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Entries By jeff martin

Vinson Massif Expedition:  Team #2 Flies to Union Glacier

We had an early wake up call this morning and were down in the hotel lobby by 4:30 am. The word was that the weather was cooperating and the flight would go as scheduled. We loaded up into the bus and headed out. We had a few more climbers to pickup on the way to the airport and then we went into the terminal for the standard boarding process. As we mentioned yesterday, there was going to be a stop en route to Union Glacier to re-fuel. This was the first time that this was done by our outfitter and it went very smoothly, only adding a little more time the flight. The group landed at Union Glacier around 2:00 pm local time. Now they are settled in and are enjoying their first night on the ice. The plan now is for the team to spend a day or two at Union Glacier and then fly to Vinson Basecamp where they will meet up with Dave Hahn. We might not get a dispatch out while the team is at Union Glacier, but will definitely dispatch once they start their climb. Best regards, RMI Guide Jeff Martin
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Vinson Massif Expedition: Team #2 Readies for Flight

Hello, We had our pre-flight briefing this morning at 10:30 am. There were about 20 climbers from all over the world who met up at the ALE office in Punta Arenas for this very informative presentation about what will be happening over the next day or so. One of ALE's owners, Mike Sharp, covered all the details regarding our 4 1/2 hour flight down to Union Glacier. We learned that due to construction on the runway here at Punta Arenas, there is not enough distance on the runway for our plane to take off fully loaded. The solution: take off with only half the fuel needed for the trip and fly a short distance to Ushuaia, Argentina and top off the tanks. And by topping off the tanks, we are talking 40 tons of fuel. It will add a little time to our flight, but there's no refueling options on the 3800 mile round trip flight to Antarctica. The plan now stands as us getting picked up at our hotel tomorrow morning at 4:45 am and heading out to the airport. They have already picked up our luggage and it will be loaded on the plane tonight and ready for our early departure. Remember, it's only a plan at this point, as there are still a few big unknowns, mainly the weather at Union Glacier. Winds with blowing snow and poor visibility will mean that we will stay put for another day or two. But the forecast is looking favorable and we are ready to fly out whenever we get the green light. Tonight we ventured off the usual circuit of restaurants and found a local's hangout. The food was great and we have Bill to thank for picking up the tab this time. Now it's early to bed because it will be early when we rise. Hopefully the next dispatch will be from Antarctica! RMI Guide Jeff Martin
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Vinson Massif: Team 2 Spends the Day Checking Gear & Sightseeing

Greetings from Punta Arenas, This was our first full day in this southern port city and we made the most of it. After a nice breakfast we jumped right into the task at hand - final gear preparations for our flight to Antarctica. Packing for an expedition to the coldest and most remote place on earth takes a little more planning and effort than a weekend getaway. So we spread out all of our gear to check to make sure that no item was forgotten and that we resisted the temptation to throw in too many "extras". Punta Arenas is the last chance we have to buy anything, but luckily the shopping list was pretty short after the equipment check. A few more snack items for some, and we were pretty much ready for our flight. We had the afternoon to hang out at our hotel and a chance to walk around town a little and take in some of the sights. We ended the day at the La Luna restaurant for dinner. A big thank you to Larry for buying us all dinner and drinks. It was a delicious meal! We have a pre-flight briefing in the morning and we will check in once we hear about our flight plan. Best regards, RMI Guide Jeff Martin
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Good luck to the team on the way down south and I’m hoping you all have great experience on the ice.
love to Fatima,


Posted by: Peter Williamson on 12/4/2013 at 2:36 pm

Vinson Massif:  Team #2 Arrives Punta Arenas

Our second RMI Vinson Expedition is officially underway! The team all arrived this afternoon in Punta Arenas. Despite the long miles travelled in crowded planes, immigration lines, and the scrutiny of the custom's agents, everyone made it with their luggage. After a quick check-in at our hotel, we immediately headed off to dinner at the very popular La Marmita, where we dined on some of the best fresh and local food around. The restaurant was packed as usual, but we got right in and had a great meal. It's almost 11:00 pm now, and still light outside. The weather has been cold, rainy and windy in town the last few days, but that won't really affect our plans as we will be spending the majority of time finalizing our preparations for our flight to Union Glacier. But now we have to do is relax and focus on getting a good night's sleep. We'll check in tomorrow with our next update. Best regards, RMI Guide Jeff Martin
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Larry Seaton - stay safe and try to stay warm.  Happy Climbing. Mom

Posted by: Gerri Seaton on 12/4/2013 at 11:00 am

Bill and Sara! You look great after that long trip! More fun to come. Will be following you. Love, Mom/Grandma

Posted by: Ann English on 12/3/2013 at 5:20 pm

Kilimanjaro: Team Simba Sita Completes The Big Five at Tarangire

Hello from Kikoti Camp, We had a bit more leisurely start to our day today and we were on the road by 9:00 heading to Tarangire National Park. En route there was a huge downpour, but all the rain stopped by the time we reached the entrance gate. From there, we worked our way south, stopping at every opportunity to view the animals. After yesterday, it seemed like we were in a dry spell because nothing can really compare to the amount of animals you see in one day in Ngorongoro Crater. In Tarangire, you have to find them! The usual suspects were all present, but the day was coming close to an end and we had still not seen a leopard. Then our safari driver decided to take a little detour, and 15 minutes later we were stopped in front of a tree with a leopard resting on a branch about 10 feet off the ground. Our viewing of the "Big Five" was complete. The last sighting of the day was a baby elephant, just a week old, with his mother spraying water on the both of them to help cool off in the afternoon sun. It was incredible. Now we are at the Kikoti Camp, sitting out on the porch, looking out over the African landscape and listening to all the sounds around us. We're going to take a short hike before dinner and go out and watch the sun set, and take a few customary "sun downers" to enjoy as the sun dips below the horizon. Unfortunately, this adventure comes to an end tomorrow, and we start to make our way home. It has been a great trip and we have enjoyed it. Thanks to all of you who posted comments and gave your support for us safely reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro. RMI Guide Jeff Martin & Team Simba Sita
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Yay, Heidi and David!  It has been so fun following your amazing adventures through this blog.  Can’t wait to see you upon your return….travel safe!  Smooches, Jules

Posted by: Julie Gregory on 2/23/2012 at 4:01 pm

What a besutiful sunset! Can’t wait to hear more details and see photos….hurry home Jim/Daddy - we miss you!! Safe travels home everyone. XOXO, P, j & c

Posted by: Pamela Wick on 2/23/2012 at 1:56 pm

Kilimanjaro: A Visit to the Ngorongoro Crater

Jambo from Plantation Lodge, When you see Ngorongoro Crater for the first time, it almost leaves you speechless. It is massive; the crater is 26 miles in diameter, and you look down almost 2,000' to the crater floor. There are countless little black spots scattered throughout the 125 square miles of the crater floor. You can't really make out what animals they are from this distance, but there are thousands of them, with most estimates claiming 25,000 residents. We have to drive about 1/2 way around the crater rim before we come to the "descent" road, with impressive views the whole way down. The luck from yesterday continued today as we saw so many interesting animals. From new born wildebeest and zebras, warthogs, lions and lion cubs, cheetah, cape buffalo, black rhinos, ostrich, elephants, to hippos, and gazelles, we were very fortunate to see them all. We ended the day with a visit to a Masai village and then headed back to the lodge for a little relaxing time before dinner. Tomorrow is our last stop on the safari circuit, ending at Tarangire National Park. While not too far away, it is very different from the first two parks we have visited, and should give us our best chance of seeing leopard. Good night, RMI Guide Jeff Martin
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Kilimanjaro: Tree Climbing Lions on Safari!

Hello from Plantation Lodge, Today we had to say good bye again to the wonderful Dik Dik Hotel and headed out on our safari. First stop on the safari circuit was Lake Manyara National Park. It's not talked about as much as some other parks in Tanzania, but it has a lot of game viewing and is the perfect introduction to safari. I have heard for many years that this park is most well known for the tree climbing lions, and after many trips without ever seeing one, I was beginning to think that this was all made up. To my surprise, this would be the day that we saw not just one, but six tree climbing lions. The lions will climb the trees to seek refuge from the hot afternoon sun and they are really hard to spot because only a leg or a tail will be hanging down from the tree branch. It had been over two years since our driver had seen one, so we were definitely lucky. The entire park sits right below the Great Rift Wall, and as we continued to tour around the park, we saw lots of elephants, impalas, hippos, zebras, wildebeest, and giraffes. We left the park feeling very good about the day's sightings. Tomorrow is Ngorongoro Crater with its 25,000 resident animals. It going to be a big day and people are excited to see this natural wonder. RMI Guide Jeff Martin & Team Simba Sita
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Wow!  I can’t believe I saw Kims white legs on the last picture.  It is good that Kim is letting her hair down.  Way to go Bob and Kim.. Can’t wait to hear and see more when you get back!!

Posted by: Bradley Hegman on 2/23/2012 at 9:42 am

Lucky!  I had stopped believing in them.  Nice one team.

Posted by: Seth on 2/21/2012 at 1:58 pm

Kilimanjaro: Team Returns to Arusha

Hello from Arusha, We are safely off the mountain and back at the Dik Dik hotel. The team did great yesterday and everybody in the group made it to 19,340', Uhuru Peak. The day started at 11:45 pm and we were walking out of camp by 1:00 am. It was a solid six hours of climbing to reach Stella Point, and at 8:15 am we were standing on the Roof of Africa. Our timing was perfect and we pretty much had the summit to ourselves, a rarity on Kilimanjaro. The Park Service recently replaced the old summit sign with a new larger green and yellow sign. Consensus amongst most climbers is that they like the old sign better, but either way, it marks the spot of the highest free-standing mountain in the world. We took a bunch of summit photos, and then we started our descent back to high camp. This summit day was a little tougher than the usual. What started out as some light winds, soon turned into a solid 30 mph wind by the time we reached 17,000'. As the eastern horizon turned orange as the sun began to rise, the winds picked up to 40 mph. We slowly climbed onward, but it was soon becoming apparent that we might not even make the summit today. We added our shells, covered up our faces, and decided to keep going for another stretch. An hour passed and without any relief from the wind. Without stopping, we climbed for another hour and fortunately, the winds lessened as we approached the crater rim. By now it was looking a little more optimistic that we would reach the top despite the winds. We were cold and tired, but with the summit in view, we added our down parkas, and made it the last hour to Uhuru peak. We quickly descended back to HighCamp and were greeted by congratulations and a table loaded with fresh fruit and french toast. Re-fueled and re-packed, we headed down to Mweka Camp for the night. This morning we completed the trek down to the Mweka gate and then back to the Dik Dik Hotel. Now we get to put our climbing gear away and focus on the next part of our adventure - 4 days on safari. First up, Lake Manyara National Park. RMI Guide Jeff Martin & Team Simba Sita
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Kilimanjaro: 100% of Team Reaches Summit

RMI Guide Jeff Martin called from Mweka Camp (10,000') after the team's summit day. The entire team reached the summit of Kilimanjaro today in great style. They left Barafu Camp after midnight with their headlamps lighting the way and reached the "Roof of Africa" as the day broke over Tanzania. After a quick celebration on top the team began their descent back to high camp where they were greeted with drinks and breakfast. They continued down to Mweka Camp and the thick air of 10,000' tired but in great spirits. Congratulations to the team!

On The Map

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240Z I have an awesome nephew!  Congrats!  So proud of you. 240Z

Posted by: Bev Trauba on 2/21/2012 at 2:21 am

I know this was your dream (a crazy one at that) I am so proud of you KIM AND BOB HEGMAN. Excited to hear all about it.
Safe trip home-
Love, Susan

Posted by: Susan on 2/20/2012 at 11:38 am

Kilimanjaro: Preparing for Summit Day

Jambo from Barafu Camp, The team did great today on our move up to high camp. The hard work over the last five days has paid off and we are now ready for our summit attempt. Today was our shortest day of hiking so far, and we made it to Barafu Camp in just under 3 hours. Now we have the whole afternoon to rest up and sort through our gear one last time, just to make sure we have everything we need for tomorrow. You would not be able guess we are at 15,000' right now. The sun is finally winning out over the clouds and it is warm, especially inside the tents. It won't last long, but we'll take it while it does. An early dinner is the plan for tonight and hopefully we will be horizontal by 6:30 pm. The alarm is already set for 11:45 pm, and hope to be walking by 1:00 am. We should be arriving at the crater rim around sunrise and then one final stretch up to Uhuru Peak, the Roof of Africa. Our group is really strong and up for the challenge of tomorrow. Thanks the positive comments on the blog. Will try and check-in from the summit tomorrow, or when we get down to Mweka Camp. RMI Guide Jeff Martin and Team Simba Sita

On The Map

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Heidi and David. Excited to follow your daily progress.
Look forward to hearing that you have reached the summit
and accomplished your objective! All the best! Stay safe and
be strong. XOXO Dad

Posted by: Craig Berkman on 2/18/2012 at 8:53 pm

Great to follow your amazing advendure through the blog and photos!  Hope today’s ascent exceeds your expectations and that the Roof Of Africa was as phenomenal as it sounds.  See you when you return home.  Safe travels and have fun!

Posted by: Romy Mortensen on 2/18/2012 at 2:33 pm

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