Aconcagua: Tucker & Team Check in from High Camp

Hello down there. Mark Tucker checking in from our High Camp on Aconcagua. Climbers are all tucked in and we are here hanging around our stoves for another bit of time. It's a challenge to get water, we are melting snow now, and it is chilly. Everyone is doing very, very, well. We came in looking strong and we're going to leave looking strong. (Lost call).
RMI Guide Mark Tucker
Comments (4)
Congratulations to the team on a successful summit!
Posted by: Bob & Dottie on
Wishing you all strength and great conditions on your trek toward the summit!
Posted by: Diane O'Connor on
Imagine it…make it come true. Stay strong. Good luck to all. What an amazing experience you’re sharing. Onward and upward. Whynde…MLY 1T.
Posted by: Geri on
go tuck go! Good luck tomorrow. Sending wishes for good weather! Stay warm tonight! Xoxo
Posted by: Karyn on