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Denali Expedition: Okita & Team Cruise to 9,600’ Camp

Two days of carrying huge loads is finally over. We have single carried to Camp 2 at 9600' and are ready to start packing lighter loads as we begin the routine of making double carries to get all our gear and food up the mountain. What has impressed me most about this team is not just their strength, but their ability to endure and toil under mammoth loads without complaint. This is a special group. Our weather has been snowy, but not bad enough to keep us in our tents. That said, we did set up our Posh House this afternoon which serves as our cook tent and dining room in one. It's warmth and comfort allow us some fun and social time that provides a really nice balance to our climbing. And what was on the menu tonight? Burritos with all the fixings. Yeah, we eat well up here. We sure as hec deserve it. Ok. That's a wrap for the night. Tomorrow we move to 11,200' camp, if the weather gods allow. RMI Guides Brent Okita, Christina Dale and JT Schmitt

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