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Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Descend to 14K Camp

June 16, 2017 11:35 pm PST Well everyone, we hung on as long as we could at 17 Camp. We woke to high winds and blowing snow and waited patiently for them to dissipate. They did not. After dragging our feet in vain, still hoping for some workable weather, we finally began our descent back to 14 Camp. Arriving around dinner time, the team wolfed down what could (hopefully!) be our last Mac and Cheese meal for a while and racked out for what will be a few short hours before we head downhill for this season. While we did not stand on top of Denali this year, we are lucky to have tried and happy to be heading home none the worse for wear. It has been a real treat to all climb together and we will be checking in from further down this beautiful mountain. Wish us good luck and fair winds on the last legs of our adventure, it ain't over yet... RMI Guide Jake Beren

On The Map

Comments (6)

Waiting to hear you all arrived safely at base camp and are flying back to hot showers and a good meal! Praying for you Steve!
Mike and Pat

Posted by: Mike and Pat Lurakis on

Steve. A disappointment for sure. What do they say about mountains - getting to the top is optional but getting down is mandatory. Denali denied you the top so be safe getting back down. Safe travels .

Posted by: Keith h on

Happy Father’s Day Dad! Love you and I’m very proud of you for giving it your all. Get home safe.

Posted by: Stephen Zabinski on

Great job guys. Sorry to hear the weather wouldn’t cooperate. Remember, “the summit is for the ego, the journey is for the soul”. Be safe on your descent and safe travels home. Can’t wait to hear about your adventure.

Posted by: Chris Hempel on

Amazing stamina Cheryl!
Sorry to read the weather would not befriend you and your team, but I’m thoroughly impressed with your willpower. You have moved into the upper realms as Master Sufferer and Alpinist.

Safe steps all the way home. Big hug!

Posted by: Stephen Wright on

Happy that everyone is safe and your will and determination at making it as far as you did when the weather just wouldn’t cooperate impresses this non-climber to no end.  Great work everyone!

Posted by: Teresa on

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