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Entries By christina dale

Denali Expedition: Okita & Team Arrive at 11,200’ Camp

Another cloudy, snowy day greeted us this morning but didn't stop us from pushing on. Typical of weather on the Kahiltna Glacier, there was enough new snow and poor visibility to make the going difficult, but certainly not enough to call it a storm day and relax in the tents. Upon reaching camp at 11,200' the sun broke through and we were treated to our first sunshine of the trip. What a nice welcome. The sun sticks around late here, and we've enjoyed every bit of it, hanging out in the Posh for a couple hot drinks and sharing stories. Tomorrow we look forward to our easiest day when we just need to retrieve the cache we buried at 10,000'. The forecast calls for a little storm to brush by us tomorrow or the next day, but I don't see any sign of that yet. If it does, we'll just dig in and enjoy a rest day I guess. Everyone's climbing super well and in good spirits. Good night from 11,200'. RMI Guides Brent Okita, Christina Dale and JT Schmitt

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Denali Expedition: Okita & Team Cruise to 9,600’ Camp

Two days of carrying huge loads is finally over. We have single carried to Camp 2 at 9600' and are ready to start packing lighter loads as we begin the routine of making double carries to get all our gear and food up the mountain. What has impressed me most about this team is not just their strength, but their ability to endure and toil under mammoth loads without complaint. This is a special group. Our weather has been snowy, but not bad enough to keep us in our tents. That said, we did set up our Posh House this afternoon which serves as our cook tent and dining room in one. It's warmth and comfort allow us some fun and social time that provides a really nice balance to our climbing. And what was on the menu tonight? Burritos with all the fixings. Yeah, we eat well up here. We sure as hec deserve it. Ok. That's a wrap for the night. Tomorrow we move to 11,200' camp, if the weather gods allow. RMI Guides Brent Okita, Christina Dale and JT Schmitt

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Denali Expedition: Okita & Team Fly to Kahiltna Base Camp

May 20, 2017 We were all excited at breakfast with the thought of flying on to Denali today. With cloudy weather in town nothing was certain, so when the flight service greeted us with a big thumbs up, we jumped into action. When we hit the glacier the team climbed like they were born to do it. We had a flawless climb to camp, without any of the hiccups that are just normal as we get our feet wet starting out on a big expedition with the loads we're sporting. This sure made carrying these outrageous loads easier. So now we're in the tents resting up for another big day. The crew is psyched to get up to camp at 9600', and has certainly demonstrated the strength to do it. I'm lucky to be in the company of such a strong, nice bunch of climbers. Talk to you from 9600'. RMI Guides Brent Okita, Christina Dale an JT Schmitt

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Denali Expedition: Okita & Team Prep and Pack in Talkeetna

May 20, 2017 A visit to the National Park Service to sign in for our expedition followed our team meeting this morning. Good stuff was covered at both get togethers, and set the tone for a safe, fun, and otherwise successful trip. And then the work began, starting with checking the ton of gear we all have, the group gear and food we'll be taking, and packing all this stuff up so we can actually move someplace tomorrow. We certainly couldn't have fit more into the day. As we were working, the clouds of the morning finally gave way to clear skies this evening, just in time for us to enjoy a last dinner together under an Alaskan sun that never really sets. Halibut, reindeer meatloaf and local brews were on order - menu items we'll not see for some time. We're all really enjoying one another's company already, and I look forward to starting our climb in the morning, provided the skies stay reasonably clear overnight. We'll be in touch tomorrow, hopefully from the Kahiltna Glacier. RMI Guides Brent, Christina and JT
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Wishing the team good weather tomorrow.
Wanted the team to know Tommy makes the best pizza!
We love the reports!
Love to Tommy and Alex
Aunt Elisa and Uncle Garrick

Posted by: Aunt Elisa and Uncle Garrick on 5/28/2017 at 5:48 pm

Hello JT,
Looks like you are making great progress! I sent the blog to the entire fam, so we are all checking the blog daily and talk about your progress constantly.

I am so grateful for this blog. It really helps to alleviate the mom worry :)

Good luck to you and all your team. Sounds like you have a wonderful group!

Love you,

Posted by: ellen smith eaton on 5/25/2017 at 8:29 am

Denali Expedition: Okita & Team Arrive Anchorage and Transfer to Talkeetna

May 19, 2017 The rain fell as we debarked from the plane after touching down at Anchorage International Airport. With three hours before meeting the team Christina, JT and I reviewed paperwork and plans for the trip. Then, one by one folks started showing up, with everyone gathered well before our 4:30 departure. A good sign of things you come. We had plenty of time to get to know each other while awaiting our shuttle to Talkeetna and I was struck by the ease of conversation between everyone right from the start. Having climbed with most everyone already it was fun to catch up with folks. By dinner time the mood was even looser as we enjoyed a nice meal at the West Rib. Most of the team showed restraint in passing up calls to have 'one' at the world famous Fairview Inn, but for those of us who showed weakness and entered those decadent halls, a proper tradition was upheld. The music wasn't half bad either. It's now time for some rest as tomorrow promises to be quite busy as we prepare for our flight on to the mountain on Sunday. I'm really looking forward to getting that one step closer to the climb we've all been waiting for for so long. Goodnight from Talkeetna, elevation 300'. RMI Guide Brent Okita
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Mt. Rainier: Grom & Team Abort Summit Attempt Due to Route Conditions

The Mt. Rainier Four Day Summit Climb, led by Casey Grom and Christina Dale, turned at 12,800’ due to route conditions. The weather was mixed snow showers this morning and they received 14-18" of new snow overnight. The team is currently on their way back to Camp Muir.
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Everest Base Camp Trek: Grom & Team Take in the Majestic Views on Their Trek Out

Hello again. It was a nice warm day here on our final hike to Lukla. We started early to beat the traffic and made good time, yet taking time to enjoy this peaceful and majestic place. There were still dozens of loads headed for basecamp as always, because much of the needed supplies arrive via plane or from a few days further down hill via mules. We ran into a few friends including one of RMI's finest guides Mike Haugen, headed up for his second summit. The entire team is doing well and relieved to be off of our feet for a bit. With a little luck we hope to be back in Kathmandu tomorrow morning. Keep your fingers crossed for us. RMI Guide Casey Grom and a happy crew

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Way to go guys!! So excited for your climb and praying for your safety!

Posted by: Jillian on 4/3/2017 at 2:07 pm

Everest Base Camp Trek: Grom & Team Back in Namche Bazaar

Hello again everyone! All is still well here in the Khumbu as the team members made our way back into Namche. It was a super busy day on the trail with climbers, trekkers, yaks, and porters all bound uphill to basecamp. We slowly made our way through the maze of traffic and enjoyed one last good view of Everest. Along the way we ran into several old friends from my past trips and stopped to wish everyone good luck. Tomorrow we'll be moving out early on our final leg of the journey back to Lukla. So please keep you fingers crossed we have good weather and can make our flight back to Kathmandu the following morning. RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew

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Everest Base Camp Trek: Grom & Team Enjoy Time at Everest Base Camp

We left Everest Base Camp today after a very comfortable and enjoyable stay. The team has enjoyed the trek through the Khumbu Valley, but without a doubt, our Base Camp set up had the nicest dining room, cleanest bathroom, and most enjoyable shower we've experienced. The team enjoyed a few last views of the glacier and surrounding mountains as we retraced our way back down valley, pausing occasionally to allow the Yak trains to pass with their important cargo that will help the Mt. Everest Expeditions succeed. We hiked for seven hours today and descended more than 3,000' back to Pheriche. Needless to say the team is feeling good and enjoying the thicker air. RMI Guide Casey Grom

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Grom & Team Summit Kala Patar and Arrive at Everest Base Camp

Monday, March 27th, 10:00 pm PST Hey, everybody this is Casey Grom checking in from Everest Base Camp. Just wanted to let you know that the Base Camp Trek team finally made it into camp yesterday afternoon. We had a nice climb or hike of Kala Patar, which is the high point of our trip, a little over 18,000 feet and then dropped back down and made a three-hour hike into Base Camp behind a long line of about 150 yaks bringing in all the gear and food and things necessary for the expeditions over here this season. Last night the phone was really cold so it didn't hold a charge. I had to get it fired up this morning so we could reach out to you guys and let you know we're doing great. A beautiful sunny day, a little bit windy here today as you can probably hear. The team's doing great, and we just wrapped up a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and plenty of coffee. Thankfully our base camp crew just got the nice hot shower operational, and so we're going to take our take our time and let everybody get washed up, cleaned up. If we can we're going to do a short little walk here around camp, and then if all goes well our plan is to have dinner here tonight, spend one more night, and then head back down hill tomorrow. RMI Guide Casey Grom

RMI Guide Casey Grom calls in from Everest Base Camp.

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Congrats, Linda! Sounds like an amazing trip. We just watched a video on YouTube of a full basecamp trek to get an idea of the experience. Have a safe trip back. -Ben and Jamie.

Posted by: Ben Beckley on 3/29/2017 at 3:14 am

Congratulations to the group on getting to Base Camp.  Sounds like a great adventure. Can’t wait to hear all the details and see the photos. Safe travels back down.

Posted by: Neal White Bernie Mahan on 3/28/2017 at 8:19 pm

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