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Entries By pete van deventer

Mt. Rainier: July 29th Update

Summit! The Five Day Summit Climb led by Pete Van Deventer and the Four Day Summit Climb led by Brent Okita reached the top of Mt. Rainier early this morning. At 6:40 a.m. Brent radioed Camp Muir to say they were descending out of the summit crater. He reported great weather for the climb. We look forward to congratulating them in Ashford this afternoon!
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Congratulations Team Miller!!  We Are so excited and proud!!!

Posted by: Bonnie, Curry and Jamie on 7/30/2013 at 9:51 am

Good job Nick - at least you made an attempt - next for you is Everest

Posted by: Captain H on 7/29/2013 at 2:39 pm

Mt. Rainier: July 23, 2013 Summit!

The Four Day Summit Climb led by RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer reached the summit of Mt. Rainier at 6:45am. The team reported nice weather and calm winds, they spent some time on the summit and have started their descent back to Camp Muir. The Expedition Skills Seminar – Emmons Led by RMI Guide Elias deAndres Martos also reached the summit via the Emmons route early this morning and have stated their descent back to Camp Schurman. Congratulations to today's teams!
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Congrats on another great climb!  Your family is very proud of you and your accomplishment. Glad you are home safe and sound. love, m and fam

Posted by: Michelle Rico Wilsdon on 7/29/2013 at 11:51 am

Way to go pops! Looking forward to seeing pictures and hearing about the hike.

Posted by: Jon G. on 7/24/2013 at 10:02 am

Mt. Rainier: July 19th - Team Turns at 13,600’

The Four Day Summit Climb July 16 - 19 led by RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer and the Expedition Skills Seminar -Paradise led by Garrett Stevens were unable to summit this morning. A snow bridge over a crevasse collapsed this morning preventing the groups from continuing their ascent. This collapse happened at approximately 13,600’. All climbers are continuing down safely. The teams will return to Camp Muir to re-pack and take a short break before continuing down to Paradise. We look forward to seeing the groups at Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon.
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Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team’s Expedition Comes to an End

Wow! The close to expeditions happen so quickly. After spending two weeks working our way into position, and then waiting for our summit window, the descent flew by. After a day of waiting for winds to die to leave 17k, we left camp in much more moderate winds, but with moderate snowfall added to the mix. The group did a great job of working down the exposed sections of the West Buttress and down the fixed lines to 14k. We ran into Dave Hahn's group there, and traded stories while sorting and organizing our cache, and then continued on our way down to 11k for the evening. Once again the weather moved in, and we arrived at 11k with a chilly wind and snowfall. We set a hasty camp, dug our cache, and ate a hot dinner, before heading to bed. With snow in the forecast for the next day, and hoping to have some visibility, we opted to wake in the dawn hours of morning. The day turned out to be perfectly clear and calm, and we walked out under warming conditions, arriving at Basecamp just in time to see five K2 airplanes land to take out 24 climbers that had been waiting to leave for several days. We were next in line, but spent the day on standby, as K2 launched plane after plane to come get us, only to have to turn around due to clouds and obscured visibility in the passes that allow access to the Alaska Range. Finally, at 8 pm, we got word that the last flight for that evening had turned around and that we would spend another night on the glacier. We set a hasty camp, and cooked up a big dinner out of all of the tasty looking ingredients we could pull from our remaining meals. The next morning dawned clear, calm, and warm, but again, clouds hung in the passes, preventing planes from making it to us, until later in the afternoon. Finally, we had planes on the runway, but the pilots hurried us along, saying it wasn't going to last, and sure enough, as we headed out, pass after pass had shutdown with big white banks of clouds. As we rounded the corner of the Pica Glacier towards Pica Pass, we say the hole we needed and scooted through, with gray rock and white glaciers giving way suddenly to bright green forest and bog lands. Landing in Talkeetna is always a shock to the senses, as smells of grass, trees, pavement, jet fuel, and everything else come flooding in. We stepped off of the planes Tuesday evening to a warm, bright, scented scene, excited to be off the glacier, and gratitude to K2 for trying so hard to get us off. This trip brought together seven climbers who previously had never met to attempt and test themselves on the tallest peak in North America. The group did an amazing job quickly coalescing into a very functional team. We moved over the mountain efficiently (critical for the weather we would see in the second half of the trip), set camp quickly and solidly, and everyone supported everyone else. It was a pleasure for the three of us guides to work with the group, and their dedication showed as the conditions became more challenging, and everyone persevered despite. Thanks for tuning in and watching our adventure progress. Until next time, RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Geoff Schellens, Robby Young, and team signing out!
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Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Descend to 11,000’

Sunday, July 7, 2013 We are down in the thick air of 11k feet! We woke this morning to some snowfall, and generally wintry conditions, but nothing that we couldn't deal with, and in short order we had camp packed and were rolling down the buttress. We made a short stop at 14 to visit with Dave Hahn's team ( who were gracious enough to invite is into their posh and make us hot water) and pick up our cache. Another few hours brought us to the 11k camp, where we made our beds for the night. We plan to wake early and continue our descent down the Kahiltna, with the aim of being at the airstrip by mid morning! With luck, there will be a break in the clouds, and we will see the red planes of K2 dropping in to bring us back to Talkeetna! We'll let you know how that goes, but for now, it's early to bed for us! RMI Guides Pete, Geoff, Robby, and team

On The Map

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Hi team: My stepson is with Dave Hahn on the way up, and I’ve been reading your team’s posts also. Hope you got down, and got to fly out.

Posted by: Vicki on 7/10/2013 at 3:25 pm

Hola Guapo,
Viola just called me to tell me you were stuck” IN a glacier?”  I HOPE NOT!....I’m hoping you meant : “stuck ON the glacier i.e.:mountain”.  Did you forget our home number?
You have nothing scheduled at the office until the 22nd. Viola wanted me to let you know that. She said you would be home Thursday How is this possible?
Are you planing to take me away?...Far…....Far…...away? I hope so! If you can’t…make sure you pick up a box of Calgon at the supermercado before you come home! (Calgon take me way!!)

Posted by: marion and maya on 7/9/2013 at 4:09 pm

Mt.McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Wait Out the Winds

Saturday, July 6, 2013 It was a beautiful though somewhat blustery summit day yesterday and everyone did great! We woke this morning with the intention of moving downhill, but as we prepared, several other groups returned reporting high winds along the buttress. After assessing, we decided that it would behoove us to rest the day and recover from yesterday, and move down tomorrow in lesser winds. So we'll be in touch tomorrow, hopefully from significantly lower on the mountain! All for now, RMI Guides Pete, Geoff, Robby, and team

On The Map

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Hello Guapo,
Everyone is asking me how long the trip down is, but I honestly don’t remember.
On the 9th it will be three weeks…..seems like forever.
Looking forward to hearing all about it…everyone is!
We are all proud! Im glad you are resting and recovering.
Mairon ad Maya

Posted by: marion and maya on 7/7/2013 at 3:54 pm

Good morning, Tommy! I am grateful you are well and resting. I miss you, but I am happy ya’ll are using caution as you come down. More than anything, I can’t wait to hear your voice! There was lots of excitement on Facebook once everyone learned of your success reaching the top. I can’t wait for you to read the posts and the messages and “likes” of those following you. I posted a special message to you on Facebook from me and your supporters today. To say I am proud seems like an understatement because I am so much more. I am humbled by your courage, strengthened by your strength, and inspired by your passion. We have such an incredible future ahead. Thank you for showing me what is possible. I pray for an awesome day and safety coming down. My love and thoughts are with you going down as they were going up. I am so excited thinking how close you are to coming home! I love you!

Posted by: Rhonda Kitchen on 7/7/2013 at 8:21 am

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Summit!

Saturday, July 6th, 2013 1:39 a.m. PST Hi all. This is Pete, Geoff, Robby and team from Mt. McKinley. We are happy to report that we stood on top of North America today! Had our weather window show up and went for it. The whole team stood on top. It was a little bit blustery, but everybody did a great job. We were on top about 6:30 this evening. Now we are all back at 17K Camp safe and sound enjoying a Ramen dinner and getting ready to sack out before we start looking at moving down the mountain tomorrow. So hope everybody is well and glad to be able to give good news. Will talk later, bye. RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer

RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer calls in after summit success!

On The Map

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Derek, Congrats on your climb! I’m in North Pole AK and have been looking at the mountain from the fire. ICP is at elem. school stop by if possible.
Stay Safe,

Posted by: Kim Lemke on 7/10/2013 at 2:20 pm

Way to go!!! Can’t wait to hear the tales, Wy.  What an awesome accomplishment.  It’s almost like being able to say, “I walked on the moon!” :)  Love you!

Posted by: Donna Evenson on 7/7/2013 at 9:01 pm

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Move to 17,000’!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013 Hello all from 17 thousand feet! We made our move today through a whole mix of weather, though overall, it was a really pleasant day on the West Buttress. We left later than most groups, waiting to have some sun and warmth before we launched. As luck would have it we missed all the crowds on the fixed lines, and cruised to our cache at the base of Washburns Thumb. With our cache on board, it was one more mellow stretch, and we were rolling into camp at the perfect hour. A big dinner and hot drinks, and now we're tucking in for the night, hoping to wake up and see our summit day tomorrow! Keep your fingers crossed for good weather! Best from here, RMI Guides Pete, Geoff, Robby, and team

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Derek - I hope you and the team are safe and will finally make summit in honor of the 4th of July!! 
Love, Aunt Rita

Posted by: Rita DeCamp on 7/4/2013 at 4:02 pm

So excited for you to reach the summit!
We are roasting to death in this humidity…you are far better off there!
I told you that you could make it to the top!
We can’t wait to hear all about it!
Lots Love and hugs
Guapa and Duckie

Posted by: marion and maya on 7/4/2013 at 2:37 pm

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Start toward 17, Then Return

Tuesday, July 2, 2013 We had a little bit of a false start here this morning. We woke at 5.30 to clear conditions, and lower winds up above. Altogether, it was a great looking scene, albeit cold; the coldest temps we have seen all trip. We ate a hasty breakfast, and packed camp to move to 17,000'. As we started to walk, clouds began to build, and the winds on the Buttress were rising too. At the base of the fixed lines, we decided that today wasn't the day to make our move, and we retreated back to 14,200' to reset camp. A day like today is tough, but we made the right decision, and everyone is in good spirits. We're hoping that tomorrow morning provides a better opportunity! Until then, best from Alaska. RMI Guides Pete, Geoff, Robby, and team

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sorry to hear you didn’t get to 17,000 today, but it makes me comfortable knowing that your team guides care about your welfare and safety,and won’t take unnecessary risks.
Best of luck tomorrow,rest well

Posted by: marion and maya on 7/3/2013 at 10:22 pm

Hey Gail good to hear you guys are getting some exercise up there…I was beginning to worry you were getting lazy.  Ha…kidding of course!  Sounds like yesterday was a long one, but great to hear everyone is doing well and best of luck for a break in the weather.  Happy early 4th of July, stay safe, have fun!! -Becky

Posted by: Becky on 7/3/2013 at 2:06 pm

Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Rest at 14,000’ Camp

One can call it a rest day, or weather day depending on perspective, but we took the opportunity of winds up high and snow, to rest up our legs for another day at 14,000' on Mt. McKinley. It hasn't been too bad here, with sporadic gusts of wind, some snow falling from the sky, and most snow just blowing around the ground. Our walls are doing their job, and nobody was complaining about a day of sport eating in the tents, getting our reserves up for the big push. We'd love to see this weather move out and give us our chance, as we are all ready, but with no control over that, we're going to patiently watch and wait. We'll let you know what happens tomorrow: we may still be sitting here, or we may be up at 17, getting ready for a summit bid! Send positive weather vibes our way! Best from the mountain, RMI Guides Pete, Geoff, Robby, and team

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Sending much aloha and sunshiny vibes from Maui!  Sport eating doesn’t sound too bad, especially as you get ready for the big push.  Go, Gail, goooooooo!
Jen Fordyce

Posted by: Jen Fordyce on 7/2/2013 at 2:34 pm

Good morning, Tommy! I hope you rested well last night and you woke to clear skies. I am praying for a great weather day to move up to High Camp. I miss you! Have an awesome day! Love always!

Posted by: Rhonda Kitchen on 7/2/2013 at 11:09 am

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