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Mt. Elbrus: Northside Team Tries for the Summit

Hey there, this is Seth checking in from Camp 1 on the northside of Mount Elbrus. We tried to go to the summit tonight, last night, but that was not to be for us. The wind is out of control, you might be able to here my tent flapping in the breeze. Although calm when we woke up, the snow had stopped about a foot to two feet, where it had drifted in. Pete Van Deventer and I broke trail for a few thousand feet towards the summit. The winds just steadily grew and grew as we climbed. And just became to where we couldn't really see too far in front of our faces anymore due to ground blizzard conditions and decided it just wasn't safe. The winds have been decreasing on our descent and back down here at high camp, we are all hunkered in all safe and sound. Tomorrow brings a new day and we'll check in then. Ciao. RMI Guide Seth Waterfall

RMI Guide Seth Waterfall checks in after the Mt. Elbrus summit attempt.

On The Map

Comments (3)

James and team, based on your blog, time is running out for your climb to the summit. Trust that you will follow team’s prudent decision putting your safety a top priority. Hanging in there together.

Posted by: Soonja Choo on

James and team

I suspect you are disappointed not being able to achieve a very important part of your trek. It’s hard to be in great shape, pumped-up and ready to reach a summit.

From reading your blog it doesn’t sound like your weather and conditions allowed you to safely reach the top of Mount Elbrus at this time.  Many of us who choose to climb with RMI appreciate, admire and want guides and leadership that are able and willing to always put our safety first.  I am sure I am not alone in thanking Seth and Pete for using such sound judgement.  You are all so important to us. 

Hang in there, support one another, focus on descending safely, and really try to enjoy the history, architecture and other beautiful aspects of St. P.

Fred K

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on

Saying the Weather Prayer…Walter

Posted by: Walter on

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