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Entries By mark tucker

Kilimanjaro: Tucker & Team Reach First Camp at 10,000’

Greetings from 10,000' Machame Camp on Kilimanjaro! We had a nice departure from the our lodge this morning. We left after a good nights rest and great breakfast. After checking in at the Kilimanjaro National Park Gate, we all put on our rain gear and worked our way up to camp. It was not the nicest of days on the trail with hard rain for the first half and light rain on the second half. We did the best we could but all of the team arrived at Machame Camp pretty wet. Lucky for us, amp was all set up so a quick change, snacks, hot drinks and dinner has us all in good shape. It may be wet out but it hasn't damped or spirits. RMI Guide Mark Tucker

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Hi Ali.  Thinking of you and very proud!  Can’t wait to hear all about it.

Posted by: Rob Nicki Elle on 7/17/2019 at 7:59 pm

I’m so happy for my Prime Family living their best life!  Enjoy your adventure!

Posted by: Mechale on 7/17/2019 at 6:27 pm

Kilimanjaro: Tucker & Team Arrive in Arusha, Tanzania

All is well here in Tanzania as the team arrived late last night after some very long flights. All checked luggage showing up always a bonus. A short drive to our lodge that is not to far from the base of Kilimanjaro. The team enjoyed a nice dinner upon arrival then headed for bed as the time zone change and all the travel will take it out of even the toughest of mountain climbers. A great job done by all to recharge the battery. After a nice relaxing morning we had a briefing about logistic and a gear check just to make sure nothing missing from our kits. Everybody passed with flying colors. The remainder of the day was spent getting our gear packed up, exploring the grounds of our lodge, which is incredibly peaceful and our first African animal sightings being some resident monkeys and small antelope. We wrapped up the evening with another delicious meal. Everyone is doing well and excited to hit the trail tomorrow. RMI Guide Mark Tucker
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You all are AMAZING!  I hope you’re having the best time ever!

Posted by: Keri on 7/19/2019 at 6:23 pm

You all are amazing.  Have a great hike and stay safe.  I cant wait to see pictures.

Posted by: Susie Yonkers on 7/17/2019 at 8:40 am

Aconcagua: Tucker & Team End Trek, Return to Mendoza

The team did great on the mountain one last time. We started the stoves at 6:30 am and by 8 am we headed down valley and out of Aconcagua National Park. Our vehicle transfers went well thanks to our fantastic support on and off the mountain by Fernando Grajales Expeditions they were spot on with support throughout this expedition thank you so much, we could not have had such success without you. Our team just finished a nice celebration dinner here in Mendoza. We are cleaned up, well fed and now looking forward to a nice bed for rest. Tomorrow some will start the journey home, others a meat cooking tour, wine tour, golfing or just some time by the pool. I will enjoy the little bit of rest and recharging getting ready for big Sunday in support of my tribes' alliance to Foxboro, go Pats! RMI Guide Mark Tucker
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Wow,this takes me back to the most adventure I have ever had in my life and it started with you and me and old reliable Miss Vickey!
When you lived with mom and dad in Huntington Beach, I had met you from my best girlfriend Barbra and your friend can’t member his name yet, I had just split from my husband and was having a hard time since my small son was in the picture, anyway you were on your way to Utah and I kinda just thought that was going to be my next move sort ya speak anyway you were a gentleman in every sense of the word you were galant and shiverous and you made sure no one ever bugged me, all five of my boys were placed in my life at that time so I could see the BEUTIFUL part of the world,I will forever thankful and very blessed to have you Mark Tucker and my four boys who were and always be my family and in my heart thank you for the love and being there when my Grandma died,I know this is a shock and would love to here from you and introduce my fabulous family and wonderful husband who puts up with my weirdness and still loves me lol!if you have time drop me a line I would love that! Take care of yourself MR.Tucker and Family so good to see your face and all of your unbelievable life!! I hope you have wrote a book you must have seen
Miricals…..Thank you agin Mark… love and admirations…..Cindy Ellis
2819 n.Arcadia St.Colorado Springs,Colorado,80907

Posted by: Cindy Ellis on 3/13/2018 at 1:07 pm

Aconcagua: Tucker & Team Retrace Their Steps Through the Vacas Valley

RMI Guide Mark Tucker checked in from their last trek camp. After reaching the summit on Saturday morning the team returned to high camp, the following day they descended to Aconcagua Base Camp. With a good nights rest in the thick air of 13,800’ they packed all their gear, loaded mules and retraced their steps through the Vacas Valley. Tomorrow they will complete their trek and arrive at the end of the trail. By afternoon they plan to be showered and ready for a hearty dinner celebration in Mendoza. Congratulations to the team!
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Congratulations Mark and Company!  John Branchflower and I summited with Ilan Zeimer of Grajales on Jan 23 and then returned to Penitentes via Plaza de Mulas Base Camp, so we didn’t see you on our way down.  I managed to buy an air mattress from one of the Canadian climbers at Plaza Argentina who was heading back down to replace the one that blew up on me, or I think it would have been heading down myself.  See you in Ashford this summer!  Craig Falkenhagen, Atherton, CA

Posted by: Craig Falkenhagen on 1/31/2018 at 5:13 pm

Congrats!  Safe travels.

Posted by: Mo on 1/31/2018 at 5:41 am

Aconcagua: Tucker & Team Summit!

Original Post: Well hello. This is RMI Aconcagua Tucker Team. And we're standing on top. Light breeze; chilly, chilly day. Team did wonderful. When you look around it kind of looks like everybody that started is on top. So if you're wondering who made it, they all…[broken]…a long ways to go still but everyone's doing well…[lost call]. RMI Guide Mark Tucker Update, January 28th 4:35 p.m. Pacific RMI Guide Mark Tucker called to report that the team has safely descended to Camp 3 where they will spend tonight. They will continue their descent tomorrow.

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Congratulations on your summit, you all are awesome.  Stay strong, stay safe and enjoy this amazing journey.  Love you Shannon Long.  Patty and Mark

Posted by: Patty Fisher on 1/30/2018 at 7:30 pm

Congratulations, Will and the rest of the team!  Looking forward to celebrating with you!

Posted by: Stacy on 1/29/2018 at 4:47 pm

Aconcagua: Tucker & Team Check in from High Camp

Hello down there. Mark Tucker checking in from our High Camp on Aconcagua. Climbers are all tucked in and we are here hanging around our stoves for another bit of time. It's a challenge to get water, we are melting snow now, and it is chilly. Everyone is doing very, very, well. We came in looking strong and we're going to leave looking strong. (Lost call). RMI Guide Mark Tucker

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Congratulations to the team on a successful summit!

Posted by: Bob & Dottie on 1/28/2018 at 10:42 am

Wishing you all strength and great conditions on your trek toward the summit!

Posted by: Diane O'Connor on 1/28/2018 at 7:23 am

Aconcagua: Tucker & Team Rest Day at Camp 2

Buenos Dias amigos! Not a whole lot of news to report today. We rested at Camp 2 and went on a small hike around camp. Everyone is fine tuning their kit for our move to Camp 3 tomorrow. Today is our last chill day. Every day from here on out will be go go go till we are back in Mendoza enjoying warm showers. Next time you hear from us we will be getting ready for our summit push. RMI Guide Mark Tucker and team
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I can feel the excitement building even in Watertown, WI

Posted by: Geri Kuehn on 1/27/2018 at 6:46 am

Aconcagua: Tucker & Team Make Their Carry to Camp 3

Today we went higher up the mountain, carrying gear up to Camp 3 at 19,600'. For a few team members this is their new altitude record. After Camp 3, each step will be their new highest and soon will be the whole team's highest point. The team arrived strong and made good time walking downhill back to Camp 2. The weather cooperated with only a bit of a breeze and a clear sunny sky. In the next day or two we will move up to Camp 3, positioning ourselves for a shot at the summit. For right now, we patiently wait for the water to boil for hot drinks and dinner. Have a lovely evening everyone. RMI Guide Mark Tucker and team
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Sounds like this is a great climb. Weather has cooperated for the most part. Stay strong!!! Onward and upward. I’m so proud of each and every one of you.

Posted by: Geri Kuehn on 1/25/2018 at 9:12 pm

Aconcagua: Tucker & Team Rest at Camp 2

Today we woke to a windy, chilly morning at Camp 2 on Aconcagua. Snow swirls danced down the mountain and through camp as we waited for our water to boil. We enjoyed hot cups of Starbucks Vias and sugary bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast. Today we rested to let our bodies adjust to our new altitude. The afternoons activity consisted of a casual stroll uphill, getting a glance at our path to camp 3. The tippy top looks cold and windy as we look towards the summit. Fingers crossed Mother Nature gives us a warmer window for our summit bid. For now, we will focus on taking care of ourselves and enjoying the beautiful views. RMI Guide Mark Tucker and team

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Fingers crossed for better weather this go round. Looks beautiful!

Posted by: Ashley on 1/25/2018 at 6:02 am

Aconcagua: Tucker & Team Move to Camp 2

We awoke this morning from the heat in our tents, the sun was shining and the winds had died. Eager to move higher, we packed up our home for the past three nights at Camp 1. With heavy packs we set off confidently, knowing we had already covered the ground between camps two days ago. After four hours of steady rest steps we reached Camp 2. We dug out the cache and set up camp with the efficiency of an experienced team. We moved into our tents just in time to hide out from a sudden snow storm. Our whole team can proudly report feeling healthy at this new elevation. RMI Guide Mark Tucker

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Woohoo!  Hats off to the whole bunch on an excellent climb so far!!

Posted by: Diane on 1/24/2018 at 7:20 am

Happy Birthday Greg - a birthday you will always remember! Lots of love and best wishes to everyone for a great climb. xxx

Posted by: Kate on 1/23/2018 at 10:38 pm

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