Vinson Massif: Team 2 Spends the Day Checking Gear & Sightseeing
Posted by: Dave Hahn, Jeff Martin
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Vinson Massif
Greetings from Punta Arenas,
This was our first full day in this southern port city and we made the most of it. After a nice breakfast we jumped right into the task at hand - final gear preparations for our flight to Antarctica. Packing for an expedition to the coldest and most remote place on earth takes a little more planning and effort than a weekend getaway. So we spread out all of our gear to check to make sure that no item was forgotten and that we resisted the temptation to throw in too many "extras". Punta Arenas is the last chance we have to buy anything, but luckily the shopping list was pretty short after the equipment check. A few more snack items for some, and we were pretty much ready for our flight.
We had the afternoon to hang out at our hotel and a chance to walk around town a little and take in some of the sights. We ended the day at the La Luna restaurant for dinner. A big thank you to Larry for buying us all dinner and drinks. It was a delicious meal!
We have a pre-flight briefing in the morning and we will check in once we hear about our flight plan.
Best regards,
RMI Guide Jeff Martin
Comments (1)
Good luck to the team on the way down south and I’m hoping you all have great experience on the ice.
love to Fatima,
Posted by: Peter Williamson on