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Denali Expedition: Okita & Team Arrive at 11,200’ Camp

Another cloudy, snowy day greeted us this morning but didn't stop us from pushing on. Typical of weather on the Kahiltna Glacier, there was enough new snow and poor visibility to make the going difficult, but certainly not enough to call it a storm day and relax in the tents. Upon reaching camp at 11,200' the sun broke through and we were treated to our first sunshine of the trip. What a nice welcome. The sun sticks around late here, and we've enjoyed every bit of it, hanging out in the Posh for a couple hot drinks and sharing stories. Tomorrow we look forward to our easiest day when we just need to retrieve the cache we buried at 10,000'. The forecast calls for a little storm to brush by us tomorrow or the next day, but I don't see any sign of that yet. If it does, we'll just dig in and enjoy a rest day I guess. Everyone's climbing super well and in good spirits. Good night from 11,200'. RMI Guides Brent Okita, Christina Dale and JT Schmitt

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