Entries By mike walter
Posted by: Mike Walter, Avery Parrinello, Luke Wilhelm
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 11,200'
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 - 6:21 pm
Our team enjoyed a well-deserved rest day today. The timing was perfect, as our team was ready for it and the weather was a bit squirrelly today; the colder temps, breezy conditions and light snow didn't bother us at all as we lounged in our tents, reading, listening to music, snoozing and snacking.
The weather forecasts indicate improving conditions tomorrow and warming temps by Thursday. Our next mission will be to move camp up to Genet Basin, at 14,200'. We hope to tackle that tomorrow if the weather is good in the morning. If not, Thursday looks promising, and another day of rest and acclimatization at 11,200' will only help us.
We'll let you know either way tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Posted by: Mike Walter, Avery Parrinello, Luke Wilhelm
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 11,200'

Monday, May 17, 2021 - 6:17 pm PT
We took advantage of a beautiful day today and kept pushing that pesky rock up the mountain. This time we donned crampons and traded trekking poles for ice axes. We had an amazing climb up Motorcycle and Squirrel Hills, across the Polo Fields, and up around Windy Corner, leaving a cache of food and fuel at around 13,800'. The weather and climbing conditions were perfect, and we were afforded spectacular views of the upper mountain.
We were back at camp by 4pm with plenty of time to lounge in the sun before dinner. Tomorrow we will take our first full day out of boots and get some rest. We'll check in again tomorrow.
"Some come to laugh the past away.
Some come to make it just one more day.
Whichever way your pleasure tends,
if you plant ice your gonna harvest wind." -Robert Hunter
Posted by: Mike Walter, Avery Parrinello, Luke Wilhelm
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 11,200'
May 16, 2021 - 5:32 pm PT
We woke lazily to light snow this morning and had a leisurely breakfast of bagels, cream cheese, and smoked Alaska salmon. At 11am we set off downhill to retrieve our cache from 10,000'. We were back at camp by 2pm, with plenty of time for a nap and to gorge on lunch food. We also had some camp chores to attend to and some gear sorting in order to be ready for the next stage of the game: establishing a cache around Windy Corner at ~13,800'. We hope to make that happen tomorrow or the next day. We'll keep you posted either way.
Looks and sounds spectacular. Stay healthy and strong!
Praying for all of you!
Posted by: Julie Morris on 5/17/2021 at 2:10 pm
Posted by: Mike Walter, Avery Parrinello, Luke Wilhelm
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 11,200'
May 15, 2021 - 7:26 pm PT
Our team had another big day today, moving camp from 7,800' to 11,200'. The weather was beautiful; the morning was nice and cool and the afternoon was hot and we couldn't buy a breeze. It took us 6 1/2 hours to make the move today, and another few hours of work to establish camp. We got our camp established with enough time for an afternoon nap for everyone while the guides melted snow to replenish water bottles.
Tomorrow we'll have a leisurely morning and head back down hill to retrieve the cache that we left at 10,000' yesterday. Weather permitting it should be a light workload tomorrow and we will able to get some good rest.
RMI Guide Mike Walter & Team
Praying for safety, health, strength and ideal weather. Enjoy the boundless beauty and have FUN!
Posted by: Julie Morris on 5/16/2021 at 8:09 am
Posted by: Mike Walter, Avery Parrinello, Luke Wilhelm
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska
Elevation: 7,800'
Friday May 14, 2021 6:36 pm PT
Our team had a great day today, waking up to cloudless skies after a good night's rest. We hauled our backpacks and sleds laden with supplies up to 10,000', just shy of "The Corner" below Kahiltna Pass. After digging a deep hole in which to cache our gear, we returned back to our camp at the base of Ski Hill, 7,800'.
We returned to camp in the afternoon after the six hour round trip with time to lounge before firing up the stoves for dinner. The plan for tomorrow is to pack up camp and move up to the 11,200' camp. We'll keep you posted.
RMI Guide Mike Walter & Team
Looks cold and beautiful! Checking in on your adventure every day :)
Posted by: Margaret on 5/15/2021 at 7:09 pm
Posted by: Mike Walter, Avery Parrinello, Luke Wilhelm
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 7,800'
Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 9:57 pm PT
We had warm and sunny weather today and we took advantage of it to single carry all of our loads to the Base of Ski Hill. It took us 5 hours to get here, traveling on the Kahiltna Glacier with heavy packs and pulling heavy sleds.
The plan for tomorrow is to bump a load of supplies up Ski Hill to around 9800' and create a cache. Then we will return to our current camp for the night. The weather is looking good and everyone is doing well.
I am thinking about and praying for all of you! Focus on the spectacular beauty!
Posted by: Julie Morris on 5/14/2021 at 8:15 pm
We are all watching. Hang in there and have a good time. Love you.
Posted by: Eve Stern on 5/14/2021 at 5:33 pm
Posted by: Mike Walter, Avery Parrinello, Luke Wilhelm
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 7,300'

Wednesday, May, 12, 2021 - 10:04 pm PT
We got a break in the weather this afternoon and were able to fly in to Basecamp on the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier. Camp is all set up and we have starting sorting out equipment for (hopefully) moving up glacier to the base of Ski Hill tomorrow. It was warm and sunny here today, although a cloud has settled in now and it's snowing lightly. We'll touch base again tomorrow as we start our long adventure of living on a glacier.
Good luck everyone! I wish I could do this!
Posted by: Richard Zeppieri on 5/14/2021 at 3:47 am
Go get it and Godspeed, Pete & the Team!
Posted by: Kendra Madrid on 5/14/2021 at 12:25 am
Posted by: Mike Walter, Avery Parrinello, Luke Wilhelm
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 348'
We spent yesterday packing and going through all of our equipment for our Denali Expedition. Our gear is all packed and ready to be loaded onto the glacier planes, two DeHavilland Otters flown by our amazing pilots at K2 Aviation. We’ll meet at 8am and get an update on the current weather and flying conditions. The forecast is for snow today, so it is still uncertain if we will be able to fly in to Base Camp today. We’ll keep you posted as we prepare to live on a glacier for the next few weeks. Fingers are crossed…
Our son, Alex, is on the trip. Stay safe everyone and have an amazing adventure!
Jackie Woolley
Posted by: Jackie Woolley on 5/13/2021 at 7:10 pm
An endurance climb, expedition style, good luck to all, you will be so proud!
Posted by: Bill Bussey on 5/13/2021 at 6:47 am
Posted by: Mike Walter, Avery Parrinello, Luke Wilhelm
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 348'
RMI's Denali climbing season is officially underway. Our May 10th Denali Expedition team met yesterday at the Anchorage airport and travelled north to the town of Talkeetna. We will spend today packing our gear and preparing for our expedition, as well as attending an expedition orientation meeting with the National Park Service. The plan is to have all of the T’s crossed and the I’s dotted by this evening so that we’re ready to fly into Kahiltna Base Camp tomorrow, weather permitting. We’ll keep you posted…
I am excited to be able to follow the progress of your expedition! Go Hank and all! Safe, exciting adventure to everyone.
Posted by: Beth on 5/14/2021 at 6:01 pm
Prayers and fingers crossed for good weather and success…Go Hank and the entire team!
Posted by: Nancy Thoenes on 5/14/2021 at 6:50 am
Posted by: Mike Walter, JT Schmitt
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,500'
Be safe
Posted by: Jim powell on 5/18/2021 at 4:27 pm
Keep up the great work everyone!!! Sounds like a day of rest was needed. Be safe and have fun!!!
Your work family misses you John Jezak!!!!
Posted by: Danielle Taylor on 5/18/2021 at 1:06 pm
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