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Mt. Rainier: ALA Climbers Reach the Summit

The team of American Lung Association (ALA) climbers on the Four Day Climb June 19 - 22 led by RMI Guide Abby Westling reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning.  The climbers enjoyed blue skies and sunshine on their ascent and were able to spend some time in the crater.  Abby and the team started their descent from the crater rim around 8:30 am en route to Camp Muir.  Once back at camp, they will get a short rest before continuing down to Paradise.  The program ends this evening with a celebration for the team members for their hardwork and contributions to the American Lung Association. 

Congratulations to today's climbers!

Comments (2)

Congrats team! Such an amazing accomplishment.

Posted by: Steve Albert on

Congratulations to the whole team!
Excellent job on your climbing accomplishments! You all did a fantastic job raising money for the “ Clean Breathe “ cause. To my daughter Lori 25 years ago you worried me to death! I had no idea what I was going to do if something happened and I had to raise your children NOW 25 years later I couldn’t sleep with worry , if something happened to you who would take care of me ? LOL!  We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments! Love Mom and Dad Hooper

Posted by: “Dad and Mom” Hooper on

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