Entries By abby westling
Posted by: Casey Grom, Abby Westling, Nicole De Petris, Trevor Katz, Bailey Servais, Robert Whyte
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 10,188'
The Four-Day climb led by Casey Grom and Abby Westling enjoyed the sunrise from Muir Peak this morning. After extreme temperatures in the forecast and a very warm night, RMI guide, Casey grom reported that the team was already starting to bake in th sun at around 7am this morning. The team is currently on their descent and return to Basecamp this afternoon.
Nice work team!
Posted by: Andy Bond, Jess Wedel, Abby Westling, Josh Geiser, Bailey Servais, Calvin Jiricko
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,200'

The Four Day Climb August 7 - 10 led by RMI Guides Andy Bond & Jess Wedel did not reach the summit today due to gusty winds. The teams left Camp Muir on their alpine start but turned around at Ingraham Flats due to wind. The teams returned to Camp Muir and climbed Muir peak to enjoy the sunrise. Photos above are from RMI Guide Calvin Jiricko.
The teams plan to descend from Camp Muir after 9 am today. We expect them to return to Rainier BaseCamp in the early afternoon.
Posted by: Pete Van Deventer, Abby Westling, Mike Bennett, Raymond Holt
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Emmons led by RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer reached the summit of Mt. Rainier at 8:15 am today. Utilizing a less traveled route on the northeastern side of Mt. Rainier, our Expedition Skills Seminar – Emmons captures the best aspects of summer climbing on Mt. Rainier's far-flung glaciers. The Emmons Glacier route is truly an endurance climb, beginning on the forested Glacier Basin Trail and ending on the glacier-capped summit of Mt. Rainier.
The team has one more night on the mountain and a full day of skills training before descending tomorrow. Congratulations Team!
Posted by: Dustin Wittmier, Abby Westling, Daniel May, Nick Sinapius, Ben Thorneycroft, Will Nash
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
The Four Day Climb July 12 - 15 led by RMI Guides Dustin Wittmier & Abby Westling reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. Dustin reported sunny skies and winds from the west at 20 mph, which was less than forecasted. The teams were leaving the crater rim just after 7 am today for their return to Camp Muir. Once at Muir they will have a short rest before continuing 4,500' down to Paradise.
Congratulations to today's climbing teams!
Aislinn and Ali,
Congratulations on your successful climb! Elation at Elevation 14,410.
We are so proud and happy for you❤️❤️❤️
Posted by: Mom/Shane and Dad/Stanford on 7/16/2023 at 10:00 am
Posted by: Abby Westling, Ben Luedtke
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'

The Five Day Climbing team with RMI Guides Abby Westling and Ben Luedtke climbed last night and reached the summit as the sun was setting. The team spent their first day on the mountain with an acclimatization climb to Ingraham Flats. On day two they took advantage of a full night’s rest and chose to do a sunset climb, a rare and special treat for the climbers to see the stunning alpenglow on Mt. Rainier.
Congratulations Team!
Congrats on a spectacular summit!
Posted by: Nick R on 7/11/2023 at 8:45 pm
RMI Guide Abby Westling and the Emmons Seminar June 25 - 30 reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. They reached the summit around 6:30 am on a beautiful, clear day. After several days of training and climbing the team put it all together to reach the top. The team will return to Camp Schurman today for their last night on the mountain. They will descend to the White River trailhead tomorrow afternoon and make the drive back to Ashford.
Congratulations Emmons team!
Posted by: Abby Westling, Ellison Boord, Raymond Holt
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
The team of American Lung Association (ALA) climbers on the Four Day Climb June 19 - 22 led by RMI Guide Abby Westling reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. The climbers enjoyed blue skies and sunshine on their ascent and were able to spend some time in the crater. Abby and the team started their descent from the crater rim around 8:30 am en route to Camp Muir. Once back at camp, they will get a short rest before continuing down to Paradise. The program ends this evening with a celebration for the team members for their hardwork and contributions to the American Lung Association.
Congratulations to today's climbers!
Congrats team! Such an amazing accomplishment.
Posted by: Steve Albert on 6/22/2023 at 8:24 pm
Congratulations to the whole team!
Excellent job on your climbing accomplishments! You all did a fantastic job raising money for the “ Clean Breathe “ cause. To my daughter Lori 25 years ago you worried me to death! I had no idea what I was going to do if something happened and I had to raise your children NOW 25 years later I couldn’t sleep with worry , if something happened to you who would take care of me ? LOL! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments! Love Mom and Dad Hooper
Posted by: “Dad and Mom” Hooper on 6/22/2023 at 9:33 am
Posted by: Mike Walter, Abby Westling, Emma Lyddan
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 348'
Sunday, June 4, 2023 - 11:33 am PT
Well, Denali didn't disappoint, nor did it ever relent, but we've wrapped up a safe and successful expedition. Stormy weather bookended our trip, delaying flights both onto and off of the glacier. Not to be outdone, we endured snowy and windy weather throughout the trip, taking advantage of the sunny days in between to climb and get into position for a calm and warm (albeit cloudy with no views) summit day.
Our team was elated to see K2 Aviation's de Havilland Otters approaching Basecamp to pick us up. As excited as we were to get to town, there's always a little sadness watching the beauty of the Alaska Range, our home for the past twenty-three days, disappear underneath the wings of the ski plane.
Thanks for following our adventure. Now we're off to climb in the Cascades!
RMI Guide Mike Walter and team
Just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone there. Rich is back in Thailand, just got done reading his journal. FaceTimed with him earlier, he had a lot to say about Mike being a beast lol. Thanks Mike for taking care of my son. A very proud mom down here, so glad he got to the summit. Bad weather seems to prevent him from summiting, so this was awesome.
Enjoy the Cascades.
Posted by: Kim on 6/4/2023 at 4:14 pm
Posted by: Mike Walter, Abby Westling, Emma Lyddan
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 7,200'
June 1, 2023, 5:13 pm PDT
After a successful summit day we descended from high camp to 14k Camp for the night. After a hearty burrito breakfast we descended to base camp, a 10-hour trek. We had excellent weather and perfect snow conditions for our lengthy descent. Unfortunately, snow returned in the morning and we were unable to fly off the glacier. K2 Aviation has pilots and planes on standby to come pick us up when the weather breaks. Who knows when that will be, but until then our climbers are dreaming of hot showers, cold beers, real food, and flush toilets. Nothing is easy about climbing Denali, and this final hurdle is testing our climbers'mettle. Hopefully we'll see the skies soon and the dreams will come to fruition. Fingers crossed.
RMI Guide Mike Walter and team
Excellent everyone! Hang in there!!
Posted by: Jamie on 6/3/2023 at 11:51 am
I’m so proud of you Scott! I can’t wait to hear all about it!
Posted by: Debbie Eldridge on 6/3/2023 at 4:13 am
Posted by: Mike Walter, Abby Westling, Emma Lyddan
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 20,310'
The RMI May 7th Denali Expedition led by RMI Guide Mike Walter, reached the summit of Denali Monday May 29th. The team has safely returned to their 17,000' and will continue their descent to the airstrip over the next few days.
Congratulations to all the climbers!
Hey Mike, Just wanted to say Hello from your old friend The Leprechaun. I made life long friends on that trip. Hope your still laughing.
Posted by: DAVID E WOODS on 3/26/2024 at 10:58 am
Mike Walter: How many consecutive summits is this for you on Denali?! Congratulations!
Posted by: Lee Hoedl on 6/22/2023 at 10:08 am
Great decision making on behalf of the guides. Safety first, Summit second.
Posted by: Lee Hoedl on 8/15/2023 at 3:43 pm
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