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Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Take a Weather Day

We woke up in the wee hours of this morning, hopeful to see our summit window open up. The weather, however, had a different idea. As the skies became cloudier and the snow began to come down, we decided that another slow morning was in order. We gorged ourselves on bagels and plenty of bacon while we sipped our coffee. The afternoon was filled with lots of rest. We are steeling ourselves for a move up to 17k tomorrow, if the weather forecast holds true. Everyone is doing well and looking forward to the chance to move closer to our summit goal. Thanks for keeping up with the team! We will check in tomorrow, hopefully from our new camp at 17k! RMI Guide Jake Beren & Team

Comments (13)

Che-che I miss you!

Please post pictures of you sipping whiskey at 17,000 feet.


Posted by: erin on

You can do it
Many prayers and a lotsof guardian angels ( especially grandma and grandma/ my grandson the Dr) are with you
Do me a favor no more escapes for awhile
I need to recoup
So proud of what you accomplished

Posted by: Mom and Dad zabinski on

Keep fighting buddy! Absolutely unbelievable you’re going to make this! I thought you operating on one leg 2 days post op sweating from the pain was an accomplishment! Be safe my friend!

Posted by: Al Nanni on

Just saw you text you made it to 17 k that’s fantastic next stop summit. Good luck!

Posted by: Gary raab on

We are still praying for that good weather and for safe travels. 
Try to enjoy the resting -  something you never do!
Mike and Pat

Posted by: Mike and Pat Lurakis on

Cheryl, it looks like you will make it to the 17K elevation camp today if the weather stays nice. Hoping for the best for you and your team. Stay well. Love you.

Posted by: Jo on

Jake J. - I’m happy to see your tracker on the move today. You are doing an incredible job (I knew you would) :) Keep your head up, be patient, and enjoy all of the moments in this epic journey that you’ve worked so hard for.  So proud of, and inspired by, you.  Wish I could be up there climbing with you! Can’t wait to see you (and the ‘stache…you know I love it), and catch up on all the Seinfeld quotes I’ve been missing out on.  Pizza and beer for you when you get back, you know, for extra motivation ;)
xo, S

From Knucklehead: “Wassssssuuupppp” and a high five

Posted by: S on


You trying to set a new record for days at 14 camp? TJones might have a few things to say about that. Tell him Hi for me when you see him next. Send me a delorme text if you get this, I cant send you any.

Keep sane up there. Keep motivated. You wont get those views at home. Plus, you dont have to hear about Trump up there!

Warriors won in 5 games.

Keep that stache combed now.

Jake Wander

Posted by: Jake Wander on

This weather is really testing your patience. Try to relax and look forward to the gorgeous summit ahead. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Hope you’ve got a good book!

Posted by: Dawn Gadon on

For Ken - Dubs win the Finals!  Hope the weather clears and that you’re having fun on your trek.  Happy early Father’s Day.  xo Kiki

Posted by: Christin on

Cheryl I got your text yesterday. So good hearing from you. Hope the weather will be OK for the next week at least for you and your team.  Hang in there and pray for the best. Love you. See you soon.

Posted by: Jo on

The bagels bacon and coffee sound delicious. Nothing wrong with a little rest and relaxation. Glad you have moved along so well on your journey. Keep snacking! Have fun! I’m sure Hunter misses you!

Posted by: Dacia on

Hoping for better weather so you can continue your climb, but what a truly amazing thing to be up there living your dreams!

Posted by: Teresa on

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