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Entries By megan budge

Mt. Baker: ALA Climb for Clean Air Reaches the Summit!

The American Lung Association's Climb for Clean Air team reached the summit of Mt. Baker today with 100% success! RMI Guide Steve Gately reported a great climb and good route conditions. The views were hard to come by to the smoke lingering over Western Washington, but the team had a great time! Congratulations to today's team!
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This was an amazing climb for me and much of it due to the patient, clear instruction, leadership and encouragement from our guides.  They were professional in their teaching and serious about our safety, while maintainig a sense of levity that made the experience unforgettable. And I learned a ton!

Posted by: Alice Alleman on 8/8/2017 at 3:24 am

Mt. Rainier: Van Deventer & Team Reach the Summit!

The Four Day Summit Climb July 20 - 23 led by RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Megan Budge and Alex Halliday reached the summit of Mt. Rainier early this morning. The team reported good climbing conditions and moderate temperatures and a beautiful morning on the mountain. Congratulations to today's Summit Climb team!
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Mt. Rainier: Emmons Team Reaches the Summit

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Emmons team reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning via the Emmons Glacier route. This team of all female RMI Guides and climbers left Ashford on Monday, July 17 after two days of training at BaseCamp and Paradise and drove to the White River Trail head. The team spent the last few days training and climbing on the route. This morning they began their summit attempt from Camp Schurman. After enjoying a bit of time on the summit they will descend to Camp Schurman for their final night on the mountain. Congratulations to today's Emmons Seminar Team!
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Congratulations team…what an accomplishment!!!

Posted by: Shelli on 7/20/2017 at 6:16 pm

Woohoo! You ladies rock! Way to go moma

Posted by: Randi on 7/20/2017 at 5:18 pm

Mt. Rainier: All Women’s Team Reaches the Summit of Mt. Rainier

The all Women's Four Day Summit Climb team led by RMI Guide Solveig Waterfall reached the summit of Mt. Rainier early this morning. The team reported clear skies, warm temperatures, and light winds. The team enjoyed the sunrise from the summit before starting their descent. Congratulations to today's teams!
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Congrats…. well done

Posted by: Richard Murphy on 7/8/2017 at 10:10 am

Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Descend to 14K Camp

June 16, 2017 11:35 pm PST Well everyone, we hung on as long as we could at 17 Camp. We woke to high winds and blowing snow and waited patiently for them to dissipate. They did not. After dragging our feet in vain, still hoping for some workable weather, we finally began our descent back to 14 Camp. Arriving around dinner time, the team wolfed down what could (hopefully!) be our last Mac and Cheese meal for a while and racked out for what will be a few short hours before we head downhill for this season. While we did not stand on top of Denali this year, we are lucky to have tried and happy to be heading home none the worse for wear. It has been a real treat to all climb together and we will be checking in from further down this beautiful mountain. Wish us good luck and fair winds on the last legs of our adventure, it ain't over yet... RMI Guide Jake Beren

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Waiting to hear you all arrived safely at base camp and are flying back to hot showers and a good meal! Praying for you Steve!
Mike and Pat

Posted by: Mike and Pat Lurakis on 6/19/2017 at 9:48 pm

Steve. A disappointment for sure. What do they say about mountains - getting to the top is optional but getting down is mandatory. Denali denied you the top so be safe getting back down. Safe travels .

Posted by: Keith h on 6/19/2017 at 9:15 am

Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Hanging Tough at 17,000’ Camp

June 15, 2017 Hello from 17 Camp, this is Jake Beren calling in for RMI's Denali team. We woke this morning to high winds up high and quite cold temps again. So we decided to pump the brakes and cross our fingers for tomorrow. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but we are hoping to give her a go tomorrow. So that's it from 17 Camp, a little bit more of the same, but we're all happy, healthy and hanging tough up here. So we'll give her a shot tomorrow and let you know how it goes. Bye. RMI Guide Jake Beren

RMI Guide Jake Beren checks in from 17,000 ft on Denali.

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Lindsay, it’s unfortunate that you could not summit ... I would still think that the journey to 17K was an amazing experience anyways. There is always another time!

Posted by: Manish on 6/17/2017 at 5:38 am

Cheryl so sorry to hear that you weren’t able to summit but I’m sure this has been a very unforgettable experience. Wishing you a safe trip home and can’t wait to see you.

Posted by: Jo on 6/16/2017 at 4:43 pm

Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Being Patient at 17,000’ Camp

June 14, 2017 Greetings from 17 Camp. Today high winds and low temps provided a combo that will keep us from climbing Denali for another day. But our fingers are crossed that tomorrow may have something better in store for us, so please do the same down in the south land. Hopefully we will be calling you with a little bit different news. For right now the team is doing 17,000' Camp, we are hunkered down, being patient, full bellies, happy, healthy and hoping to go for the summit soon. That's all for now. RMI Guide Jake Beren

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Cheryl just got your text and hope you reach the summit tomorrow. Be careful and my prayers will be with you and your team. Love you.

Posted by: Jo on 6/15/2017 at 9:17 pm

Jim Walker—good luck on the climb to the summit. All of the Guff clan and all of Vineyard Lane is very proud of you. We look forward to hearing all about the climb in detail over some good burgundy at the Chanty. Be safe. Drew

Posted by: Drew Guff on 6/15/2017 at 9:12 pm

Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Move to 17,000’ Camp

June 13, 2017 Hello, this is Jake Beren calling in from 17,000' Camp on Denali. The team made it up today, it was pretty windy in the morning but the wind tapered down, and we were able to make it up to camp safely. Now we are snuggled up with full bellies and hot drinks. We are just going to wake up in the morning and see what the mountain offers us. Wish us luck! We need some low winds for our summit bid. We are prepared to spend a few days up here but we are hoping not to. That's all from 17 Camp. Hope everybody in the lowlands is doing well. RMI Guide Jake Beren

RMI Guide Jake Beren calls in from 17,000 ft with an update.

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Go James!! Mountain man! We’re all amazed and thrilled with your progress! Holy Toledo!

Posted by: Barry Sternlicht on 7/1/2017 at 4:49 pm

Hey Jim, good to see you and team are making good progress, sending you all the encouragement and success, love from the Morrison’s

Posted by: Paul Morrison on 6/29/2017 at 1:53 am

Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Take a Weather Day

We woke up in the wee hours of this morning, hopeful to see our summit window open up. The weather, however, had a different idea. As the skies became cloudier and the snow began to come down, we decided that another slow morning was in order. We gorged ourselves on bagels and plenty of bacon while we sipped our coffee. The afternoon was filled with lots of rest. We are steeling ourselves for a move up to 17k tomorrow, if the weather forecast holds true. Everyone is doing well and looking forward to the chance to move closer to our summit goal. Thanks for keeping up with the team! We will check in tomorrow, hopefully from our new camp at 17k! RMI Guide Jake Beren & Team
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Che-che I miss you!

Please post pictures of you sipping whiskey at 17,000 feet.


Posted by: erin on 6/14/2017 at 9:31 am

You can do it
Many prayers and a lotsof guardian angels ( especially grandma and grandma/ my grandson the Dr) are with you
Do me a favor no more escapes for awhile
I need to recoup
So proud of what you accomplished

Posted by: Mom and Dad zabinski on 6/14/2017 at 6:48 am

Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Explore the Edge of the World

June 11, 2017 Today was another rest day here at 14,000' Camp. After a long brunch and some wall renovations, our team settled in for a little rest. By the afternoon, some visibility presented itself and our team geared up for a stroll to the "Edge of the World," a vantage point where you can peer nearly 7,000 feet down to the lower Kahiltna Glacier. It is a truly stunning view and a treat to see a little bit of this amazing Range after living in a snow globe for a few days. With any luck this week will offer us a few days of decent weather to venture higher. The team is ready and when it is safe to climb, we will be happy to do so. RMI Guide Jake Beren

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