted by: Kemai on 5/22/2015 at 1:25 am

Hi Renee, hope the weather gets better for you all. Photos look amazing. Hope your taking plenty of them. Miss you bulldog and staffy stare at the door waiting for you whenever they hear a noise outside. I’m nearly all packed ready to leave! Can’t wait to see you. GABS starts today will have a milk chai stout and finger lime ale for you! Love Jordy, Ralph & Meissa xoxo

Posted by: Jordan on 5/21/2015 at 3:44 pm

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Take a Rest Day at 11,200’

May 20, 2015 - 12:07 am PT We wanted to get up to 13,500' to cache today, but the weather had other plans. Clouds and snow were moving quickly over the Polo Field and West Buttress above us, and gave us all the clues we needed to guess what would be going on at Windy Corner. After watching the trend for a couple of hours and not seeing any improvement, we decided to sit tight and take a tent day. Sure enough, around noon the wind direction shifted and brought strong, gusty winds to camp, along with a fair bit of snow. The team did the tent time triathlon, competing in three events: napping (best napping and longest), spades, and sport eating lunch food. By dinner, the clouds above us started to break and the sun peaked through. We've got 6 inches of nice new fluffy snow, and the view as we crawled into our sleeping bags was sparkly and beautiful. We'll add some more sleep hours, and hope that we wake up to conducive conditions for getting our cache in tomorrow! RMI Guides Pete, Josh, Robby, and team

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Matt sounds like you are having a lot of fun. I’m staying in touch with mom to see how you are doing. It has been raining here most of the day.  Stay warm and be safe. Love you dearly.  Auntie Marilyn

Posted by: Marilyn Collura on 5/21/2015 at 7:56 pm

Beautiful photos that have been posted.  Hope the weather cooperates - stay safe and smart.  Love you Robby (mom)  :-)

Posted by: Diane Young on 5/21/2015 at 5:33 am

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Rest at 11,000’ Camp

May 19, 2015 - 12:39 am PT We woke to the sound of the mob leaving 11,000' Camp to move to 14,000'. Winds have prevented teams from moving up for several days, and so 11 has become a bit of a bottle neck. Happy to be tucked into warm sleeping bags and without a camp to move today, we kept dozing until the sun hit our tents. With the warmth, we smashed out a smoked salmon and bagel breakfast, and donned empty packs to retrieve the food and fuel that we cached yesterday. Back in time for an afternoon siesta, we spent some more time horizontal, and then did a quick review of our crampon and ice ax skills. A story filled dinner stretched into the night and now it's time to get some shut eye. We got the blog comments that you all posted today and read them over dinner. Many thanks. Tomorrow we'll hopefully boost some food and fuel up higher to windy corner to set us up for a move to 14,000'. Good night to all. We'll be in touch tomorrow. RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Robby Young, Josh Maggard, and team

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Critt I Love You!! Your lil sis is so proud. Keep being awesome!

Posted by: Heather Hartnett on 5/20/2015 at 6:13 am

So glad you are all well and safe. Kinda glad it’s not me freezing my butt off up there, but secretly wishing I was as strong and daring as you all. Push on to 14,000 with a warm heart of love and encouragement from us all back here Renee :-) We miss you and can’t wait for you to come back xxxxx

Posted by: Paul on 5/20/2015 at 4:22 am

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer and Team Make a Move

We woke to sunny skies, and the forecasted winds didn't arrive down low where we were. After bagel, cream cheese, and bacon filled breakfast sandwiches we crashed our camp, loaded our sleds (more and more team members are naming their sleds each day - the better to curse them by), and started the climb up Ski Hill. The steeper terrain with all of the weight of our gear was a big effort, different from yesterday's long miles with little elevation change, but the team handled it really well, and pulled into a cozy camp at 9500' this evening. A big meal of Mac and cheese fortified with bacon put everyone into food comas, and were crawling into the sacks for the night. Tomorrow, we plan to move to 11k to really start the process of acclimating. That's all the news from here. We'll be in touch tomorrow. RMI Guides Pete, Robby, Josh, and team.
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Chris and team,
Happy to hear your able to start to climb to 11k….thinking of you all and hope acclimating goes well for you. 
Dad is TDY in Sunny California this week…it reached 91 today in DC…
Thinking good thoughts for all of you…stay safe…
love, Mom

Posted by: Dave and Melissa on 5/18/2015 at 5:08 pm

Pete my man…Happy Mon from flatlands of IN…Great expedition wishes amigo to you and your crew…You are the best…Godspeed…Waltero…Didn’t see any Primrose, nor Iris, Tulips, Colombine nor corn in that landscape - What gives ?

Posted by: Waltero on 5/18/2015 at 2:24 pm

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Fly on and Set Up Camp

May 16, 2015 1:09 am PT Hi all, While yesterday became a waiting game that ultimately left us sleeping in town for another night, this morning was sunny and blue, and immediately after breakfast, we loaded the planes and were off! The flight in was spectacular with great views of the range. After a couple hours of sorting loads, packing, and rigging, we walked out of base camp and on to the lower Kahiltna. We made great time, and now we are snugly tucked into camp after an eventful day. Time to catch some Zzzz. We'll be in touch tomorrow. RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Josh Maggard, Robby Young, and team

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Hi Renee, Tell Pete great they manage to do updates of how things are going. Hope the weather stays good and not too windy.The updates are good so family and friends don’t worry too much. Best of luck to you and the team. Sounds absolutely fantastic. Thinking of you.
lv Maureen

Posted by: Maureen Lococo on 5/17/2015 at 6:26 am

Thanks for the updates keeps us all informed that is awesome!!
Good morning Matt and Kevin hope you guys got a goodnight sleep stay safe and warm.
Dad and I pulled weeds got rid of the grass in the plants and mowed your yard looks great!!
Miss you Matt have a safe climb to the next up date :)
Love you mom xo

Posted by: Terri on 5/17/2015 at 5:37 am

Mt. McKinley: Pete Van Deventer & Team Kahiltna Bound!

Yesterday we spent the whole day on hold here in Talkeetna. Today is a new day. This morning's skies are clear and we're loading up to go! We are off to climb Mount McKinley! RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer
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Jon and team members:
Happy that the weather permitted your flight.  Know that we are wishing you great weather for a safe climb.
With much love and aloha,
Hugs, Mom

Posted by: Kemai on 5/15/2015 at 7:49 pm

Godspeed Matt Godspeed team Pete ,Robby and Josh
We love you and proud of you Matt
Love mom dad and Michael

Posted by: Terri on 5/15/2015 at 5:39 pm

Mt. McKinley: Pete Van Deventer & Team are Rigged & Ready to Roll

Our team is assembled, or bags are packed, and we are ready to climb onboard the airplanes and take off! We spent today going through all of our gear, packing and repacking our bags, and sorting lunch food. With all of the details dialed in, we're going to eat what is hopefully our last dinner in town for a few weeks, and catch some zzz's. Tomorrow with any luck, we'll board the planes first thing for one of the highlights of the trip: the stunning flight into Kahiltna Base Camp. We'll be in touch! RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Robby Young, Josh Maggard, and team
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Ed and the team, Have a wonderful trip and wishing you great weather. So proud of you!

Posted by: Gayle Hutton on 5/16/2015 at 6:28 pm

Following your adventure Brian P. Best of Luck and keep the updates and photos rolling.

Posted by: Faisal M on 5/16/2015 at 5:25 pm

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