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Entries By raymond holt

Mt. Rainier: August 3rd Summit!

The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Steve Gately and Ben Luedtke reached the summit of Mt. Rainier early this morning. RMI Guide Ben Luedtke captured the team in this photo on the upper mountian as they were ascending under clear blue skies. They are on the descent in route back to Camp Muir. 

Congratulations Team! 

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Looking to be added to waitlist for a 4 or 5 (perferable 5) day Raineer trip.
hoping for 2nd half of August or September  
website is not letting me sign up to waitlist
Look forward to hearing back from you folks

Posted by: Jay Salus on 4/23/2024 at 2:48 pm

Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar - Emmons Summit!

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Emmons led by RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer reached the summit of Mt. Rainier at 8:15 am today. Utilizing a less traveled route on the northeastern side of Mt. Rainier, our Expedition Skills Seminar – Emmons captures the best aspects of summer climbing on Mt. Rainier's far-flung glaciers. The Emmons Glacier route is truly an endurance climb, beginning on the forested Glacier Basin Trail and ending on the glacier-capped summit of Mt. Rainier.

The team has one more night on the mountain and a full day of skills training before descending tomorrow. Congratulations Team! 

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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Teams on Columbia Crest!

RMI Guides Brent Okita & Dustin Wittmier led their team of climbers to the summit of Mt. Rainier.  The Four Day Climb team July 9 - 12 enjoyed a beautiful morning on the mountain with a nice route and 15 mph winds.  The teams were on Columbia Crest at 7:30 am and began their descent from the crater rim just after 8 am.  The teams will return to Camp Muir for a short break to repack and refuel before descending the remaining 4,500' to Paradise.

Congratulations team!

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If I had one word to describe the RMI team it would be professional.  They really took good care of our team and let us enjoy the experience.  A top notch crew I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to anyone considering a Rainier summit in the future.  Thank you ALA for all your support as well!  Climbing for a purpose (other than bagging a peak) is really special and I’ve been happy to support your cause.  Thank you team, you really made it enjoyable and it was a pleasure to be part of this group that is forever connected by this amazing experience!

Posted by: David Lamp on 7/20/2023 at 12:48 pm

Such an awesome experience!  Thank you to our guide team and to all of the other climbers who worked hard out there.  From the guides to everyone climbing with with ALA, you all made this such a memorable experienced. Climb on y’all!!

Posted by: Jonathan Mack on 7/15/2023 at 9:56 am

Mt. Rainier: July 7th Summit!

The Four Day Team climbed into a cap and had light winds. but that didn't stop them from reaching the 14,410' Summit. RMI Guides Steve Gately and Joe Hoch were leading the team off the crater rim at 6:57 am. They are on the descent making their way back to Camp Muir.

Congratulations team! 

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Absolutely amazing Miami Crew! Love you guys and so proud always.

Posted by: Linda on 7/7/2023 at 9:07 am

Felicitaciones a todo el grupo por lograr su cometido. Ya quiero ver las fotografías, seguro estan espectaculares!

Posted by: Zulema Roca on 7/7/2023 at 9:01 am

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb led by Van Deventer & McDowell Reach Summit

The June 26 - 29 Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer & Josh McDowell reached the summit of Mt. Rainier just before 6 am today.  Pete reported a very nice morning on the mountain.  The teams enjoyed an hour in the summit crater before starting their descent from the crater rim.  The teams will return to Camp Muir for a quick break and then continue the final 4,500' to Paradise.  They will celebrate their achievement at Rainier BaseCamp later this afternoon.

Nice work team!

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WOOO great work on a successful climb! Congrats to Becky and the rest of the team :)

Posted by: Corey on 6/29/2023 at 8:55 am

Mt. Rainier: ALA Climbers Reach the Summit

The team of American Lung Association (ALA) climbers on the Four Day Climb June 19 - 22 led by RMI Guide Abby Westling reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning.  The climbers enjoyed blue skies and sunshine on their ascent and were able to spend some time in the crater.  Abby and the team started their descent from the crater rim around 8:30 am en route to Camp Muir.  Once back at camp, they will get a short rest before continuing down to Paradise.  The program ends this evening with a celebration for the team members for their hardwork and contributions to the American Lung Association. 

Congratulations to today's climbers!

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Congrats team! Such an amazing accomplishment.

Posted by: Steve Albert on 6/22/2023 at 8:24 pm

Congratulations to the whole team!
Excellent job on your climbing accomplishments! You all did a fantastic job raising money for the “ Clean Breathe “ cause. To my daughter Lori 25 years ago you worried me to death! I had no idea what I was going to do if something happened and I had to raise your children NOW 25 years later I couldn’t sleep with worry , if something happened to you who would take care of me ? LOL!  We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments! Love Mom and Dad Hooper

Posted by: “Dad and Mom” Hooper on 6/22/2023 at 9:33 am

Mt. Rainier: Five Day Climbing Teams Enjoy Gorgeous Day

The Five Day Climb June 10 - 14 reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning.  The teams were lead by RMI Guides Walter Hailes and Joe Hoch who reported a gorgeous day of climbing.  The teams reached the crater rim a little before 9 am and were able to spend time crossing the crater to the Columbia Crest.  As this is a Five Day Climb, the teams will return to Camp Muir to rest and relax.  They will spend their second night on the mountain tonight. Tomorrow the teams will descending the remaining 4,500' to Paradise and return to Rainier BaseCamp.

Congratulations to today's climbers!

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Congratulations!!!!! So proud of Marc, Skyler and Savannah!!!! You guys are amazing!!!
Can’t wait to see you back at camp!!!!
Love, mom, Athena and Mitch!

Posted by: Annette Gibbens on 6/14/2023 at 1:20 pm

Congratulations Savannah, Skyler and Mark!
You did it!!
What a great accomplishment and experience.

Posted by: Wanda Stallings on 6/14/2023 at 9:58 am

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