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Mt. Elbrus: Waterfall & Team Hit by a Weather Storm

Well hello again from Camp 1. We're still waiting for some good weather. Last night was a wet, windy and wild one. At about 10pm the side of my tent hit me in the face and woke me up. The next several hours were very blustery. At around 1am the wind died completely and the thunder and lightning started. As the flashes got closer and closer the wind picked up and blew the thunderhead out. Then it started to snow. By the time we started breakfast everything at our elevation had chilled out. It was a hilarious discussion as we related our tent experiences from the night. There was a large cap on Mt. Elbrus but everyone was still game to go for an acclimatization climb. We had to wait for one more snow squall to move through but we made it to 14,420' a new altitude record for some folks. Once we got back to camp it was almost dinner time. We're all done with dinner now and Pete and I have cleaned up the pots and put the stoves away for the night. We're anxiously awaiting tomorrow as there is another storm forecasted but we're hoping it passes us by. We want to climb! RMI Guide Seth Waterfall

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Comments (3)

James and team

Sure sounds dramatic over and up there!  Very glad to hear everyone is safe.  Looking foward to hearing the team continue ascendig as the weather permits.  Be safe!

(Heading out now to mix with the Harley riders who have ridden into town to celebrate the company,s 110th year.  Quite loud and exciting!)

Fred K

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on

Hi everyone & Doug
I’m sorry your weather has not cooperated.The forecast for 5000m & 5600m for Monday looks clear & sunny. I hope you can summit Monday.Stay safe & take pictures.

Posted by: Lorraine Quinn on

James, people here are excited about the first football game this evening.Go Vols…, beginning of Butch Jones era. Boomsday firework will be on Henry street bridge that is still under reconstruction. Can you imagine downtown crowded with people in orange outfits. Hope weather gets better and all of you can climb soon.

Posted by: Soonja Choo on

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